
🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: 'Scribble & Author' Miri Leshem-Pelly

Miri Leshem-Pelly is the author-illustrator of 14 children’s books. She’s also illustrated 14 books for other writers. When Miri isn’t writing she can be found speaking at schools, kindergartens and libraries. She is invited to do more than 200 presentations with her books per year. Miri is also a Regional Advisor for SCBWI (Society of Children’s book writers & illustrators).

Miri is represented by Olswanger Literary Agency.

Miri’s works have won awards and her illustrations have been shown on several exhibitions.
Miri lives in Israel with her husband and two children, and loves reading books and going on nature hikes.

Her latest book is Scribble & Author.



About the Book:

Scribble & Author is written as a dialogue between the main character, Scribble, and the author who created her. 
Scribble's journey starts on a peaceful shore called THE BEGINNING, continues to the rough, adventurous MIDDLE, and leads finally to the gate of THE ENDING, but it’s not at all what Scribble expected… Scribble is a scribble and Author is an author, but who really gets to tell the tale?
A picture book about finding your own voice, making your own decisions, and writing your own story.
Watch the book trailer at Vimeo.


As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book?

The idea for the book Scribble & Author came when I was thinking about the interesting conflict between authors and their characters. On one hand, we love our characters with all our hearts. On the other hand - we make them suffer… We make our characters face problems and challenges, then make the situation even worse for the poor protagonists. We, authors, have to do it, because that’s what makes the story interesting. So I imagined a situation where an author and his character meet and interact. How would the character react when the author puts him/her into trouble? How would the author react when his character doesn’t want to follow the story line? This thought led me to begin writing the story of Scribble & Author.

Can you tell us what your book is about?

Scribble & Author is the story of a character who is a little scribble on the page. The author is also a character in this story. He creates the land of story for Scribble to explore and talks with Scribble as he is creating the story. Scribble walks on the path of story and enters the gates of Beginning, Middle and End. Scribble wants, more than anything, to find a friend. On her journey, Scribble walks through some challenging places such as The River of Questions and the Mountain of Challenge, but she must finds creative solutions to overcome the obstacles if she wants to find her promised friend. Would she find him?

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Scribble, the main character, is just that - a scribble. The book starts with a description of how Scribble is created:
“A color spot,
some pencil lines,
and here you are…

Scribble is a child-like character, curious to discover the world. She is very creative and imaginative, and her solutions for problems and obstacles on her way are very surprising. Her biggest wish is to find a friend, and for that she is willing to go through challenges and overcome fears. She doesn’t always follow the rules of the story, and that’s one of the most interesting parts of this book - who really gets to tell the tale, the author or the character?

The second character in the book is Author, which is the author-illustrator who creates the story of Scribble. We do not see him in the illustrations, only “hear” his voice as he is talking with his character, Scribble. He is encouraging and supportive of Scribble, and doesn’t solve the problems for her. In the illustrations we see his tools: the pencil, the brush, the eraser etc. Scribble uses these tools, sometimes in an unexpected way.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

I would tell my younger writing self to learn the craft of writing a story. When I started writing, I didn’t learn how to write. Now, after attending several writing courses and conferences, I know how much it helps to know the structure and elements of stories. I wish I did this learning when I started writing.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I’m not sure if that counts for a writing quirk, but I do a lot of day dreaming and careful observations of the littlest details around me, and I think that these things effect my writing a lot, even though they happen outside of the house. I think that a big part of the writing happens not in front of the computer, but inside my head, while I’m doing other things.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

I do a lot of school visits (around 200 per year) so I get to meet my young readers all the time. For me, this is the best part of being an author. Sometimes kids come to me, all excited, and say things like: “I read your book and now I want to become an author when I grow up.” I think it’s is such an honor to inspire children.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

One of the toughest things for me as an author is getting rejected by agents or publishers. I’ve experienced that a lot. It is very hard, after you put your heart and soul into writing a story, and it is scary to send it out to other people. Then, when you get a rejection, it hurts. But with time, I learned to deal with it, and realized this is an inevitable part of the process of getting published. You get to hear many NO’s until you finally get that one YES.

What has been the best accomplishment?

I’m glad to say that it is hard for me to chose one. I won several illustration awards, I got accepted to a great literary agency, I now got my new book, Scribble & Author, published by an American publishing house, even though I live in Israel. And yet, nothing compares to this moment, as I described before, when I’m talking to a child who’s read my book and I feel how my book touched that child. Those moments feel to me like my biggest accomplishment.

Do you Google yourself?

Sometimes I do… I sometimes google my name or titles of my books, and discover interesting surprises such as reviews I didn’t know about, or Youtube videos of people reading or recommending my books. These are fun discoveries!

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

I write a lot of stories, and I’m part of a critique group, who’s very helpful by the way. Participating in a critique group gives you deadlines, when it’s your time to submit to the group, so I’m motivated to write all the time. Most of the stories I write don’t end up as a story I’m even submitting, because not all of them are good enough. Some of the stories I submitted got rejected to the point that I gave up on them, and only a few have been published. I never counted all of them, but I guess there are a few dozens of stories which are not published and would probably never be. But that’s part of the process to get to the few good ones.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

My readers are children, as well as parents and educators. So if you are a parent or teacher I want to say to you: Don’t give up on books. Today children have many other attractions, but there is nothing like a good book to open up their minds and hearts. At the young age, parents can sit with their children and enjoy the best quality time of reading a story together. This activity would stay with your child forever, so don’t give up on books.

🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: 'I Can Find You' Joss Landry

Joss Landry has worked as a consultant for more than twenty years, writing copy for marketing firms and assisting start-up companies to launch their business. She recently made the switch from composing copy and promos, to writing fiction and prose. She is developing her style through courses and the support of other writers and is presently working on honing three other novels for publication.
Blessed with four children and six grandchildren, she resides in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband, a staunch supporter, and enjoys spending time biking, rollerblading, playing tennis, and swimming. She loves creating stories as she says they fulfill her need to think outside the box.

Her latest book is the urban fantasy/paranormal, I CAN FIND YOU (Emma Willis Series #2).



About the Book:

Title: I CAN FIND YOU (Emma Willis Series #2)
Author: Joss Landry
Publisher: Book Beatles Publishing LTD.
Pages: 372
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal

    Emma just turned fifteen. Her powers have spiraled to include unusual magic, and she gladly relies on Hank and Christina’s friendship to mark the way. Thomas Carson’s feelings for Emma have changed, her aunt Franka tells her—a young man her aunt describes as a young buck whose testosterone plays a big role in his life. 
    New friends around Emma surprise her. They appear to be like nothing she could have imagined, and their goals stir more disturbance than their presence until she bumps into the scourge of her existence: entities who wish to control what humans do and say. She learns they are powerful, vindictive and will stop at nothing to obtain what they want. Will Emma be able to protect the people she loves?



As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book?

Yes. I was following another author’s weekend training of: “Writing a Novel in a Weekend.” The training came in a box during the week, and that weekend, I was alone with the course and followed it to the letter. It demanded that I give it 48 hours without any other distraction, which I did. Well, I mapped out my heroine, her parents and family, and my villain while listening intently to the author’s guidelines. When time was up, I already had four chapters written of I Can See You, the first novel in the Emma Willis Series.

Can you tell us what your book is about?

The book I Can Find You is the second book in the Emma Willis Series. The book is an urban fantasy with some paranormal sneaking in now and then as well as, I hope, some inspirational tendencies. I like to convey messages through the fiction I write. So my stories are all grounded in reality while giving rise to phenomenal occurrences that give hope and a means to accept and be grateful for all the strange possibilities this world offers.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Emma Willis is 15 years old in I Can Find You, and her powers have grown to include some wonderful possibilities. OBE is one of them, and conjuring is another. She can also read people’s mind, and she can transport herself physically from one place to another. Most of her life she has had to hide these tendencies, and only a few friends and her immediate family are aware of some of the things she can do. Emma’s friends are Amelia, who goes to school with her, Tommy who is the one friend her age who knows about her powers, and her fifth-grade school teacher, Christina Tyler and the chief of police, Hank Apple who has relied on her over the years. In this second book, Emma comes into her own and discovers new friends, some of them not even human.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

I believe I would tell myself not to wait until the children are older, but to start writing immediately. We often put it off until later, and I now understand that the delay can be detriment to a writing career. I have four children all very close in ages, so this kept me busy over the years. Still, writing back then would have been soothing and helpful.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

Well, aside from defining my characters and the location, I would say one of my quirks is when I hold the vague idea of a story in my mind, I begin to write and the plots and subplots, the twists and turns, wind their way into the story. In other words, when someone reads the first ten chapters and wants to know what is going to happen next, I can’t tell them. The characters are living out their life, and I report on what it is they are doing.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Yes, well I hear from my readers with the reviews I receive. I also hear from others who liked or loved the book, but who don’t always have the time to write a review. Generally, I would say that the comments are good to excellent.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

I haven’t been around long enough to write about the toughest criticism yet. I guess I will have lots of those as I mosey along, but for now, I can’t pinpoint any. I’m not someone who focuses on criticism. I’m mostly positive in my work, and in my stories. And so, if someone doesn’t find the book interesting, I will move on.

What has been the best accomplishment?

I have obtained excellent Kirkus reviews for the two books I submitted, and I Can See You also won the New Apple Book Award for best fantasy, a medal of honor, and also for the Best Overall Fiction for 2015.

Do you Google yourself?

I’m not quite sure what this question means? Do I look up my name on Google? That might be fun to do. Thanks for putting the idea out.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

I would say I have five completed, unpublished novels. I will have them edited and published them some day. But for now, I have six published books or soon to be published. Four are published. I Can Find You will make five and What About Barnum? will make six.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Sure. “Party on dudes,” from the movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I loved that film. It sported a little fantasy, a little supernatural tendency and conveyed a bright, positive message for future generations. Keanu Reaves starred in it—the same actor who starred in The Matrix. Coincidental? I think not.
Mostly, I wish all my readers an enjoyable ride and an enlightened journey. May you find clarity within the pages of your choice of books, as I believe most fiction novels will awaken us along the way and lead us home.

🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: 'Tapped Out for College Students' Kelley Pryor Amrien & Becki Stevens

Kelley Pryor Amrein is a writer and EFT practitioner. Kelley first discovered Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in 2007. She used EFT personally and with her family before becoming certified as an AAMET Level Two practitioner in 2014. As a coach, Kelley has witnessed the power of EFT to release negative emotions, relieve stress, and lessen physical pain. As the parent of college students, Kelley believes that Tapped Out is a much-needed resource on college campuses, where stress levels are on the rise. The book provides students with a life-long tool, allowing them to easily alleviate stress and enjoy a healthy and successful life.

You can find Kelley on Amazon at and

Becki Stevens is an AAMET certified Advanced EFT Practitioner. For the past two years she has owned a successful EFT practice in southern New Hampshire. She works with people of all ages, including college students, to ease their physical and emotional distress. Becki focuses on how a person’s emotions can sabotage their success. Becki believes that Tapped Out For College Students is an empowering introduction to EFT for college students, giving them a tool they can use throughout their lives to relieve stress and foster healthy relationships, creativity, and overall health.



About the Book:

You’re in college and college is stressful. Your stress impacts every facet of life, from classes to grades to work commitments. Even your physical health can be affected. Studies show that college students like you now face more stress than ever, leaving you with less time for relaxation and self-care. When you’re already overburdened, the idea of finding a way to relieve stress sounds like Tapped Out For College Students: Stress Relief Using EFT, is a guidebook that empowers college students like you, allowing you to reduce your level of stress and opening the door to success in college and in life.

one more way to add extra stress to your life. But, what if you can relieve the stress of college in minutes? What if homework didn’t have to be so hard, and you did have time for school and fun?

In Tapped Out, college students are introduced to our unique BESD (Because, Emotions, Sensations, and Distress) system, which easily guides them through the tapping process. Once you’ve defined your personal BESD related to a specific issue, you can easily translate this into a tapping session. The book is full of tapping scripts relating to the most common stress-inducing issues you face in college. Students can tap through the scripts as they are written, or they can personalize them, using the responses they develop using the BESD system. 

The Table of Contents is the perfect starting place, allowing students to pinpoint their issue and flip to the appropriate section of the book. Some of the topics covered in the book include time management, homework, exams, relationships, money, health, and preparing for the real world following college.
Students no longer have to be stressed throughout their college career. With Tapped Out as a companion, college students can face the college landscape calmly. This unique book, intended to be used as and when needed, empowers students to control their reactions and respond to each situation successfully. College is stressful. Tapped Out for College Students can help.



As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book?

Hi Book Bloggin’ Princess. Thanks for having us on your blog. To answer your question, we came up with the idea for our book in January of 2016 when we were both setting up new offices. Kelley’s daughter we going through a stressful time in college and she said she’d love a book for college students using Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT, an energy therapy that easily allows you to release stress and negative emotions. At that time, no book like this existed. Becki suggested we write the book and fill the void. We are happy to say that we did just that with Tapped Out For College Students: Stress Relief Using EFT (Tapped Out).

Can you tell us what your book is about?
Tapped Out is a guidebook that introduces readers to EFT, or Tapping. EFT is a non-invasive energy therapy using gentle finger tapping on specific meridian points beneath the surface of the skin. The meridians, from Chinese medicine, create energy pathways throughout the body. By tapping on the points identified in EFT, you are able to access all the major energy circuits and find relief because EFT smooths out disruptions in your energy system.

In the book, students are introduced to the BESD, a system we developed to easily guide the tapping process. Once the students define their personal BESD related to a specific issue, or the Because, Emotions, Sensations and level of Distress related to the issue, they can easily translate this into a tapping session. The book is full of tapping scripts covering the most common stress-inducing issues students face. College students can tap through the scripts as is, or can personalize them using the words they’ve discovered as they determined their own BESD answers.

Can you give us an excerpt?
We’ve provided an excerpt from Tapped Out that includes a tapping script to reduce stress. If you aren’t familiar with EFT or Tapping, head to our website, where we have a tapping diagram and a tapping video to guide you through the process.

Too Much
College is busy and stressful. Stress causes the release of cortisol and cortisol muddles your brain. This makes studying and completing your work more difficult.14 EFT helps to relax and dissipate the cortisol, clearing your brain so you can think better. Tap it out to reduce your stress. This is time well spent because it actually buys you more time. Once you relax, the entire studying process is much easier. Tap, relax, refocus and good luck.
Because: I have too much studying to do...I can’t get it done...My grades might suffer
Emotions: Stressed and exhausted
Sensation: Can’t sleep
Distress: 0-10____________
KC: Even though I am stressed and exhausted because I have too much studying to do...I can’t sleep because I’m so stressed, I accept myself and how I feel.
KC: Even though I have all of this stress because I have so much studying to do...I am worried that I can’t get it all done and my grades will suffer, I accept myself and how I feel.
KC: Even though I am stressed and exhausted because I have too much studying to do and if I don’t get it done my grades might suffer, I accept myself and how I feel.
EB: I have so much studying to do
SE: Every professor gives homework
UE: And it is all due at the same time
UN: I have so much to do and I’m not sure I can get it all done
CP: I’m stressed and exhausted
CB: Just trying to keep get it all done
UA: With all this stress I can’t sleep
TH: I have to get it all done or my grades might suffer
EB: All this stress because of all the studying I have to do
SE: I’m so stressed I can’t sleep
UE: I’m stressed, exhausted, worried about my grades
UN: Why do all of my professors give so much homework?
CP: I’m so stressed out I can’t even sleep
CB: Exhausted, stressed and overworked
UA: I have to get it all done or I screw up my grades
TH: I’m so stressed out and exhausted because of all this studying
Take a deep breath and assess your level of distress. Continue to tap, repeating this script, until your level of distress is a 2 or below.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

We’d advise any writers out there to keep at it. Writing is a rewarding but challenging venture. Don’t allow the challenges of writing to keep you from pursuing your writing goals. There will always be resistance, showing up as reasons not to write. Don’t listen to the resistance. Keep at it. You’ll be so much happier if you do, and you’ll be able to accomplish your writing goals.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?
Becki’s recently learned about her interesting writing quirk. She didn’t realize she spoke out loud while she was writing until a colleague stopped to ask who she was talking to while sitting in her empty office.

Kelley realized a long time ago that she’s verbose and likes to add lots of big words to her writing. When she starts reading what she’s written out loud, she hears the extra junk and happily edits it out.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

We’ve received great responses from the college students who have read and used our book. Teachers, administrators, and tutors have complimented the book and love the tapping process we introduce. We’ve even had really good responses from adults who long ago finished college but love our process and find the book useful in their personal lives.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

We’ve been very fortunate to have had nothing but helpful comments and useful advice from the readers of the book. We’ve also had excellent support on the technical side of the publishing experience.

If we had experienced any tough criticism, we’d follow our own advice and tap it out!

What has been the best accomplishment?

Our biggest accomplishment is the fact that we were able to work so well together. We’ve both enjoyed the process and learned much from the co-authoring experience. We’ve loved it so much that we’ve started planning the next book, Tapped Out For College Bound High School Students and Their Parents.

Do you Google yourself?

Becki’s ten-year-old daughter keeps us up-to-date on our Google status.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

As a writing team, we have one book we are working on as a companion to Tapped Out for College Students, called Tapped Out For College Bound High School Students and Their Parents . This June, 2017, we will release a journal, Tapped Out, A Guided Journal Using EFT to Overcome Stress, to accompany our books.

Kelley also writes fiction under her pen name, KD Pryor.  She has two published YA novels, is working on the third in that series, and is nearing completion on her first novel in the women’s fiction genre.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

We created Tapped Out to empower our readers to release stress and negative emotions so they can live a healthier, happier and more abundant life. We really are passionate about our book and we know tapping works. We’ve experience the benefits for ourselves and we’ve been honored to guide our clients to success with tapping. We hope our readers never stop tapping. We’d love to hear from you about your tapping experiences and any questions you have. You can contact us via our website at and at

🏰 Pre-Order Blitz: Seduction Squad: Tainted by Amanda Stewart

Author: Amanda Stewart
Publisher: Carina Press
Pages: 111
Genre: Erotic Romance

The members of Seduction Squad are beautiful, skillful and deadly. Trained in the twin arts of seduction and assassination, their mission is to discover the darkest secrets of the world's most powerful men.

Sex, secrets and slaughter

On Christie Mason's eighteenth birthday, crime boss Theo Ward took her virginity and walked out of her life without a backward glance. She's quietly nursed a broken heart for ten years, but now, all signs point to Theo having masterminded her father's downfall. For that, "Uncle Theo" will pay.

In exchange for induction into the Seduction Squad, Christie will gain access to Theo's lavish floating sex party and take out a powerful Colombian politician—one of the Squad's untouchable targets.

What she'll do to Theo is her reward.

Christie hadn't bargained on her body betraying her, or on Theo still being all she ever wanted. And while Theo can't get enough of Christie, he's suspicious—and on borrowed time: Christie's not the only party guest out for revenge.




Book Excerpt:

“Theo Ward is out to get me.” My father had said that just before his arrest.

“Theo did this.” His last words as they took him down to the cells. He killed himself later that day.

Now I was out to get Theo Ward. I had nothing to lose. After the scandal of my father’s disgrace, my business had taken a nose dive into oblivion. My social life had died along with it. Invitations had dried up, friends had stopped calling, acquaintances…well, I didn’t seem to have any. I had gone from socialite to outcast in a single, tarnished bound.

I learned about the Seduction Squad from my father. We had never been close, but we had made those prison visits count. For the first time, we had really talked to each other. And we had touched on the subject of Theo. The man whose life was so closely entwined with ours. I hadn’t gotten the whole story, but my father had finally mentioned his name.

“Bastard is bulletproof. Even the Seduction Squad can’t get close.” My father’s voice had been bitter.

“Seduction Squad?” 

He had clammed up then and it had taken some time to pry the details from him. He said it wasn’t the sort of thing a man discussed with his daughter. Eventually, he told me. Over the years, my holier-than-thou father had used the services of a unique organization to find out his enemies’ secrets. That organization was known as the Seduction Squad.

Even though I was shocked to discover this hypocritical side of my father, I was fascinated. To someone brought up protected from anything remotely erotic, it sounded so glamorous. The Seduction Squad were the modern-day equivalent of Mata Hari, the infamous spy who used her body to entice powerful men to part with secrets. The Squad was based on the sixteenth-century team known as the Escuadrón Volante, or Flying Squadron. Working on the orders of the French Queen, Catherine de’ Medici, they were a hand-picked team of beautiful courtesans who had ensnared the most influential men in the land.

The Seduction Squad was a private company. Governments, businesses, even wealthy individuals such as my father, paid its manager, a woman known as the Signora, millions for the services of its members.

Moderation had never appealed to me. If I was going to get my revenge on Theo, it was going to be absolute. I was going to make him pay for that night ten years ago and for the pain I had endured ever since. He was going to regret ruining my father out of petty spite and causing his death. And it turned out the Signora had a very lucrative contract lined up…one that could only be fulfilled if she could get an operative on board The Dark Side.

I knew now, of course, that being part of the squad wasn’t glamorous. My induction had been grueling and gritty. I had learned my new trade from an experienced sex worker and a trained assassin. There had been times when I thought I wouldn’t make the grade. Times when I hoped I wouldn’t.

After a particularly hard day, Jake, the squad’s Head of Security, had taken me to one side.

“You look like the princess who has escaped from a fairytale, but no matter what I throw at you—kickboxing, pistol shooting, assault course—you come out on top. What is it with you? Do you need the money?” The squad paid well and the Signora looked after her girls.

“No. I have an old score to settle.” I had smiled. “But when I’ve done that, the money is going to help.”

At the end of my training, Jake had handed me a graduation present. It was a T-shirt with a picture of a cute kitten holding a blood-stained machete between its paws. The words Killer Pussy were embroidered underneath. “Only Seduction Squad members can understand what those words really mean.” He had unzipped his jacket to show me he was wearing the same design. “And me, because I live with one.” Although they were totally professional when they were together, I had discovered from some of the other girls that Jake and the Signora were an item.

I had brought the T-shirt with me on this cruise, even though I figured I wouldn’t get a chance to wear it. It was a reminder of what I had been through to get here.

There was still plenty of time before I needed to dress in the clothes that would take me back in time. I sank lower in the water, sliding my hand between my legs. Closing my eyes, I pictured Theo’s face. His looks had a devilish edge, like a fallen angel or a hell-raising rock star. With pale skin and thick black hair that always managed to look tousled…as if he—or maybe someone else—had been dragging impatient fingers through it. His features were carved from granite with a determined, stubbled chin and cheekbones so chiseled they should be illegal. But it was his eyes. The memory of those onyx depths, so dark it was impossible to distinguish between the pupil and iris. If the eyes were the window to the soul, the bleak, beautiful intensity of Theo’s gaze held its own warning.

About the Author

Amanda Stewart writes erotic romance for Carina Press. “Just erotic. Nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken.” (Terry Pratchett)
She lives in England and loves to read and travel, trying to combine to two as often as she can. Amanda is married to a lovely man, is mum to two grown up children, and has recently discovered the joy of being a grandmother. 

Amanda Stewart also writes paranormal romance and romantic suspense as Jane Godman.




Amanda Stewart is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card & ePub Copy of SEDUCTION SQUAD: TAINTED!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive both $25 Amazon Gift Card & ePub copy of SEDUCTION SQUAD: TAINTED
  • This giveaway ends midnight July 7.
  • Winner will be contacted via email on July 8.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: 'The Call House' C.P. Stiles

C.P. Stiles lives and writes in Washington, DC. The Call House: A Washington Novel is her first published novel, but she has a drawerful of new novels just waiting to be published.  







As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book?

About 15 years ago, a friend gave me a book called Washington Confidential. It wasn’t a great book, but there was an item in it about the best-known, high-priced call house on the East Coast operating out of an apartment building in a residential neighborhood. I used to pass that building on my way to work. I wanted to know more about it.

Can you tell us what your book is about?

The book is about that call house – the young women who work there, the men who visit. It’s also about what was going on in Washington, DC, right before World War II, when
the police and the FBI declared a war on vice.

Fiction Authors: Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

There’s Mattie Simon, a young woman from Smyrna, Tennessee, who comes to Washington looking for adventure. Andrew Stevens is a freshman congressman, from Muskegon, Michigan, who’s trying to do what’s best for the country. And there’s Daniel Granger, who had to drop out of college and join the police force, even though it doesn’t really suit him.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

I once read an article that talked about the difference between being serious about your work and taking yourself too seriously. I would tell my younger self, don’t take it all so seriously. Just keep on going.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

So far, I’ve only heard from readers I know. What they say is that they enjoyed the book. What I like best is when they tell me they couldn’t put it down. My favorite comment was one reader said it was a “page flipper or whatever you call it when you’re reading an eBook.”

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

The very first time I wrote a novel, I had great hopes for it. I sent it to an agent and it came back almost the next day. I gave it to another agent who was also a friend and he told me it wasn’t good enough to be published. My husband and I went out and had a proper wake for the book so I could put it aside and start the next one.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

That’s a great question. I’m afraid to count. Every time I go back in that stack of papers I have near my desk, I’m always surprised to find some story I didn’t remember starting. Right now, I’m trying to get back to two books that I started. I have two others that I finished, sent out, and put away.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

In the beginning of my book, I have a note to readers – if it’s all right with you, I’ll just repeat it here.
Dear Readers:
This story is based on actual events that took place in Washington, DC, during the early 1940s. All the names have been changed; most of the incidents have been invented; all of the conversations have been imagined.
It is not my intention to glamorize or romanticize prostitution—the women who ran this particular call house did try to protect the other women who worked there.
Please understand the portrayals of the DC police and the FBI are meant in fun. Both are more competent and less sinister. Most of the time.

🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: 'Chasing Hindy' Darin Gibby

In addition to a thriving career as a novelist, author Darin Gibby is also one of the country’s premiere patent attorneys and a partner at the prestigious firm of Kilpatrick Townsend ( With over twenty years of experience in obtaining patents on hundreds of inventions from the latest drug delivery systems to life-saving cardiac equipment, he has built IP portfolios for numerous Fortune 500 companies. In addition to securing patents, Gibby helps clients enforce and license their patents around the world, and he has monetized patents on a range of products.

Darin’s first book, Why Has America Stopped Inventing?, explored the critical issue of America’s broken patent system.  His second book, The Vintage Club, tells the story of a group of the world’s wealthiest men who are chasing a legend about a wine that can make you live forever. His third book, Gil, is about a high school coach who discovers that he can pitch with deadly speed and is given an offer to play with the Rockies during a player’s strike. Gil soon discovers, however, that his unexpected gift is the result of a rare disease, and continuing to pitch may hasten his own death.
With a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and a Master of Business Administration degree, he is highly regarded in Denver’s legal and business community as a patent strategist, business manager, and community leader. He is also a sought-after speaker on IP issues at businesses, colleges and technology forums, where he demonstrates the value of patents using simple lessons from working on products such as Crocs shoes, Izzo golf straps and Trek bicycles.
An avid traveler and accomplished triathlete, Darin also enjoys back country fly-fishing trips and skiing in the Rocky Mountains. He lives in Denver with his wife, Robin, and their four children.
His latest book is the thriller, Chasing Hindy.



About the Book:

ADDY’S DREAM AS a patent attorney is to help bring a ground breaking energy technology to the
world. Addy’s hopes soar when she is wooed by Quinn, an entrepreneur, to join his company that has purportedly invented a car that can run on water using an innovative catalyst. After resigning her partnership to join Quinn, Addy discovers things aren’t as they seem. The patent office suppresses the company’s patent applications and her life is threatened by unknown assailants if she doesn’t resign.

When she is arrested for stealing US technology from the patent office she realizes Quinn has used her. Now, Addy must find a way to clear her name while salvaging her dream of propelling this technology to the world, all while powerful forces attempt to stop her.


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As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book?

The genesis behind Chasing Hindy came from a surprising source—a hypnotist. When I was in high school, we had an assembly where a hypnotist put a group of volunteers under hypnosis. One of the questions he asked them was what would be the fuel of the future. What fuel would people pump into their tank? Almost without exception they all said, “water!” The hypnotist then told the audience that every time he asked that question he received the same answer.

That was several decades ago, but I’ve always wondered whether that could possibly be true—and why all these people thought we’d all be driving cars that used water. In the following years, I realized that a car wouldn’t run on water per se, but from hydrogen that is extracted from water. The question, of course, is that if we know how to produce hydrogen, why aren’t there hydrogen cars? The answer is quite simple. As an engineer and patent attorney I know the science behind extracting hydrogen from water. The problem is that it takes more energy to do this than to just run a car on gasoline, or even electricity.

But what if somebody invented a way to make it happen? That’s the germ of an idea that led to Chasing Hindy.

Can you tell us what your book is about?

Chasing Hindy tells the story of Addy who, as a patent attorney, has a dream to help bring a ground breaking energy technology to the world. Addy’s hopes soar when she is wooed by Quinn, an entrepreneur, to join his company that has purportedly invented a car that can run on water using an innovative catalyst. After resigning her partnership to join Quinn, Addy discovers things aren’t as they seem. The patent office suppresses the company’s patent applications and her life is threatened by unknown assailants if she doesn’t resign.

When she is arrested for stealing US technology from the patent office she realizes Quinn has used her. Now, Addy must find a way to clear her name while salvaging her dream of propelling this technology to the world, all while powerful forces attempt to stop her.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

For me, a good character is far more difficult than finding a story idea. Not only does the character need to make the story line happen, but the readers need to relate to what the character is experiencing. I struggled with such a character for years, and, in fact, rewrote the book several times with other characters that just didn’t seem to work.

What made the story finally click was my discovery of Addy—a patent attorney with a dream to change the world. I decided on a female character (who was also a patent attorney) for several reasons. Perhaps the main reason was that female patent attorneys are in short supply and I wanted to encourage women to enter the profession. So I created Addy to hopefully show what a difference one person can make, and through her experience more women would want to become patent attorneys. What I love about Addy is her determination to make the world a better place, no matter the cost.

The other main character is Addy’s law partner, Perry, who is a crotchety old attorney who adamantly opposes Addy’s decision to leave the firm on what he considers a false dream. But people can change, and it is Perry who ultimately saves Addy and makes her dream happen.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Learn how to write well. While marketing a book is really hard, if you don’t have a good book to start with, you have no chance.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I like to move stories along, so my writing is to the point. I like to have the story show how my characters develop, rather than being a narrator who constantly tells the reader what the characters are thinking.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

I do. My favorite story is from a woman who recently read my last book, Gil. She said that she was so moved that she keeps the book on her nightstand to remind her of her experience.

Also, I was at the gym the other day and the cycling instructor stopped the class to say that she’d just read a great book and then pointed to me and congratulated me on the book.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

I had another author who told me my book was a “C”.

What has been the best accomplishment?

As an author, being interviewed at various studios for two days in NYC when I released my first book.  It was so much fun.

Do you Google yourself?

All the time.  It’s a great way to see when your books are getting attention.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Lots.  I’m working a historical fiction book that’s been held up because I couldn’t find the documents I needed.  I recently found a gold mine of documents, so now I hope to finish.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Thanks for reading my books.  I promise that you won’t be let down!