
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: 'Reflections: A Journey to God' by Gary & Susan Eby

Gary Eby is a retired social worker, mental health counselor and addiction therapist. He writes about self-help and spirituality. Gary loves playing the piano, the drums and walking on the beach with his wife, Susan. His motto is "Choose the positive, because it's all good!"

Susan studied philosophy in college. Some of her favorite philosophers are Socrates, Plato, William James and St. Thomas Aquinas. She is currently enjoying Emerson's mystical essays. We have conducted an interview with them.

Their current book is Reflections: A Journey to God.



About the Book:

Our disclaimer: you are completely free to reject everything we have to say about spirituality. What we believe in is not that important. What really counts is what you believe that gives your life
meaning, direction, and purpose.
This book is about our personal stories with Spirit and what we've learned along our journeys. We're sharing it with you because it might help you on your own journey to God. We only ask that you read this book with an open mind and heart.
We suggest you pick one of these spiritual essays. Ponder it, meditate for a while, even read it out loud. Allow yourself to feel the words and the light, which may lead you to discover the better life you truly deserve.


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How did you come up with the idea for your book?

Over our forty years together we realized we looked at spirituality in different ways, and our paths were different, however we found ourselves walking the same spiritual path about ten years ago.  Even though we come from very different backgrounds, we had come to the same place.

Over the years we found ourselves facing significant mental, emotional, and physical problems.  We discovered that connecting with Spirit, and letting our own egos and fears leave us, healing came.  Therefore, we thought our story could be beneficial to those who wish to start a spiritual journey, are already on their spiritual journey, and those who are just curious about how we did it.

Can you tell us what your book is about?

It's an message hope, love and healing.  As indicated above, it is about our individual spiritual journeys, and it also offers tips, advice, and solutions to everyday, real life problems; like overcoming depression, building stronger relationships, forgiveness and healing, relief from addictions, self-love, freedom from everyday struggles, and much more.

 Can you give us an excerpt?

Isn’t this what we find when we meditate and pray?  A gentle and quiet spirit deep within ourselves?  Sure, we do.  Jesus taught us this.  To go within and listen for that still, small voice.  The bible tells us that Jesus would go off by himself to commune with God; with Spirit.  To get quiet and listen.  It regenerated him and allowed him to be about his Father’s business. 

God had placed a most deep, profound desire in Jesus’ heart to tell the world the truth of God’s nature, and our nature as well.  How there is only ONE power in the universe; how we can access that power at any time; that all our needs are met right now, and that God loves us unconditionally.

I have to ask:  Do you have a deep desire in your heart?  It was put there by God, just as with Jesus, so as with us.  Jesus’ desire was so profound it changed the world.  Are you following your deepest desire?  Do you know what it is?  Find out… meditate, pray… get some frankincense and breathe deeply (not too deeply, you might start coughing)  But, you know what I’m getting at here.  As with Jesus, so as with us.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Keep a journal and write down even things that don't appear to be important.  Because you will find a thread running through all these thoughts.  Practice writing in whatever genre you wish. Also for us, writing is a revelation from our creative self. You don't have to force it. So be open to going within and just letting the words, ideas, and thoughts flow.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

Since we collaborated on this book, we had to be willing to let go of egos, preconceived ideas, and to let the other person be who they are.  We learned to laugh a lot and to give each other space when needed.  In all honesty, there were some arguments too. But we kept the communication going, and we demonstrated a willingness to surrender to the Voice within , which ultimately guided us to write this book.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Yes. Many of our readers say they couldn't put our book down. They found it inspiring, heartfelt, relaxing, humorous and healing. Feel free to look at some of the reviews on Amazon too.

We also received very positive reviews from people who have purchased the book directly from us. They enjoy asking questions, and we enjoy answering them. If you have any questions, you can reach us at

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

We believe in the power of imagination, visualization, and divine revelation.  These are resources that all of us can access to have a better, healthier, more fulfilled  life (kingdom) today.  And let us not forget, that so many wise spiritual leaders make the point that the Kingdom is within us, always. This is what we teach our readers and what we would teach in our Kingdom.

What has been your best accomplishment?

Pouring our hearts, our souls, our love into this book has been the greatest and most humbling experience we have accomplished.  Opening ourselves up, sharing the pain and suffering,  embracing the joy and hope, has not only transformed us , but brought us closer to Spirit.

Our promise to you is that Reflections: A Journey to God will warm your heart, make you smile, and bring you relief. We could not ask for anything more than this.

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