
🏰 The Page 69 Test: *Capturing the Earl* by A.S. Fenichel @asfenichel #page69 #blogtour

They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like it, it's definitely worth reading. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of A.S. Fenichel's new regency romance, Capturing the Earl

Chapter 7 

Parvus Castle Geb Arafa’s Country Home 

Mercy arrived with all the Wallflowers a few days earlier than Aurora’s mother and Aunt Phyllis. It was nice to be without the judgment or Mercy’s need to impress for a while. The salon’s fire burned low as the rain had finally stopped and left them with a cool summer day. 

Like a mother hen, Mercy kept an eye on Faith and Nick to make certain neither one appeared to be suffering any ill effects of being back in the castle where they were tortured by a group of French spies bent on revenge against Nick. 

Tall and elegant, Nick bent low to kiss Faith’s hand. The two stood by the window, smiling at each other as if they hadn’t a care in the world. 

Perhaps Mercy was looking for problems where there were none in order to avoid her own thoughts that seemed always to come back to a certain earl whom she had no business thinking about. 

“Miss Heath, when is your aunt arriving?” Geb Arafa sat in a large overstuffed chair with gold and light blue upholstery. His dark jacket was in the English style and suited him nearly as well as the Egyptian clothes he often wore. 

Mercy tugged her mind back to the people in the room. “She should be here any time. She is very much looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Arafa.” 

Geb was a friend of Nick’s first. He sold information as well as artifacts from the east. He might have many secrets, but he smiled as if he hadn’t anything to hide. “Ah, yes. I am a curiosity to the English gentry.” 

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


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