
🏰 Interview Featuring *UNNATURAL* by Deven Greene #interview


I have a great interview for you today! The author is Deven Greene and her book is called Unnatural: Erica Rosen MD Trilogy Book 1. Picture this. A child is born in China with blue eyes and people are really a little suspicious about it. Read on while Deven tells us more about it, but first a little about Deven...

Fiction writer Deven Greene lives in the San Francisco Bay area. Ever since childhood, Deven has been interested in science.  After working as a biochemist, she went back to school and became a pathologist.  When writing fiction, the author usually incorporates elements of medicine or science. Deven has penned several short stories. Unnatural is the first novel the author has published.




As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

I was forced to write this book the day I started, around two years ago. No, I wasn’t held at gunpoint, but the idea came in a flash, and I couldn’t suppress it. I was getting ready to start another novel, one I’d been thinking about for some time, when I felt compelled to write this novel, Unnatural, Eric Rosen MD Trilogy Book 1, about human embryonic stem cell gene editing. Being interested in all things science, especially medically-related science, I’d read quite a bit about CRISPR/Cas9 and genetic engineering, a real game-changer in medical research. I loved the idea of introducing the effect of a genetic change by way of a Chinese girl with blue eyes.  To use that in a thriller, I needed to think of a nefarious use for this technology. The novel took off from there.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

The main character is Erica Rosen, a thirtyish San Francisco pediatrician. She is smart, principled, and has a soft spot for the underdog. She had just broken up with her boyfriend when presented with the opportunity to help a young woman get back the infant she was forced to leave in China, and expose a secret Chinese government program to genetically engineer human embryos.

Ting Chen is a woman who recently arrived from China, and recruited Erica to help her. She has an interesting past, but is most dedicated to her genetically-engineered children whom she was forced to bear.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Don’t wait. There is never a perfect time to begin.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I don’t have any quirks. I prefer to write in complete quiet, but given that I don’t live alone, that’s often not possible.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

I am new to this, and have only heard from a few readers. So far, they like my work. I realize that could change, and I might receive negative feedback at any time.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

My biggest disappointment has been that some readers aren’t as interested in learning about the science behind my writing as I would like. Those that aren’t interested skip ahead. Better than putting the book down forever, I think.

What has been your best accomplishment?

Starting my first novel. I haven’t published it yet, but it was hard to type the first letter of the first word of the first sentence.

Do you Google yourself?

I occasionally check to make sure there isn’t anything crazy written about me.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

My first novel (the one I referenced above) is unpublished. After I finish the trilogy I’m working on now, I want to go back, clean up that first novel, and publish it. I love the subject matter (a quick weight-loss treatment).

The second book in the series I’m working on, Unwitting, is the novel I was going to write when I decided to write Unnatural instead. Unwitting is almost finished and will be published in October 2021. The first draft of the third book in the trilogy is finished but requires a lot more work.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

If I were limited to only one thing, I would eliminate poverty. I would make sure everyone had enough money to live comfortably.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

I hope you learn something from my novels.

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Title: UNNATURAL (Erica Rosen MD Trilogy Book 1)
Author: Deven Greene
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Pages: 292
Genre: Medical Thriller


Dr. Erica Rosen is perplexed when she sees a young Chinese girl with blue eyes in her San Francisco pediatrics clinic. The girl’s mother, Ting, is secretive, and Erica suspects she has entered the country illegally. Later, Erica encounters Ting’s son and discovers he has an unusual mutation. Erica learns that Ting’s children underwent embryonic stem cell gene editing as part of a secret Chinese government-run program.

The Chinese government wants to murder Ting’s son to prevent others from learning about his unusual mutation and the secret gene-editing program. At Ting’s urging, Erica heads to China to expose the program and rescue the infant Ting was forced to leave behind, all while attempting to evade the watchful eye of the Chinese government.


A compelling and richly woven story, perfect for those looking for their new favorite thriller! 

The UC San Francisco pediatric clinic is a lively and bustling facility where every sort of injury and infirmity has been seen, diagnosed and treated. That is, until the day a Chinese migrant named Ting brings her daughter in for an evaluation. The striking girl is truly an anomaly, bearing genetically impossible bright blue eyes. Dr. Erica Rosen presses Ting for information, but Ting is paranoid, evasive and overly protective of her family’s privacy. Things become more puzzling when Ting ends up in the ER with a wounded young son and insists that someone is trying to kill the boy. Shocking test results, a second attempt on the boy’s life and a missing phlebotomist are just the beginning of a riveting tale of government conspiracy, medical mystery and dangerous close-calls.

Unnatural is a flawlessly written medical thriller that focuses on a Chinese mother who will sacrifice everything to save her children. Erica is a bold protagonist who follows her instincts to some amazing discoveries. The narrative is driven by intelligent dialogue and a clever, yet heinous, plot. The cultural aspects between Ting and Erica feel authentic and the technical medical language is just complicated enough to feel genuine without becoming difficult to read. Deven Greene has created a truly gripping international thriller with just the right amount of humanity and compassion.  Unnatural, the first in the Erica Rosen MD Trilogy, is a compelling and richly woven story, perfect for those looking for a new favorite thriller!

–Indies Today 


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