
🏰 Author Interview Featuring Avery Daniels, Author FIRST BITE #authorinterview #interview #puyb @my_averydaniels @pumpupyourbook


I have a very talented lady here today to tell us all about her new paranormal cozy mystery novel, First Bite. Her name is Avery DanielsEnjoy the interview but first, let's find out more about Avery and her hot new book...

Avery Daniels was born and raised in Colorado, graduated from college with a degree in business administration and has worked in fortune 500 companies and Department of Defense her entire life. Her most eventful job was apartment management for 352 units. She still resides in Colorado with two brother black cats as her spirited companions. She volunteers for a cat shelter, enjoys scrapbooking and card making, photography, and painting in watercolor and acrylic. She inherited a love for reading from her mother and grandmother and grew up talking about books at the dinner table.

Her latest book is the paranormal cozy mystery, First Bite.

You can visit her website at Connect with her on TwitterFacebookGoodreadsBookBuband Bingebook.

Sign up for her newsletter at

In 24 hours, Misty Summers had the worst date of her life, was bit by a vampire, and her PI boss may close his business as he goes through a divorce. Looking on the positive side, she decides to use her new vampire assets and become the private investigator to keep her income. She doesn’t know what her future holds, but it can’t be any worse! When she starts following up on a missing woman’s case, she finds herself in the middle of murder.

Book Information

Release Date: May 1, 2022

Publisher:  Blazing Sword

Ebook: ASIN; 290 pages; $2.99


As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious about the book’s characters. Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Misty Indigo Summers goes on a terrible blind date, ends up walking home when she is attacked by a vampire and bitten.  She is a secretary for a private detective and he leaves his business to deal with a failing marriage.  She decides to try and wrap up the few cases that are still open, then has to deal with the reality that she is one of the undead.  She is kind hearted and a positive thinking advocate who says affirmations and looks on the bright side.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be? 

Study the books you love as the first lessons in how to write. Study how they dole out details, how characters are introduced and brought to life, how suspense is maintained etc.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks? 

I am a hybrid of plotter and pantser (write by the seat of my pants).  I detail out basics of victim, suspects, motive and killer along with pacing points.  But otherwise, I just write.  Most people fall into one or the other but I am truly both.  The characters start revealing themselves to me as I write and I get more interesting details arise than when I sit down to purposely write up a bio.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say

Yes I hear from readers.  I get responses like they were surprised about who the killer was.  One woman wrote me from the UK and was so happy that I had my character seeking a psychologist as a result of the killer confrontation.  Her husband is a psychologist and it isn’t as accepted in the UK as it is in America to talk to a qualified person to work through issues.  That really brought home how a cozy mystery can impact people.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

I was told by a person that he didn’t consider me a real author because I wrote mysteries not literary “serious” fiction.

What has been your best accomplishment? 

I feel like each book is my best accomplishment, each time I have finished the draft, edited the work several times, and published I feel a sense of great accomplishment.  Whether that is the thrillers I write or a fun cozy, they are each an accomplishment.  The thrillers are emotionally more of an undertaking, though.

Do you Google yourself? 

Not really.  Now you have me curious ;-)

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

None.  I am starting writing my next thriller in the Elizabeth Grant series and I am already making notes for the next Accidental Vampire PI.  I also have notes for more series ideas that I haven’t begun to pursue yet.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place? 

Every month have a big celebration, like pecan pie festival, kite making day, dress up your pet day, best homemade hat day, etc. and everybody is encouraged to join in.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers

Thank you for reading.  Not just my books, but reading at all.  You are a hero and reading is a super power!  But a special thanks for giving my book a chance when there are so very many to choose from.  I am grateful beyond words for each person who reads my books and I hope I was able to entertain you for a few hours.




Title: The Road to Me
Author: Laura Drake
Publisher: The Story Plant
Pages: 320
Genre: Women’s Fiction


Jacqueline Oliver is an indie perfumer, trying to bury her ravaged childhood by shoveling ground under her own feet. Then she gets a call she dreads―the hippie grandmother she bitterly resents was apprehended when police busted a charlatan shaman’s sweat lodge. Others scattered, but Nellie was slowed by her walker and the fact that she was wearing nothing but a few Mardi-Gras beads. Jacqueline is her only kin, so, like it or not, she’s responsible.

Despite being late-developing next year’s scent, Jacqueline drops everything to travel to Arizona and pick up her free-range grandma. But the Universe conspires to set them on a Route 66 road trip together. What Jacqueline discovers out there could not only heal the scars of her childhood but open her to a brighter future.

“The Road to Me is an unforgettable story of self-discovery and survival, reconciliation and redemption.” — Barbara Claypole White, bestselling author of The Perfect Son and The Promise Between Us

“In The Road to Me, Laura Drake takes on the complexities of one family struggle to get over a lifetime of mistakes and misunderstandings, expertly blending the heartbreak of a grandmother’s past and a granddaughter’s reluctance to trust her. The Road to Me offers a fresh and entrancing take on reconciliation and forgiveness, a truly captivating story filled with wisdom and a whole lot of heart.” — Donna Everhart, author of The Education of Dixie Dupree

Book Information

Release Date: April 19, 2022

Publisher:  The Story Plant

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1611883251; 320 pages; $16.95; E-Book, $7.49


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The Road To Me is available at: 

About Laura Drake

Laura Drake’s first novel, The Sweet Spot, was a double-finalist and then won the 2014 Romance Writers of America® RITA® award. She’s since published 11 more novels. She is a founding member of Women’s Fiction Writers Assn, Writers in the Storm blog, as well as a member of Western Writers of America and Women Writing the West.

Laura is a city girl who never grew out of her tomboy ways or serious cowboy crush. She gave up a corporate CFO gig to write full-time. She realized a lifelong dream of becoming a Texan and is currently working on her accent. She’s a wife, grandmother, and motorcycle chick in the remaining waking hours.

Her latest book is the literary fiction, The Road to Me.

Visit her website at: or connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.




Author: Paul A. Destefano
Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance


Enrique Marin wants a quiet life after the death of his wife. Just one problem stands in the way–he’s possessed by the misanthropic English demon, Tzazin. A violent night under demonic influence accidentally leads Enrique to love, and it’s anything but quiet. Shy, autistic yoga instructor Elle thought allowing herself to be possessed by the very-not-shy sex demon Key would help her find love. She finds Enrique, but she didn’t count on coping with the anti-demon bigotry of society. Fate–and AA meetings for the possessed–brings them together, but hostile forces, demonic and human, fight to keep them apart. It might cost them everything to keep their love alive.

Book Information

Release Date: April 18, 2022

Publisher: Wild Rose Press

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1509241231; 292 pages; $16.99; E-Book, $4.99


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Riftsiders is available at: 

About Paul A. Destefano

Paul A. DeStefano and his wife live on Long Island, NY, with a strange menagerie that includes a dog, a few cats, sugar gliders, a bearded dragon, and several grown children that have not left.

After graduating from Hofstra University with a split degree in English and Acting, he worked in the board gaming and roleplaying industry for decades, including officially licensed projects for Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. He did not win the Origins Award for Best Miniatures Rules in 2004 and has forgotten that bitter defeat. When not playing and working on games, he is sometimes found touring internationally, giving lectures on worldbuilding and character design.

Being a professional full-time blacksmith for several years made him realize how much less painful it was to go back to writing. He’s been lucky enough to hold the Top Humor Writer badge at Medium multiple times and has had his work narrated by James Cosmo (Lord Mormont from Game of Thrones) on multimillion-dollar Kickstarter projects.

It is also worth noting that having never taken any bassoon lessons, he still cannot play one.

His latest book is the urban fantasy/paranormal romance novel, RIFTSIDERS: UNLAWFUL POSSESSION.

Visit his website at or connect with him on TwitterFacebookGoodreads and Instagram.