
🏰Read the First Chapter of A Nick of How to Punch Failure in the Face by Tracy Huff #FirstChapter

Title: How To Punch Failure In The Face
Author: Tracy Huff
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 167
Genre: Self-Development

Are you struggling with your confidence? Have you ever wanted to go after something but don’t know where to begin? Do you need help believing in your ability to go after what you want? Are you afraid of taking the next step? How To Punch Failure in The Face is here to guide you and help you get crystal clear on the exact steps you should be taking right now to identify what is holding you back and the steps you will need to take to achieve your goals.

My goal is to invite you into our community to be empowered, inspired, celebrated, and supported to go after your dreams and get them. I am an expert at helping my students build their confidence and develop the leader in themselves. As a team, we create the space you need to get clarity, confidence, and balance without overwhelm or guilt.

If you are tired of being afraid, or tired of being uncertain and want to stop being so busy you don’t take the time to focus on what you want, then my 9 step process will help you. Let me help, you can do this. Take the first step today.

Book Information

Release Date: November 2021

Publisher: Independent

Soft Cover: ISBN:979-8773327189; 167 pages; $14.99; hardback $24.99; eBook $7.99; FREE on Kindle Unlimited


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ven if you’re scared, start small. Take the time to visualize how success looks, rather than focusing on any roadblocks getting in your way. Most roadblocks are mental, anyway. You can overcome them in order to get to the point of success if you stay focused on your strengths instead of weaknesses. The main trick is to just get started. Everything else later will be easier than getting started.

Stop Being Afraid

There are many reasons why we are afraid. No one wants to be seen as a failure, or to be ridiculed, or to be judged… or we are afraid to break free from other people’s expectations of who we should be. All those reasons are why it has taken me over 15 years to write this book and put it into the world. 

Why now?

Because now I believe that helping just one person is worth it. I can have a bigger impact on my community and help more families, and that makes it worth it. 

My mind began to change as I opened my eyes to the impact I was already having with my students. As I continued to grow and help more people, I started to ask myself different questions.  And the answers surprised me. The questions were simple:

  1. What do I want to achieve?
  2. What will happen when I achieve it?
  3. What do I want to avoid?
  4. What happens if I avoid it?
  5. What is the next step?
  6. What can I do first to make sure it happens?

Answering these questions changed my whole perception and made me willing to just take action toward writing my book and do it in spite of my fears. It allowed me to remember what it felt like to be that 18-year-old girl and to ask myself, “What if I didn’t have the support, job, mentors, my husband (then boyfriend), who believed in me…where would I be? I”

“You become what you believe”-- Oprah Winfrey

In that moment I was willing to step through my fears to help someone else who may not have those things or didn’t have them when they needed them the most and still carry the loss, guilt, and shame with them.

What about you? Where are you willing to take action? What is that thing you have been feeling  you should do it for a while now? What would the world be like when you achieve this? 

Steps to Believe in Yourself:

  1. Face where you are right now.
  2. Love yourself -- warts and all.
  3. Identify your unique skills and abilities.
  4. Identify the fears that are stopping you.
  5. Ask yourself empowering questions.
  6. Write down what you want to achieve.

Resources for this chapter:

Identifying Your Strengths

Belief Model

All resources can be downloaded at

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Students Who Have Punched Failure in The Face:

James Hopper

James was my son longer than he has been my student, which kind of made him my guinea pig when developing this system. See, James was a high school football player, and we always had a chance to work on his mindset. The most memorable moment for me was his senior year in high school. We had invested in a program to help him get a scholarship to pay for college. If any of you have been on this journey with your kids, it involves a lot of weekends at training camps and combines. I am not sure when this idea was planted in James’s head, but he came home and told me that he was too short to play Division I football. I was confused, because this had been what we have been working toward for a few years. So, my immediate response to him was, “Who’s rule is that?” He paused and said he was not sure. I asked him if he thought he could play at that level and if he still wanted to play Division I, ball and he said, yes. From that day forward, we focused on what he needed to do to get there and what actions he would need to take to get there…he did it. I didn’t allow him to buy into other people’s beliefs, and he accomplished two milestones: being MVP of the 4A High School Championship Game and getting a full ride scholarship to Virginia Tech.


Tracy Huff is a wife, mother, mimi, a Vet of the armed forces, a 4th Degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do, an author and a business owner. She is the author of  How To Punch Failure in the Face. Her many roles in life have led her to acquire the skills and knowledge that have made her business a success. Tracy has a passion for motivating and helping others build their confidence by identifying their gifts and creating a plan on how to use them now. She is dedicated to helping as many women as she can live that life for themselves. 

After serving in the U.S. Armed Forces for four years, she finished her education in her current home of Fayetteville, NC. She is combining her life experience along with the skills and motivation she has developed as an entrepreneur and Master and sharing that with other business owners. 

She is passionate about helping professional women and entrepreneurs build their confidence and achieve their goals. She’s an in-demand speaker and an expert on developing confidence and leadership skills and is available for workshops and speaking events. 

Visit her website at or connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

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