
🏰 Author Interview Featuring Thomas White, author of The Edison Enigma

Thomas White began his career as an actor. Several years later he found himself as an Artistic Director for a theatre in Los Angeles and the winner of several Drama-Logue and Critics awards for directing. As Tom’s career grew, he directed and co-produced the world tour of “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Coming Out Of Their Shells”. The show toured for over two years, was translated into seven different languages and seen by close to a million children. Tom served as President and Creative Director for Maiden Lane Entertainment for 24 years and worked on many large-scale corporate event productions that included Harley Davidson, Microsoft, Medtronic Diabetes, and dozens of others. The Edison Enigma is Tom’s third novel following up Justice Rules which was nominated as a finalist in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association 2010 Literary contest, and The Siren’s Scream.

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🏰Your new book, The Edison Enigma, sounds like an exciting time travel! Plus I love it that it involves someone who could go back in time and change history. Did that idea come to you out of the blue or did something influence you to use this as your theme?

Hi, thanks for having me. The idea for The Edison Enigma came from a corporate event that I produced many years ago. I was working with the Saturn company and they had developed an electric car. They made a wonderful commercial where all of the electric appliances in the houses up and down the street, ran to the curb to see the electric car run by. Everyone was very excited about the reveal. ASNd then, it disappeared. Several years went by and I began to wonder what happened to the electric car? After some light research I uncovered quite a lot of evidence that at some point in time, m this may have been manipulated and attention thrown to the internal combustion engine. From there, the idea blossomed and even though I never found any evidence of congressional involvement at the turn of the 20th century, I ran with it. 

🏰Can you tell us a little about your main characters?

Dr. Tom Edison is a brilliant physicist who discovers the secret to time travel. He’s in his late 30’s, good looking enough, not an action hero by any stretch of the imagination and yet, he finds his inner strength as the story moves forward. He is also a man who gives up everything to do the right thing. There would be nothing braver than stepping into a Time Machine to go back and change history not knowing if you succeed will that machine be there to bring you back.

🏰Why was writing The Edison Enigma so important to you?

In our world of global climate change we look back and see the =many bad decisions that were made over the years involving every sources. If different and smarter choices been made, we would not be facing this crisis. In The Edison Enigma I offer a look at what could have been.

🏰As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

I am hoping that point has not arrived yet. LOL. My writing skills are constantly improving and it is my hope that one day my success will follow. The great sense of accomplishment at completing a novel will only be exceeded by publication success and see my book being read by millions. 

🏰If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?

I have no idea. Someone once asked me what my greatest motivation to write was, and my reply was boredom. I am someone who always has to be productive. Currently I write, and work here in Las Vegas on a show at Harrah’s as the swing Stage Manager. I have recently taken up a hobby of refurbishing furniture. I have written a musical that I am trying to get produced here in town., With four extra hours a day I would undoubtably start some new endeavor that would fill that time.

🏰Can you give us a sneak peek into Thomas White's next adventure?

I have just started my fourth novel. I recently saw the movie American Fiction, which I highly recommend, and in it a writer produces a novel as a joke to show the absurdity of what the industry wanted form ‘black authors’. My new novel will be a satirical look at the country’s outlook on sex and all that comes with it. It’s called “Kangaroo Is My Safe Word’. We’ll see if it turns out. 

About The Edison Enigma

Edison, a Chicago physicist, manages to successfully transport an object through time. Almost immediately following this success Dr. Edison is shut out of the facility and told by benefactor Raphael Barrington, to take a vacation. He is contacted by Don Rivendell, a grizzled old man with a secret. Rivendell explains to Tom that he is not the first person to discover time travel. Someone else went back and changed history by saving a young girl from dying in an internal combustion engine explosion.

Dr. Edison is tasked with going back and fixing history. He travels back to 1904 to find the younger version of Rivendell and stop him from saving the girl. 

You can purchase your copy of The Edison Enigma at Amazon at

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