
🏰 Author Interview Featuring Jens Boele, author of Urbex Predator

Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in the entertainment industry, brings over two decades of cinematic expertise to his writing. Born in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his writing odyssey in his youth, culminating in the publication of his debut book, “Sunshine,” in 2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and his latest spine-tingling creation, “Urbex Predator.” Jens is a genre-bending author, specializing in horror and crime thrillers. His narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales that plunge readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind; his villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling examination of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane. Jens sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic horror with the gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion imbues his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day readers alike. Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across borders, as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated into English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States, Jens’s passion for exploration and his international perspective, nurtured by family and friends in the US, shine through in his writing, offering readers a captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity. Visit Jens’ website at

🏰As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book, Urbex Predator?

Ah, my dear Book Bloggin' Princess, the genesis of "Urbex Predator" is quite the tale. You see, I've always been captivated by the allure of abandoned places, those forgotten corners of the world where time seems to stand still. As an avid urban explorer, I've traversed deserted military compounds, ventured into decaying hospitals, and wandered through dilapidated buildings, each with its own story to tell.

The idea for "Urbex Predator" was born from my personal experiences in these forgotten realms. One particular incident at an abandoned hospital left a profound impression on me. While exploring with a friend, we stumbled upon a group of individuals who initially appeared harmless but soon revealed their sinister intentions. This encounter, though unsettling, sparked the inspiration for my novel.

Drawing from real-life experiences and my fascination with the macabre, I crafted a narrative that delves into the darker facets of human nature, exploring themes of isolation, survival, and the chilling secrets that lurk within abandoned spaces. Thus, "Urbex Predator" emerged as a testament to the haunting beauty and perilous allure of the urban exploration world.

In essence, the idea for "Urbex Predator" was born from a blend of real-life encounters, a passion for storytelling, and an unwavering curiosity about the mysteries hidden within abandoned places.

🏰What was the hardest part about writing your book?

While crafting "Urbex Predator" was an exhilarating journey, there was one particular challenge that stands out in my memory. You see, as I delved deeper into the narrative, I found myself at a crossroads, faced with a pivotal decision regarding one of the characters.

Midway through the writing process, I made the bold choice to give this character a more sinister twist, altering their fate and the trajectory of the story. While this decision added layers of complexity to the narrative, it also presented a formidable challenge.

Suddenly, I found myself tasked with reshaping key scenes and reimagining the climax of the story to accommodate this unexpected twist. Boundaries blurred as the lines between good, bad, and the downright ugly became increasingly blurred.

Navigating this narrative shift required careful planning, creative flexibility, and a willingness to embrace the unexpected. Yet, despite the challenges it presented, this decision ultimately enriched the story, adding depth and intrigue to "Urbex Predator."

In hindsight, while it may have been the hardest part of the writing process, it was also one of the most rewarding, reaffirming the unpredictable nature of storytelling and the boundless possibilities that lie within the creative realm.

🏰Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Oh, dear Princess, hearing from my readers is one of the greatest joys of being an author! Their feedback provides invaluable insights into how my stories resonate with them and helps me grow as a writer.

Overall, the response to "Urbex Predator" has been wonderfully positive. Many readers have described it as a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat thriller—a real page-turner that keeps them on the edge of their seats from start to finish. They've praised its modern twists on classic horror tropes and confessed to being thoroughly spooked by its chilling atmosphere. Some have even jokingly admitted that it's almost too scary for them to handle, which, in the realm of horror, is the highest compliment one can receive!

Of course, not all feedback has been sunshine and rainbows. Some readers have found the story to be a tad complex, with a plethora of characters to keep track of. In today's fast-paced world, where attention spans seem to grow shorter by the minute, I understand that juggling multiple characters can be a challenge. That's why I've taken steps to address this concern by including a handy list of characters at the end of the hardcover version, as well as offering it for download on my website, My hope is that this will make the reading experience easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

Despite the occasional challenge, I'm thrilled to hear that readers have been hooked by the story and have found it to be a thrilling ride from beginning to end. Their enthusiasm and support mean the world to me, and I couldn't be more grateful for their continued readership and engagement.

🏰How long have you been writing or when did you start?

My journey into the world of writing has been a long and winding road, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected discoveries.

I first dipped my toes into the waters of storytelling during my childhood, drawn to the enchanting realms of pen and paper roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons. It was here that my imagination took flight, weaving tales of daring adventurers and fantastical creatures that sparked my passion for narrative creation.

Inspired by the literary works of luminaries such as J.R.R. Tolkien and Stephen King, I began to explore the art of writing in earnest. My earliest attempts at crafting stories often mirrored the fantastical adventures of my gaming sessions, including one memorable draft featuring a motley crew of Viking misfits sailing the Caribbean seas alongside Orc allies—a whimsical concept that ignited my creative spirit.

As the years passed, my literary tastes evolved, leading me to delve into the darker realms of horror and crime fiction. It was in these genres that I found my voice as a writer, penning my debut novels, "Sunshine" and "Son of a Bitch," which cast a spotlight on the seedy underbelly of criminal enterprises.

With each new project, I honed my craft and expanded my storytelling horizons, culminating in my latest work, "Urbex Predator." This chilling tale of urban exploration allowed me to immerse myself in the eerie beauty of abandoned places while delving into the darker aspects of human nature.

So, to answer your question, my dear princess, I've been writing for as long as I can remember, each step of the journey shaping me into the author I am today. And I must say, it's been an absolutely thrilling ride!


🏰How do you use social media as an author? What is your favorite social media platform?

I must confess, I'm a bit of a Social Media Grinch myself. However, I do recognize its importance in today's world, especially for authors seeking to connect with readers and promote their work.

My primary platform of choice is Instagram, where I've shared a plethora of posts related to my writing journey, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and snippets of my daily life. It's a space where I can visually showcase the abandoned wonders and thrilling adventures that inspire my stories. If you'd like to join me on my Instagram journey, you can find me at broken_window_shots.

While I've dabbled in other platforms like TikTok, I've found myself hesitant to fully engage due to various social and political considerations. However, I'm open to exploring new avenues, and I've been contemplating becoming more active on YouTube. It's an exciting prospect, but I haven't fully committed to it just yet.

So, for now, Instagram remains my favorite social media platform, offering me a space to share my passion for storytelling and connect with fellow book lovers.


🏰What has been the best accomplishment in your writing career?

Reflecting on my writing journey, I must say that there have been two standout moments that I consider to be the greatest accomplishments of my career thus far.

Firstly, around 15 years ago, I penned a book about prison gangs under a pseudonym. To my surprise and delight, it became a bestseller and has maintained its popularity over the years. However, as time went on, I felt compelled to distance myself from that particular topic and explore new horizons in my writing.

Which leads me to my second accomplishment: "Urbex Predator." This book holds a special place in my heart as it marks my debut into the English-language market. To my immense joy, it has garnered a significant following and boasts nearly a hundred reviews to date. The overwhelming support and enthusiasm from readers have truly been humbling, and if my future books can achieve even a fraction of the success of "Urbex Predator," I will consider myself truly blessed.

🏰Do you have anything that you would like to say to your readers?

Absolutely, dear Princess. Here's a heartfelt message to my readers:

Dear readers, thank you for embarking on this thrilling journey with me! Crafting "Urbex Predator" has been an adventure in itself, and now it's your turn to explore the eerie depths of the abandoned barracks. I know it's going to be a spine-chilling ride, and the trigger warnings are there for a reason. But fear not, for I'll be right beside you, guiding you through the harrowing experiences our characters endure. Together, we'll navigate the darkness and uncover the secrets lurking within.

Once you've reached the end of the book, I'd be honored to hear your thoughts and feedback. Join my newsletter on to stay updated on all the latest news and releases. Don't worry, I won't flood your inbox—just the occasional update to keep you in the loop. And if you're interested in becoming an advanced reader for future projects, shoot me a message through my website. I'm always eager to connect with fellow book lovers and hear your insights.

Above all, I hope you find joy in the thrills and excitement that "Urbex Predator" has to offer. Happy reading, and may your adventures be as exhilarating as the ones within these pages!


 About Urbex Predator

A relic from the Cold War, the old barracks beckon photographers, influencers, and adventurers, shrouded in secrets and peril. Nela and Tess dare the eerie ruins for their photography thesis, while Zander, Yelka, Vivien, and Damon embark on a simultaneous shoot. Amid the abandoned shadows, Yelka’s group runs into Steven and his ruthless gang, initially outsmarting them. Yet, Nela and Tess fall victim to a nightfall ambush, escaping but torn apart. As adrenaline courses through the gang, they stalk Yelka and her friends, unleashing a relentless manhunt. Vivien becomes their captive, setting off a chain reaction. Tess encounters Damon and Yelka, while Nela, guided by Ben, the barracks’ security manager, races to find Tess. Yelka strives to rescue Vivien, trapped in an abandoned outdoor pool. On his lone pursuit, Zander witnesses the gang’s brutality, delving into a darker realm within himself, spurred by the horrifying thrill of Steven’s actions. The scene propels Yelka, Damon, and Tess into a frenzy, unleashing chaos to liberate Vivien. Nela and Ben, attempting to overpower the gang, witness Yelka and Vivien’s escape as the gang closes in. With the arrival of Steven’s older brother, Henry, the stakes are set; the old military hospital transforms into a battleground. No one is to leave alive, and a matter of life and death ensues. In the ruthless clash, Nela and Yelka emerge as the lone defenders, while Zander pursues a mission for his own catharsis. In Henry’s basement, dubbed his Hades, the teams converge for a pulse-pounding final duel, where survival is the ultimate prize. You can pick up your copy at Amazon


🏰 Author Interview Featuring JB Miller, author of Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction? You Decide...


JB Miller is a best-selling author of many books of fiction and non-fiction. Miller has a background in television, is a TEDx speaker, top podcast host and writer of numerous articles and blogs. She resides in Oregon and California.

The MISOGI Method

From Drift to Shift


No Time for Love

The Perfect Gift

The BIG Little Book of Happiness

The BIG Little Book of Work Happiness

Psyche (coming soon)

Nike (coming soon)

Victory (coming soon)

Praise for J. B. Miller’s work

“Miller is a master storyteller, weaving together complex characters and compelling plot lines with ease.” – NY Book Reviewer

“Miller’s writing is intelligent, engaging, and always thought-provoking.”      – Online Book Review

J.B. Miller is an accomplished author, TEDx speaker, thought leader, podcast host, and founder of Reel Media Agency. Contact her at:

Visit JB Miller on the web:

Website: and



🏰As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book, Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction?

The idea came from observing the fascinating interplay between truth and fiction in our daily lives. The blurred lines between what's real and what's imagined sparked the concept for this book, challenging readers to reflect on their own perceptions and solve the challenge of connecting the stories. The reward? Your name will appear in Volume 2.

🏰How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since fifth grade, and it's been a fulfilling journey ever since. I have written award winning poetry, a song about my son that played on the radio across the country, speeches (gave a TEDx talk) and many bestselling books.

🏰What was the hardest part about writing your book?

The hardest part was maintaining the delicate balance between storytelling and the deeper themes or truth and emotion. Also to ensure privacy yet reveal human nature. I wanted to make sure that the messages remained clear without overshadowing the narrative which was a constant challenge.

🏰Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Yes, I often hear from readers who share their interpretations of the book's themes or express how certain passages resonated with them. It's always inspiring to see how the story impacts different people. When I share short excerpts, readers often ask when can I buy it.

🏰How do you use social media as an author?

I use social media to engage with readers, share updates, and join conversations about storytelling. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are my favorite platforms because they are the best way to connect directly with my audience. I will start posting messages on Instagram as well.

🏰What has been the best accomplishment in your writing career?

The best accomplishment has been connecting with readers on a personal level and hearing how my work has made a meaningful impact on their lives.

🏰Do you have anything that you would like to say to your readers?

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support means the world to me, and I hope my work continues to inspire and resonate with you.

About Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction? You Decide...

In Is Truth Stranger than Fiction . . . You Decide, J.B. Miller takes readers on a captivating journey through the world of storytelling. The three stories in volume one explore the fascinating intersection of fact and fiction.

With her trademark wit, Miller poses thought-provoking questions about the nature of reality, the power of imagination, and the enduring appeal of a well-told tale. 

Each story is a mystery for the reader to decide. Is it truth or is it fiction?

Hint: There is truth in every story.

Challenge: If you can figure out how the stories connect you can be acknowledged in volume two for being spot on. 

Email to enter your answers and your name. By doing so, and if you are correct, you agree to have your name mentioned in volume 2.

Whether you’re a fan of literature, film, or simply mysteries of human experience, this book is sure to enlighten and entertain. A must-read for anyone who has ever wondered where the boundaries of truth and fiction truly lie.

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Title: Better Safe Than Sorry

Author: Mike Martin

Publication Date: May 10, 2024

Pages: 251

Genre: Mystery

Winston Windflower is (sort of) enjoying his retirement from the RCMP in Grand Bank, Newfoundland, happily spending time with his young family, but feeling a little restless. Corporal Eddie Tizzard is running the Marystown detachment and struggling with the demands of the role while his own family grows. When a new kind of drug threatens the community, a body (the wrong body) is found dead in a hearse, and then another drug-connected mysterious death occurs, Tizzard knows he’s dealing with a deadly menace in their quiet, close-knit community.

Windflower finds himself inexorably (and not unhappily) drawn back into the action, first in an unofficial role to help snare the dealers and then back to active duty in a community that desperately needs his steady hand and good judgement. 

Our favorite Mountie, Sgt. Windflower and his fellow courageous cops in small-town Grand Bank, Newfoundland are back to fight a new threat in this compelling page-turner. Award-winning author, Mike Martin once again brings us a stirring story, blending down-home Newfoundland charm with the warmth of family life. 

Better Safe Than Sorry is available at Amazon.


About J.A. Cox

Mike Martin was born in St. John’s, NL on the east coast of Canada and now lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario. He is a long-time freelance writer and his articles and essays have appeared in newspapers, magazines and online across Canada as well as in the United States and New Zealand.

He is the award-winning author of the best-selling Sgt. Windflower Mystery series, set in beautiful Grand Bank. There are now 14 books in this light mystery series with the publication of Better Safe Than Sorry

Mike is Past Chair of the Board of Crime Writers of Canada, a national organization promoting Canadian crime and mystery writers and a member of the Newfoundland Writers’ Guild and Capital Crime Writers.

His latest book is the mystery, Better Late Than Never.

Author Links  

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🏰 Author Interview Featuring Jennifer Chase, author of The First Girl: Detective Katie Scott Book 11

Jennifer Chase is a multi award-winning and USA Today Best Selling crime fiction author, as well as a consulting criminologist. Jennifer holds a bachelor degree in police forensics and a master’s degree in criminology & criminal justice. These academic pursuits developed out of her curiosity about the criminal mind as well as from her own experience with a violent psychopath, providing Jennifer with deep personal investment in every story she tells. In addition, she holds certifications in serial crime and criminal profiling. Her latest book is The First Girl.

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🏰As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your book, The First Girl?

I've always loved murder mysteries and thrillers. I had wanted to write a series about a cold case detective and all the dynamics that these cases entail with her background being an Army veteran that was part of an explosives K9 team as well as a police officer. My main character takes me in many directions, which I love. Basically, the possibilities are endless. The First Girl revolves around a little girl who survived a home massacre.  

🏰What was the hardest part about writing your book?

I love writing. It's hard work, but a labor of love. The most difficult part? It's not the storyline or the research. It's preparing the best ending possible. I challenge myself with every book because I want the ending to be exciting, twisty, and satisfying for the reader.

🏰Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Yes, I love to hear from readers. I try to answer all messages and questions whenever possible. So many readers tell me how much they enjoy the books and Detective Katie Scott. They have specific ideas on who she should be dating. I love that! Also, K9 Cisco gets a lot of messages as well. Most want to make sure he's going to stay safe.

How long have you been writing or when did you start?

I've been writing all my life, but didn't write books professionally until about twelve years ago. 


🏰How do you use social media as an author? What is your favorite social media platform?

Social media is a challenge and making the time to keep up to date. I like most platforms, but I think my Facebook author page would be my favorite. It's easy to use and to keep connected with my readers. 


🏰What has been the best accomplishment in your writing career?

The best accomplishment has been being able to write full-time. I'm so thankful for my wonderful publisher, Bookouture, who allow me to flourish with many more storylines.

🏰Do you have anything that you would like to say to your readers?

Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn't get to do what I do without all of you.

About The First Girl

The cold night breeze slams the barn door shut with a sickening crash. The girl curled in the corner wakes with a start. Her gold butterfly necklace catches the pale moonlight as she clutches it tight, thinking of her family. Will she ever escape? Or is this the last face she’ll ever see?

Detective Katie Scott stares in horror at what she and her service dog Cisco have discovered: seven shallow graves, the bodies of young women each wrapped carefully in a blanket and buried in makeshift coffins. Miles of abandoned farmland stretch out from the treeline behind her. Has Katie uncovered the horrifying graveyard of a monster who has been stealing Pine Valley’s daughters for years?

Katie quickly identifies one of the victims as Abigail Andrews, a beautiful young woman who disappeared fifteen years ago. Katie is heartbroken that she’ll have to tell Abigail’s mother her darling girl is gone.

When Katie is ambushed working late at the scene, fired upon by an unknown assailant, she knows she must be close to finding the killer. But the shooter vanishes into thin air. And when a new young woman is taken, dark haired and dark eyed like the others, Katie realizes her time is running out. Can she stay alive long enough to track down this twisted murderer before another young life is stolen too soon?

“Fast paced, characters intelligent and had each others back. The plot was a bit harrowing, but from what plot entailed I was confident one of the main protagonists, Katie had the situation under control. At least the best of her capabilities as the situation warranted. This ebook was fresh, tasteful and powerful. It was a boon to read about a female with military experience who maintained a level head and who put her knowledge to practice.” ~Amazon 

“AMAZING characters (including Cisco of coarse) & suspense in a twisty plot that sucks you in & never lets you go. Highly RECOMMEND the entire series for some great reading.”  ~NetGalley

AMAZING characters (including Cisco of coarse) & suspense in a twisty plot that sucks you in & never lets you go. Highly RECOMMEND the entire series for some great reading.” ~Goodreads

The First Girl is available at Amazon & Other Retailers.

🏰Read the First Chapter of The Golden Manuscripts by Evy Journey #FirstChapter


Title: The Golden Manuscripts
Author: Evy Journey
Publisher: Evy Journey
Pages: 360
Genre: Women's Fiction/Historical Fiction/Mystery

A young woman of Asian/American parentage has lived in seven different countries and is anxious to find a place she could call home. An unusual sale of rare medieval manuscripts sends her and Nathan—an art journalist who moonlights as a doctor—on a quest into the dark world of stolen art.  For Clarissa, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.  When their earnest search for clues whisper of old thieves and lead to the unexpected, they raise more questions about an esoteric sometimes unscrupulous art world that defy easy answers.   Will this quest reward Clarissa with the sense of home she longs for? This cross-genre literary tale of self-discovery, art mystery, travel, and love is based on the actual theft by an American soldier of illuminated manuscripts during World War II.
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November 2000

Rare Manuscripts

I sometimes wish I was your girl next door. The pretty one who listens to you and sympathizes. Doesn’t ask questions you can’t or don’t want to answer. Comes when you need to talk. 

She’s sweet, gracious, respectful, and sincere. An open book. Everybody’s ideal American girl. 

At other times, I wish I was the beautiful girl with creamy skin, come-hither eyes, and curvy lines every guy drools over. The one you can’t have, unless you’re a hunk of an athlete, or the most popular hunk around. Or you have a hunk of money.

But I’m afraid the image I project is that of a brain with meager social skills. The one you believe can outsmart you in so many ways that you keep out of her way—you know the type. Or at least you think you do. Just as you think you know the other two.

I want to believe I’m smart, though I know I can be dumb. I’m not an expert on anything. So, please wait to pass judgement until you get to know us better—all three of us. 

Who am I then? 

I’m not quite sure yet. I’m the one who’s still searching for where she belongs. 

I’m not a typical American girl. Dad is Asian and Mom is white. I was born into two different cultures, neither of which dug their roots into me. But you’ll see my heritage imprinted all over me—on beige skin with an olive undertone; big grey eyes, double-lidded but not deep-set; a small nose with a pronounced narrow bridge; thick, dark straight hair like Dad’s that glints with bronze under the sun, courtesy of Mom’s genes. 

I have a family: Mom, Dad, Brother. Sadly, we’re no longer one unit. Mom and Dad are about ten thousand miles apart. And my brother and I are somewhere in between.

I have no one I call friend. Except myself, of course. That part of me who perceives my actions for what they are. My inner voice. My constant companion and occasional nemesis. Moving often and developing friendships lasting three years at most, I’ve learned to turn inward. 

And then there’s Arthur, my beautiful brother. Though we were raised apart, we’ve become close. Like me, he was born in the US. But he grew up in my father’s home city where his friends call him Tisoy, a diminutive for Mestizo that sometimes hints at admiration, sometimes at mockery. Locals use the label for anyone with an obvious mix of Asian and Caucasian features. We share a few features, but he’s inherited a little more from Mom. Arthur has brown wavy hair and green eyes that invite remarks from new acquaintances. 

Little Arthur, not so little anymore. Taller than me now, in fact, by two inches. We’ve always gotten along quite well. Except the few times we were together when we were children and he’d keep trailing me, like a puppy, mimicking what I did until I got annoyed. I’d scowl at him, run away so fast he couldn’t catch up. Then I’d close my bedroom door on him. Sometimes I wondered if he annoyed me on purpose so that later he could hug me and say, “I love you” to soften me up. It always worked.

I love Arthur not only because we have some genes in common. He has genuinely lovable qualities—and I’m sure people can’t always say that of their siblings. He’s caring and loyal, and I trust him to be there through thick and thin. I also believe he’s better put together than I am, he whom my parents were too busy to raise. 

I am certain of only one thing about myself: I occupy time and space like everyone. My tiny space no one else can claim on this planet, in this new century. But I still do not have a place where I would choose to spend and end my days. I’m a citizen of a country, though. The country where I was born. And yet I can’t call that country home. I don’t know it much. But worse than that, I do not have much of a history there. 

Before today, I trudged around the globe for two decades. Cursed and blessed by having been born to a father who was a career diplomat sent on assignments to different countries, I’ve lived in different cities since I was born, usually for three to four years at a time. 

Those years of inhabiting different cities in Europe and Asia whizzed by. You could say I hardly noticed them because it was the way of life I was born into. But each of those cities must have left some lasting mark on me that goes into the sum of who I am. And yet, I’m still struggling to form a clear idea of the person that is Me. This Me can’t be whole until I single out a place to call home. 

Everyone has a home they’ve set roots in. We may not be aware of it, but a significant part of who we think we are—who others think we are—depends on where we’ve lived. The place we call home. A place I don’t have. Not yet. But I will.

I was three when I left this city. Having recently come back as an adult, I can’t tell whether, or for how long, I’m going to stay. You may wonder why, having lived in different places, I would choose to seek a home in this city—this country as alien to me as any other town or city I’ve passed through. 

By the end of my last school year at the Sorbonne, I was convinced that if I were to find a home, my birthplace might be my best choice. I was born here. In a country where I can claim citizenship. Where the primary language is English. My choice avoids language problems and pesky legal residency issues. Practical and logical reasons, I think.

About Evy Journey

Evy Journey writes. Stories and blog posts. Novels that tend to cross genres. She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flΓ’neuse. Evy studied psychology (M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D. University of Illinois). So her fiction spins tales about nuanced characters dealing with contemporary life issues and problems. She believes in love and its many faces. Her one ungranted wish: To live in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She has visited and stayed a few months at a time.

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Title: The Beauty of Tribulation

Author: J.A. Cox

Publication Date: August 28, 2020

Pages: 98

Genre: Christian Nonfiction

The Beauty of Tribulation was written to provide answers based upon scripture to help us understand things such as:

  • The purpose of tribulation in the life of a believer.
  • Reasons why it is necessary.
  • How God uses it for our edification and his glory.
  • How God is not the author of our tribulation.

At the root of it, the greatest purpose is to depict the beauty of our painful, frustrating, and most hopeless moments when we allow God to complete the work he is trying to accomplish through them. As you turn the pages of this book you will be taken on a journey that will delve you deep into the tribulation process and come away with a firm understanding of it, perhaps like never before. Every premise is backed with scripture, focused on what the bible says rather than my own ideas.

J.A. Cox hopes that all who read will walk away with a greater appreciation and devotion toward the Lord in regard to this troublesome subject and inevitable part of our lives.


“…I think The Beauty of Tribulation will be relevant for Christians seeking a deeper understanding of their faith, as well as for those grappling with questions about the presence of evil in the world and the nature of divine justice. Cox’s approach which blends insightful queries, scriptural citations, and logical explanations, facilitates a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. The book encourages a connection to the experiences of Jesus and offers a perspective on suffering as a path to dignity and honor, both in heaven and on earth. Its insightful and reflective nature makes it a valuable read for people looking to deepen their understanding of Christian theology and the human experience within it.” – The Literary Titan

You can pick up your copy at Amazon or Kobo.


About J.A. Cox

J.A. Cox is a husband, father and disabled veteran. He is passionate about Jesus Christ and has a desire to allow God to use his writing to bring glory to his name and reach others for him. His other passions lie in: 1) Empowering people by teaching about things that he is knowledgeable in in a simple and fun as well as interesting manner. 2)Inspiring others that they may realize how the true potential to overcome their perceived dilemma lies right between their ears and how they allow it to manipulate what their eyes behold. 3) Helping people to realize that being healthy truly begins with realizing how important it is for them to be intimately acquainted with their own body in order for others to help them resolve its maladies that beset it. Along with those, he enjoys entertaining with fiction based on the concept that fact is stranger than fiction and then stretching it just a tad to create some memorable page turning moments that you will likely recall for some time to come.

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