🏰 Interview Featuring *BATTLE OF THE BULLIES* by Fenyx Blue @fenyxblueink #interview

Bold, Loving, Unapologetic, and Evolving
 are words to describe Fenyx Blue.

Ms. Blue is an author, Youtuber (FENYX BLUE INK), speaker, ministry leader, mentor, instructional coach  and her school district’s former “Those Who Excel” Teacher of the Year.

Ms. Blue is a soldier in the Blue Fenyx movement encouraging every phoenix in the world to rise up.  Blue’s mission is to inspire, motivate and educate.  Blue speaks to audiences about their purpose and power and works to coach other authors through their journey to become published. Her novels are tools for teachers while being candy for students.

Fenyx Blue has penned four books in her poetic collection in which she shares true life tales and lessons:  Her first Young Adult novel entitled Who Failed Johnny? (Book 1 of The Triplet Trilogy), second YA novel Battle of the Bullies, a Children’s book called Worth the Weight: A Rare Gem, and a Poetry Book by the name of The Blue Ink Movement. With the help of her extended family and friends network, her self-published books will touch many lives this year.   Fenyx wants to paint the whole world BLUE.


Website: https://fenyxblueink.wixsite.com/website

Twitter: @FenyxBlueInk

Facebook: Fenyx Blue Ink: Blue Writers Block https://www.facebook.com/fenyxblueink/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fenyxblueink

As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

As an anti-bullying advocate, I often think of how the world would be if we did not have anti-bullying laws in place.  As a teacher, I remember a time when we did not have official anti-bullying laws or rules.  The idea for the book began when a group of girls at my school broke our school rules of being positive and peaceful.  I began to question if rules like that in school were enough to protect students from cruel bullies.  The fictional Dimes are very cruel bullies that do not care about school rules or laws.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Ebony is a social media influencer who wants to be the first female president of the USA.  She is driven and a natural leader.  Eris is a baller in two sports, volleyball and basketball.  She isn’t quite ready for love, but it finds her.  Emani is the baby triplet and often treated as such, yet she has a strength that comes from being a dancer that begins to develop throughout the story.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Dimples, you will write poems and stories that will inspire young people to smile, tap into their personal power, and to be kind.  Don’t let the world convince you that being positive is a negative trait.  Your optimism and hope will pay off when you get the opportunity to share your gift with the world.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I think it is interesting that I like to hold on to original drafts of things that I write.  I also like to do voice memos of poems.  Voice memos allow me to freestyle before I go through the editing process.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

I hear back from my young readers and their parents the most.  They make promises to be kind and not to be bullies.  They say they have the courage to stand up to their bullies.  They ask for advice or resources about handling bullies.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

I wrote a children’s book about the love of a father for his daughter and a reader said she thought the father was overbearing.  The character was based on my own deceased father so it was hurtful for a moment, but I then realized that everyone has their own idea of what an ideal father is in life.  My dad was imperfect, but his love was perfect.

What has been your best accomplishment?

I love hearing that kids can’t put my book down.  I have taught reluctant readers for most of my teaching career so it brings me joy that I have written something that encourages non-readers to want to read.  I also love that they choose to be upstanders after reading my book.  We need more upstanders in this world.

Do you Google yourself?

I do not Google myself, but I do ask my students to do so often so that they can know what their digital footprint is out there in the world.  Many students are shocked to see old pictures, addresses, and sensitive information that could make them targets for bullying online.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

If I had to guess, I would say I have ten potential books that exist right now.  I am helping aspiring authors to publish their books so I would say I have twenty-five books if I add the ones that they are hoping to publish.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

We would have spirit days like I encourage in my own school.  I’d try to build community by having random acts of kindness day, affirmations day, etc.  My kingdom would be a place that celebrated differences while encouraging unity.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Thank you for supporting artists.  We writers would not be successful without you.  We write for you.  We love to hear from you when you review our books.  We appreciate you.  If you know a teenager or young person who could benefit from reading a book that will inspire them to lead, learn, and love, check out Battle of The Bullies.  A young person is anyone who feels young at heart.  Some of my readers are adults with young spirits...Lol.

Author: Fenyx Blue
Publisher: Wisdom Works, LLC.
Pages: 301
Genre: Young Adult Fiction


Ebony, Eris, and Emani Robertson have been through so much more than most high school freshmen. When they were younger, they survived a school shooting that killed their friend and left their oldest sister unable to speak. After giving homeschooling a try, they enroll in a promising new academy, hoping for the best.

The Robertson triplets soon discover, however, that their new classmates are anything but kind. A mysterious group of bullies known as the Dimes rules the hallways and spreads fear everywhere they go. All three sisters end up being targets of the gang and have to find a way to defend themselves. Can they bring down the Dimes while trying to make it through the ninth grade?







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