
🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Paranormal Romance Author Laura Simmons

Laura Simmons grew up in northern Virginia and spent most of her career working for various Department of Defense contractors in the Washington, DC area. She has a fascination with all things metaphysical. She enjoys writing, jigsaw puzzles, adult coloring books, vacationing at the beach with her husband, and studying tarot cards and other types of divination systems.

As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

I’ve always been fascinated with psychic phenomena and wished I could astral travel. I can’t think of a particular thing which inspired me to write a book about this other than my avid interest in the subject. It just came to me and I let it unfold.  Bryce and Amber are strong characters and wanted me to tell their story.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Bryce Decker is the strong, protective type and has been secretly in love with Amber Macklin for most of his life. They grew up as first cousins until they learned that they were not blood relatives.  She was always the beautiful girl he couldn’t have.  They are lifelong best friends and confide in each other and truly enjoy each other’s company.  He keeps her grounded and soothes her soul and she deeply appreciates him. Finding out there is no blood connection opens the door for a beautiful romance in Tough Karma.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Not everyone will like your writing so don’t fall to pieces when someone tells you that your book is terrible. Take whatever criticism you are given and ask yourself if it is valid. You can always work to improve your writing.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I don’t know if it is interesting, but I tend to write several pages of a scene that bursts out of my mind and then I go back and massage it to death with constant changes until I’m happy with it. I’m not the type of writer who gets everything written down regardless of how bad it is and then goes back and refines it. I think that would be the easier way to write a story. I have to do it in chunks and then figure out how to connect the story.

Do you hear from your readers?  Only when they leave a review for one of my books.  What do they say? Thankfully, most of them have liked my stories.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author? 

I would say the toughest criticism given to me has been that I did too much “head hopping” in my debut novel. I didn’t even know what that was until I did research on it. 

What has been your best accomplishment?

I would have to say that publishing three books has been my best accomplishment. I have survived criticism and bad reviews and continue to write.

Do you Google yourself?  Now and then.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Just one. I’m writing my fourth novel and I’m not even half-way done with it.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Yes, a big thank you to all who have read my books. Even if you didn’t like the story or my writing, I still appreciate the fact that you took a chance on me.

Astral travel and a deadly secret make for a gripping paranormal romance from start to finish.

Amber Macklin's world is cruelly shattered when she loses her baby girl three months after her husband's sudden death. Her cousin, Bryce, comes to her rescue, moving her into his home for fear she will kill herself from the grief. He provides solace and a shoulder to cry on, and he has loved her as more than a cousin for a long time. Amber and Bryce soon discover they are not blood relatives, which opens the door for romance as he pulls her through her darkest hours. When Mike, a college friend of Bryce's, stops by to visit, Amber senses a deadly secret behind his nice guy persona. She has a frightening dream that Mike is trying to kill her and recurring sleepwalking episodes where she draws detailed pictures of him torturing her. Deeply troubled, Bryce uses his ability to astral travel to investigate Mike and uncover his terrifying past. Mike has had his eye on Amber for some time, and when he learns that Bryce and Amber have become lovers, he is furious. Mike abducts Amber and takes her to his rural Georgia hideaway, and Bryce must rely on his astral abilities to track her down. But will he be too late? 


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