
🏰 AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Time Travel Thriller Author Kaylin McFarren

KAYLIN MCFARREN has received more than 45 national literary awards, in addition to a prestigious Golden Heart Award nomination for FLAHERTY'S CROSSING - a book she and her oldest daughter, New York Times/USA Today best-selling author, Kristina McMorris, co-authored in 2008. Prior to embarking on her writing journey and developing the popular THREADS psychological thriller series, she poured her passion for creativity into her work as the director of a fine art gallery in the Pearl District in Portland, Oregon; she also served as a governor-appointed member of the Oregon Arts Commission. When she's not traveling or spoiling her pups and three grandsons, she enjoys giving back to her community through participation and support of various charitable and educational organizations in the Pacific Northwest, and is currently the president of the Soulful Giving Foundation - a non-profit focused on cancer research, care and treatment at hospitals throughout Oregon

As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

Kaylin: My father worked for United Airlines for 30 years, and I watched passenger planes develop from prop engines to jet engines. I’ve always felt safer on a plane than in a car and have virtually traveled around the world. I also love time-travel stories and thought that combining both loves into a book would be a fun way to share my passions.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Kaylin: Skylar Haines is a 21-year-old survivor from a murdered and dysfunctional family. She channels her energy into stunt flying and can hold her own against any kind of threat. Her 25-year-old father died before she was born, but comes into her life when she is transported back in time. He’s smart, talented and kind but he’s also too trusting, which results in the dilemma he finds himself thrust into. Jake Brennen is Skylar’s 29-year-old business partner who is deeply in love with her but hesitant when it comes to sharing his feelings.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Kaylin: Don’t let the opinions of others prevent you from writing the story you’ve longed to tell.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

Kaylin: Actually, I have three. I keeps a glass of wine close by while writing love scenes, Kleenex on her desk while writing heart breakers, and have been known to empty a box of chocolates when I’m completely stumped.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Kaylin: I love hearing from my readers! Mostly, they want storylines to continue because they thoroughly enjoy the characters in my books and hate to see stories end.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

Kaylin: I’m not a true mystery writer, but I own it. I agree that I’m not just that, since I’ve been known to blend genres together. What I create now are psychological thrillers, which truly defines my work.

What has been your best accomplishment?

Kaylin: My three daughters. Each one is beautiful, loving and successful in their own right. They were raised to be strong and have minds of their own and, most important, they value the importance of family.

Do you Google yourself?

Kaylin: I have mostly out of curiosity, but I don’t make a habit of it. J

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Kaylin: Actually none. I’m proud to say that I’ve completed and published every book that I’ve written.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

Kaylin: Cocktail parties on Wednesday nights and Dance-off events on Saturdays with the whole kingdom invited.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Kaylin: Thank you for your support and for giving an Irish lass a chance to be read…and heard, now that audio books are available! J

 …ten minutes to survive the past.

Skylar Haines has struggled with personal demons most of her life, going to dark extremes to subdue anxieties rooted in her tragic past. On a perpetual hunt for the next adrenaline hit, she discovers a passion for flying and becomes a hard-edged stunt pilot, verging on obsession. In the sky, following her most daring airshow, she encounters a mysterious storm and almost collides with another aircraft, sending her into a perilous dive. Guided by a mysterious voice, she manages a safe landing but finds herself transported to another time. Eight months before she was born, one week before her father was murdered. 

Though baffled by her circumstances, Skylar soon arrives at a single certainty: Before her lies a remarkable chance to change her family's destiny drastically for the better -- or possibly even worse -- depending on the choices she makes, before her window of opportunity closes. 


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