The Page 69 Test: *Dragged Down Deep* by Michael Okon #page69


They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like what's there, it's definitely worth reading the whole book. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of Michael Okon's new scifi fantasy, Dragged Down Deep.


Logan Osborne has spent his life chasing the shadows of the past.

As a child, he watched helplessly as his father was snatched from a fishing boat by what he swore was a mermaid. No one believed him then. No one believes him now.

Determined to prove that mythical creatures exist, Logan is drawn back to the small coastal town where his nightmares began after another mysterious disappearance stirs the waters.

Teaming up with his pragmatic colleague Elliot Sheppard and his fiercely loyal friend Penny Swanson, Logan dives headfirst into an adventure packed with danger and deception. As they dig deeper, the trio faces resistance at every turn—a secretive agency with its own agenda, a suspiciously unhelpful police force, and Logan’s old flame, who may know more than she’s letting on.

What they uncover is far darker and more terrifying than Logan ever imagined: the truth about his father, the secrets of Minatuck, and the horrifying reality of the Mermaid of the Hamptons.

Will Logan and his friends expose the lies that have haunted him for years, or will they be Dragged Down Deep into the swampy, secretive underbelly of a town that guards its mysteries with deadly intent?

Dragged Down Deep is available at Amazon.

LOGAN FELL HEAVILY onto the mattress, inhaling the fragrance of the sheets. She must air-dry them, he thought absentmindedly.
He was so tired. He and Uncle Jack worked on his car. He helped with some chores around the farm. Then they went to Sully’s Bar and had a few rounds while they watched the game.
Logan groaned with pleasure stretching on the bed, not missing the lumpy one he slept on in his apartment in Long Island. He wondered what drove him to live the way he did when he had a comfortable home if he chose. He could quit his teaching job and take over most of the responsibility of running the farm. He had an open slate. Uncle Jack and Aunt Minnie would be only too happy to hand over the reins to him. e farm was profitable. He knew they longed to move south to a warmer climate, but his dreams of finding new creatures called to him, not that he was able to do it full time.
He lived in the small town of Farmingdale, a mile from the campus where he taught classes on animal sciences. He was between semesters for the summer and had promised his uncle he’d stay for the season on the farm.
Logan closed his eyes dreamily, thinking about Aunt Minnie’s Sunday roast and late-afternoon naps with the window open, letting in the upstate breeze. It felt like he had slept for hours when the persistent buzzing of his phone punctured his dreams. He fumbled as he tried to swipe its surface. He rolled
over, looking at the illuminated display, perplexed at the caller. He finally got it to open and answered groggily.
“Penny?” He smiled at her voice, thinking of her pale blond pigtails. He rubbed his eyes. No, wait, the pigtails were gone. She wore her hair hidden, stuffed under her hat. She was a police officer now.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres, including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure, and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

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The Page 69 Test: *A Hush at Midnight* by Marlene M. Bell #page69


They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like what's there, it's definitely worth reading the whole book. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of Marlene M. Bell's new mystery, A Hush at Midnight.


Marlene M. Bell brings distant friends together in the rural South only to have one of them become the victim of a brutal crime of passion.

Once celebrated for her show-stopping pastries and irresistible desserts, former celebrity chef Laura Harris is now making headlines for a far darker reason.

Laura has been accused of murder.

How could this petite chef have brutally smothered the beloved small-town matriarch, World War II ferry pilot veteran, Hattie Stenburg? Hattie wasn’t just a pillar of the community; she was Laura’s confidant and mentor. The shocking twist? Hattie had made recent changes to her will, bypassing next-of kin and leaving her entire fortune and historic estate to Laura.

As Laura scrambles to clear her name, she uncovers sinister secrets lurking beneath the town’s idyllic surface. The real murderer is always one step ahead, leaving taunting clues and threatening Laura to leave Texas—or face deadly consequences. With time not a luxury, Laura must untangle the web of deceit before the killer makes her the next victim.

A Hush at Midnight is available at Amazon.

“This evening is over. Humor me and leave.” She went to the door and opened it wide, allowing the hu
midity to boil the atmosphere even further.
Lucas tossed his jacket over one shoulder, shoved his tie in a pocket, and picked up his pilot’s case near
the chair. He nonchalantly strolled to the porch, then spun around to address her.
“When you’re up to it, I can explain. You can’t stay mad forever. How do you know it wasn’t an old
girlfriend who found out about you?”
“Explain? About your wife or the insatiable need to be with other women?” She shook her head.
“Lucas, you aren’t upset enough or surprised. An old flame wouldn’t have my cell number unless she got it from your co-pilot buddies or found it on your phone. You’re indifferent. Stay away from me.” Laura closed the door and then remembered her roast overcooking
in the oven.
After sitting alone for a few minutes while a pain reliever dulled the raging headache, she reached for her
phone and hit autodial.
“What did you do to Lucas?” her dad answered, breathlessly.
She was stunned by his cold reception. “You’ve talked to him already?”
“Yeah. He said you went whacky and threw him out before you’d had dinner.”
Laura’s dad had a soft spot for his new chum. Lucas had a habit of stopping in to see the head of
the Harris clan before arriving at her house. There were times when Laura believed Lucas enjoyed the male camaraderie over being with her. The caller. His lackluster signals. It made sense. She’d heard about guys like him but this was her first experience with having one of her own.
“Have you had dinner yet? I have a prime rib warming in the oven and it’s a shame to let it go to
waste. I could sure use the company.”
“Perfect timing. We were about to hit the pizza parlor. We’ll be over in a few.”
The we factor made Laura nervous, although she had plenty of food.
She’d hoped for a quiet evening with her dad to sort out the whirlwind that had blown over her.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


Mystery at a killing pace.

Marlene M. Bell has never met a sheep she didn’t like. As a personal touch, her fans often find these wooly creatures visiting her international romantic suspense, thriller, and cozy mystery books as characters or subject matter. 

Marlene’s multi-award-winning Annalisse series boasts numerous Best Mystery honors for all installments including the newest IP Best Regional Australia/New Zealand, and Global Gold Award for the fourth cozy mystery from down under. 

Her children's picture book, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! written for the younger crowd, is based on true events from the Bell’s Texas sheep ranch. Suitable reading for ages 3 - 7 years and beyond, a Mom's Choice Gold Award winner, and Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Short List winner. 

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Title: Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere

Author: Michael Dow

Publication Date: August 18, 2024

Pages: 308

Genre: Dow Creative Enterprises

We are starting the process of removing stigma about mental health issues. Let’s share ideas of the journey to well-being and seek to understand others as they are instead of how we wish them to be. By learning to know ourselves and trying different coping skills that are specific to the situation that we find ourselves in, we can achieve balance and peace. As we deepen our self-awareness and harness tailored coping mechanisms for diverse situations, we pave the path to equilibrium and serenity. Let’s foster an environment conducive to both individual and collective growth within our society. By doing this, we unlock potentials previously unattainable, empowering us to fully cultivate our knowledge, skills, and abilities. With gratitude in our heart, peace in our mind, and confidence in our capabilities, we can face the future with bravery, courage, and determination to help make the best lives for ourselves and others that we possibly can. If society wants something we have never had, we’re going to have to do something that has never been done.

Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere is available at Lulu.


About Michael Dow

 Michael Stephen Dow is married to Perla in Arizona and has 3 kids.  Michael was on a path to attend medical school and then the events of September 11, 2001 occurred.  Michael became angry at the terrorists and decided to join the US Air Force.  He went through Officer Training School and then graduated specialized Navigator training to become an Electronic Warfare Officer.  Michael deployed 6 times for the Global War on Terror between 2005 and 2009 with the EC-130H Compass Call mission.  Michael medically retired in 2010 and then became an US Army contractor serving Wounded Warriors and ensuring they received all of their entitled benefits for 8 years.  Michael always had a love for science and the human body so he then used his GI bill to go through nursing school and graduated in August 2020.  Michael now works as a Registered Nurse at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  Michael’s education is as follows: B.A. in Psychology from Auburn University in 1999, B.S. in Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2001, M.S. in Management from Troy University in 2010, Masters in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2017, and M.S. from the University of Arizona in 2020 through its 15 month accelerated Masters Entry to the Profession of Nursing program.  Michael is the Founder and Manager of Dow Creative Enterprises, LLC.  His books have garnered the Silver Nautilus Book award in 2020 (Nurse Florence, Help I’m Bleeding) and an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion category for the 2021 International Book Awards (A Prayer to Our Father in the Heavens: Possibly the Greatest Jewish Prayer of All Time).  Michael believes we will need the best of science and religion to successfully navigate ourselves, our civilization, through the future obstacles we will face.  More information can be found at and  Nurse Florence® is a federally registered trademark by Dow Creative Enterprises.  The Nurse Florence® series seeks to promote science and health among children and to help increase the health literacy levels of our society.  With teamwork, inclusion, faith and perseverance, we can bravely face our problems and help each other reach our better selves as well as our best collective good.

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🏰 Author Interview Featuring Jörg H. Trauboth, Author of 'The Death of the Kremlin Czar'

Jörg H. Trauboth, born in 1943 near Berlin, logged over two thousand flight hours as a Weapon Systems Officer Instructor in the Luftwaffe, flying PHANTOM F-4F / RF-4E and TORNADO fighter jets, and over 3000 hours in light aircraft. At the age of fifty, he left the service with the rank of Colonel in the General Staff. He received training as a Special Risk Consultant from the English Control Risk Group and served as Managing Director Germany, dealing with extortion and kidnapping cases in South America and Eastern Europe. Shortly thereafter, he founded his own consulting firm, quickly establishing an outstanding international reputation. Trauboth protected his clients with a 24-hour task force during product extortions, product recalls, kidnappings, and image crises. He was the first President of the European Crisis Management Academy in Vienna and President of the American Yankee Association.

He is known as a respected expert in the media on security-related topics. He volunteers as an emergency counselor and is a member of the Crisis Intervention Team (KIT Bonn) of the German Foreign Office. He is a private pilot, married, with two sons and three grandchildren.

In 2002, Trauboth wrote the now out of print standard work “Crisis Management for Company Threats”.

In 2016 the follow-up work was published with Jörg H. Trauboth as editor in collaboration with five authors: “Crisis Management in Companies and Public Institutions”.

Terror expert J. H. Trauboth presented his debut novel in 2015 with the Germany thriller “Three Brothers”. (Available in English). In 2019 “Operation Jerusalem” followed and in 2020 “Omega”. The trilogy is about the former elite soldier Marc Anderson and his team. With these three self-contained thrillers, Trauboth is rated by many readers as the “German Tom Clancy.” The trilogy is available as a printed edition, eBook and audio book.

His first detective novel, “Jakobs Weg” (German), followed in 2021. The highly explosive topic of “sexual abuse of children” is processed sensitively in a scenario on the Way of Saint James and at the end offers contact options for those seeking help.

In 2022, the novella “Bonjour Saint-Ex” was published (German) in which the passionate pilot Jörg H. Trauboth turns the last flight of the legend Antoine de Saint Exupéry into an exciting literary event.

Readers wanted a sequel to the Marc Anderson series. In 2023, ZarenTod – Das Ende der Präsidenten was published, a highly topical political thriller. The Russian president and new tsar, Ivan Pavlenko, suddenly shows his true face during the war in Ukraine. He wants the old Soviet Union back. The world is on the brink. The influential oligarch, Alexei Sokolov, wants to prevent Ivan’s megalomaniac plans and is planning a fundamental new beginning for Russia. To achieve this, the Russian president must be removed. But the plan goes awry. Ex-elite soldier Marc Anderson intervenes. Will Czar Ivan die? What will become of Europe? The book 8/ 2024 in English „The Death of the Kremlin Czar” is the fourth political thriller in the Marc Anderson series.

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Can you tell us what your book, The Death of the Kremlin Czar, is about? 

The Russian president and self-proclaimed new Czar, Ivan Pavlenko, is revealing his true colors in the Ukraine war—he seeks a direct conflict with

NATO. Russia and the world teeter on the brink of disaster. Influential oligarch Alexei Sokolov, determined to stop Ivan’s megalomaniacal ambitions, envisions a new beginning for Russia. But for his plan to succeed, the Russian president must die. There’s just one problem: Alexei’s lover is Yulia, Ivan’s partner. Sensing betrayal, Ivan grows suspicious. While en route to Moscow, the plane carrying Alexei and Yulia is hijacked. Crisis teams in Berlin, Washington, and Kiev are drawn into the escalating drama. Fighter jets scramble, their pilots prepared to shoot the plane down if necessary. A struggle erupts in the cockpit, leaving the Boeing without a pilot. On board is former elite soldier Marc Anderson, who, together with Alexei, must attempt an emergency landing in Vilnius to save the hundred passengers. But as the clock ticks down, the question looms: will the plane land safely, and will the world finally be free of its aggressor?

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

The book is part of the Marc Anderson thriller series. Marc, a former elite soldier in Germany’s Special Forces, now runs his own security consulting firm. Despite being only 39, his legendary missions with the SEALs have earned him a formidable reputation. He isn’t a Rambo type, but a thoughtful and sensitive character, revealing different facets of himself. In this book, he grapples with self-doubt, questioning whether he can fly a plane at all, but ultimately rises to the challenge. I’m sending him on a hero’s journey, inspired by the framework of American mythologist Joseph Campbell.

His wife, Jelke, is a reserved, somewhat fragile woman, but she steps up at a critical moment to help Marc.

Ivan Pavlenko mirrors the current Russian president as we know him from the media: short, power-obsessed, intelligent, ruthless, and deeply insecure. His vulnerability lies in his immense pride, which becomes his Achilles’ heel. Like all dictators, he craves equal footing with global power players but lives in constant fear, making him a paranoid and extremely dangerous individual.

Alexei Sokolov, an oligarch and favorite of the Russian president, has grown wealthy under his protection. But since the war in Ukraine, he’s begun to doubt the president’s mental stability and plots to kill him in order to seize power with a small faction. Alexei is clever, well-read, and Western-oriented, though somewhat naive—thinking his affair with Ivan’s partner, Yulia, will go unnoticed.

Yulia, Ivan’s partner and mother of two boys, is an attractive, passionate woman who’s deeply in love with Alexei. She lives with him and her sons in Monaco, having chosen to stay with Alexei despite her fear of Ivan’s retribution. In the surprising climax, Yulia reveals unexpected inner strength.

US President George F. Summerhill is a fictional character who embodies the ideal traits of a sovereign national and world leader. Throughout the Marc Anderson series, he remains the most consistently admirable president.

Kryptos, the CIA director, is an eccentric character with a more supporting role, but crucial to the plot as he aids Alexei. The president relies heavily on Kryptos, knowing that if he fails, the presidency could unravel.

Ukrainian President Bohdan Sapronov is modeled closely after the real-life president—once an actor, now a fierce defender of his nation, completely reliant on Western support.

Similarly, German Chancellor Kai Schuster is portrayed as a weak leader with poor crisis management skills, walking a fine line to avoid provoking the Russian president.

Summary: Most of the characters are thinly veiled versions of real-world figures, with only the names changed. It’s like reading a newspaper, leaving you to wonder why the real story doesn’t end like this fictional one.

How long did it take you to write your book?

I initially spent six months researching and flew my small plane, a Grumman Tiger AA5B, to Kiev, Crimea, Poland, and the Baltic states. Berlin, Moscow, and Washington were already familiar to me from my professional work. Once I started writing, I was completely in the flow, and the book was completed in about four months.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

At the end of a kidnapping case, where I was advising the family of the kidnapped daughter, I was overwhelmed by the experience and decided to turn the story into a novel. The result was Three Brothers, a book that was so successful it became the start of the Marc Anderson series. And the magic of continuing the story hasn’t stopped since.

What kind of advice would you give up and coming authors?

That depends on your goal. Are you writing for yourself, your family, or the public? I write for the public, always following a plan. It’s important to know the beginning and the end; don’t write without direction, as the risk of losing both yourself and your reader is high. Crafting good literature is an art. Learn to write in a captivating language and master the literary tools to engage your reader from start to finish.

Be meticulous with facts. In today’s Google-driven world, mistakes are never forgotten. Once you’ve finished your book, give it to someone you trust for feedback. Don’t hesitate to use AI to enhance your language and correct mistakes—nothing more.

Remember, when you’re finally satisfied with your work, the real challenge begins:  marketing. Whether you have a publisher, buy services, or handle it on your own, know that doing it all by yourself makes achieving great success more difficult. But don’t be discouraged. No one can take away the fact that you’ve created something truly special. Best of luck! If you have questions, I will be happy to answer: 

 The Death of the Kremlin Czar is available at Amazon (U.S. edition) and Amazon (German edition).

The Page 69 Test: *A Dream in the Wilderness* by Jean Hackensmith #page69


They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like what's there, it's definitely worth reading the whole book. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of Jean Hackensmith's new historical romance, A Dream in the Wilderness.


Unable to find a teaching position in the flooded job market that is New York City, twenty-one-year-old Sarah Bentley accepts the position of nanny to Caleb Wachsmann’s three children after the farmer’s wife, parents, and infant son die in the Cholera epidemic of 1834. The twist? The job is in Superior, Wisconsin in the Michigan Territory, an unsettled wilderness located on the northwestern tip of Lake Superior.

Caleb is not looking for love; his heart will always belong to his beloved Annie. What he does need is a woman to watch after the children while he toils in the fields making a living for his family. Sarah turns out to be that woman. She raises his children with a gentle and loving hand and also helps Caleb to overcome an unbearable loss. As Wisconsin vies for statehood, the young couple will face challenge after challenge as they struggle to tame a wilderness that really doesn’t want to be tamed at all.

A Dream in the Wilderness is available at

“This evening is over. Humor me and leave.” She went to the door and opened it wide, allowing the humidity to boil the atmosphere even further.
Lucas tossed his jacket over one shoulder, shoved his tie in a pocket, and picked up his pilot’s case near
the chair. He nonchalantly strolled to the porch, then spun around to address her.
“When you’re up to it, I can explain. You can’t stay mad forever. How do you know it wasn’t an old
girlfriend who found out about you?”
“Explain? About your wife or the insatiable need to be with other women?” She shook her head.
“Lucas, you aren’t upset enough or surprised. An old flame wouldn’t have my cell number unless she got it from your co-pilot buddies or found it on your phone.
You’re indifferent. Stay away from me.” Laura closed the door and then remembered her roast overcooking in the oven.
After sitting alone for a few minutes while a pain reliever dulled the raging headache, she reached for her
phone and hit autodial.
“What did you do to Lucas?” her dad answered, breathlessly.
She was stunned by his cold reception. “You’ve talked to him already?”
“Yeah. He said you went whacky and threw him out before you’d had dinner.”
Laura’s dad had a soft spot for his new chum.
Lucas had a habit of stopping in to see the head of the Harris clan before arriving at her house. There were times when Laura believed Lucas enjoyed the male camaraderie over being with her. The caller. His lackluster signals. It made sense. She’d heard about guys like him but this was her first experience with having one of her own.
“Have you had dinner yet? I have a prime rib warming in the oven and it’s a shame to let it go to
waste. I could sure use the company.”
“Perfect timing. We were about to hit the pizza parlor. We’ll be over in a few.”
The we factor made Laura nervous, although she had plenty of food.
She’d hoped for a quiet evening with her dad to sort out the whirlwind that had blown over her. In the
presence of another person though, dinner conversation would have to be curtailed to subjects outside of

What do you think? Would you keep reading?



I have been writing since the age of twenty. (That’s 47 years and, yes, I’m disclosing my age.) I am the proud mother of three and grandmother to four wonderful grandchildren. After losing who I thought was the love of my life, my late husband Ron, in November of 2011, I met Rick. So, it is definitely possible to have more than one “love of your life.” Rick and I were married in July of 2018 and are still going strong today. He is my soulmate, my confidant, and my biggest fan. He has read every book I have ever written (even the romances!) 

Next to writing, my second passion is live theater. I founded a local community theater group back in 1992 and directed upwards of 40 shows, including three that I authored. I also appeared on stage a few times, portraying Anna in The King and I and Miss Hannigan in Annie. I am sad to say that the theater group dropped its final curtain in 2008, but those 16 years will always hold some of my fondest memories. 

I moved from Superior 15 years ago, seeking the serenity of country living. I also wanted to get away from the natural air conditioning provided by Lake Superior. We moved only 50 miles south, but the temperature can vary by 20-30 degrees. I guess I’m a country girl at heart. I simply love this area, and am lucky to, once again, have someone to share its beauty. I love the solitude, the picturesque beauty of the sun rising over the water, the strangely calming effect of watching a deer graze outside your kitchen window. Never again, will I live in the city. I am an author, after all, and what better place to be inspired than in God’s own backyard.

Let’s Connect!
