Guest post: 'Book Promotion with Social Media," by Margaret Mizushima

I admit I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love that I can keep up with my friends and family this way and that I can share information about my books quickly and efficiently, but I hate that I don’t always have time to give my social media profiles the attention they need. And then I feel guilty.

Last month Melody Jones of Social Media Management Services (website: presented the program at the Rocky Mountain chapter of Mystery Writers of America, and I was fortunate to be able to attend. Melody is the creator of the Social Media Aspirin Blog, which you can find on her website, and it’s chock full of ideas for writers and authors.

In addition to learning about Melody’s blog, here is a very brief summary of the information I gleaned from her presentation about different social media sites.

Facebook: When compared to other sites, Facebook still provides the largest audience of users. Live videos are growing in popularity, and this site can be a great way to interact with readers by setting up Q&A’s, posting a discussion about a character in your book, or sharing information about your book’s content. Interaction is key to engaging people here.

Instagram: This site is growing in popularity for authors and writers. But remember that things posted on the internet last forever, so be cautious about what you share here and other sites. Use hashtags for topics to help people find and follow you, and post pictures that reflect the content of your books, e.g. photos of dogs, country living, and mountain landscapes reflect the content in the K-9 mysteries that I write, which are set in the Colorado high country.

Twitter: Twitter is also growing in popularity, and it’s a great way to share news about your books, your brand, and your events. A good rule of thumb is to post seven non-sales related tweets to every one “please buy my book” tweet, and build a retweet network by retweeting for other authors. Again, use hashtags to help people find your posts. I like to use #amwriting #amreading #Colorado #K9 #outdoor #mystery.

Pinterest: This is a newcomer for me, and one that I’m fascinated with but have yet to try. With Pinterest, you can set up “boards” with photos that reflect the content of your books, photos of your book covers, and other fun things such as descriptions of dog training techniques, etc. Visitors to your boards “Pin” the things that interest them, sharing your information on their own boards and thus spreading the news about what you’re posting. Perhaps the best feature about Pinterest is that it can drive traffic to your website.

Linked-In: Writers can connect with each other here in interest groups and publishers’ groups. This site is probably best for professional networking.

In order to prevent the hours in your day slipping down the time-warp drain, Melody advises that you pick one or two social media sites that you enjoy and dedicate your attention to them alone. Don’t try to participate in everything. After you find your niche, have fun, share what you want to of your personality and personal life, and connect with others in a way that suits you best.

Visit me on Facebook at, on Twitter, and on Instagram at I look forward to hearing from you! 


Margaret Mizushima is the author of the critically acclaimed Timber Creek K-9 Mysteries. Her books have garnered a Reader’s Favorite gold medal and have been listed as finalists in the RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards, the Colorado Book Awards, and the International Book Awards. Margaret serves on the board for the Rocky Mountain chapter of Mystery Writers of America, and she lives in Colorado where she assists her husband with their veterinary practice and Angus cattle herd. She can be found on Facebook/AuthorMargaretMizushima, on Twitter @margmizu, on Instagram at margmizu, and on her website at

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