Book Blast: Disease is an Expiation of the Sins by Dr. Mira Bajirova


Inside the Book:

Title: Disease is an Expiation of the Sins
Author: Dr. Mira Bajirova
Publisher: Partridge Singapore
Genre: Religion
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Disease is an expiation of the sins. Every sin is a disobedience to God. The sins involve the evil jinn (demons). When a person commits the sin, a black spot appears on his heart. If he repents, asks for the forgiveness, gives up with the sins, restores the people's rights and honor, who were wronged, and follows the Qur'an and Sunnah, Almighty Allah will purify his heart. But, if a person continues with the sins, his heart will become black and he will be doomed. "... Indeed, there is in the body a piece of flesh which if it is sound then the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt then the whole body is corrupt. It is the heart." (Bukhari) "Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." (Qur'an, Ar-R'ad 13:28) Sins remove God's blessings: life, health, fertility, wealth, provisions, knowledge, memory... Refraining from the sins is more important than performing good deeds. "Whatever is good is from Allah, while evil and sin are from ourselves and satan" (Fatwas of Ibn Baz) The only one God, Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth and everything between, seen and unseen, sent the Noble Qur'an and His last messenger to all mankind, as a healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy, and warning about the day of judgment and hellfire. "No calamity has descended except by disobedience, and no calamity is repelled except by repentance." (Ali Ibn Abi Talib) "Know, for certain, that when you break no one will heal you except you." (Ibn Al-Qayyim) More than 90% of the diseases are caused by the evil jinn, but doctors have no knowledge. Healthcare needs serious reform as went astray, instead of healing, it contributes to the progression of the disease and death, as it excites the hidden evil jinn and excited jinn spread more the disease. Satan can be cast out only by Ruqya and Negative Ions; both in the Noble Qur'an. The Ultimate Cure from all diseases is with Almighty God: Ruqya, Negative Ions and Prophetic Medicine. "Whoever abandons the Qur'an would abandon treating sickness and seeking healing through it." (Ibn Al-Qayyim).

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Meet the Author:
Dr MIRA BAJIROVA, Associate Professor, Consultant Ob-Gyn, IVF from Paris, has obtained 14 University Diplomas and Certificates and widely published. She has received "WOMEN ACHIEVERS AWARD 2018" With the recent guidance by Almighty God, she received the beneficial knowledge about the Ultimate Cure from all diseases: Ruqya, Negative Ions and Prophetic Medicine. She has published by the grace of Almighty Allah the book "Infertility Caused by Decreased Oxygen Utilization and Jinn (Demon)" She is an International speaker and has worked in many countries.


Dr. Mira is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins December 23 and ends on January 3.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on January 4.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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New Thriller You Won't Want to Miss! WIDOW'S RUN by TG Wolff

Author: TG Wolff
Publisher: Down & Out Books
Pages: 236
Genre: Mystery/Thriller

One night in Rome. One car. One dead scientist. Italian police investigate, but in the end, all they have are kind words for the new widow. Months later, a video emerges challenging the facts. Had he stepped into traffic, or was he pushed? The widow returns to the police, where there are more kind words but no answers. Exit the widow.

Enter Diamond. One name for a woman with one purpose. Resurrecting her CIA cover, she follows the shaky video down the rabbit hole. Her widow’s run unearths a plethora of suspects:  the small-time crook, the mule-loving rancher, the lady in waiting, the Russian bookseller, the soon-to-be priest. Following the stink greed leaves in its wake reveals big lies and ugly truths. Murder is filthy business. Good thing Diamond likes playing dirty.

"TG Wolff's novel is for crime-fiction fans who like it action-packed and hard-edged. Written with feisty panache, it introduces Diamond, one of the most aggressive, ill-tempered, and wholly irresistible heroines to ever swagger across the page." --David Housewright, Edgar Award-winning author of Dead Man's Mistress


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“Dixon.” It was the resigned statement you used when a kid straight up beat you at your own game.
“Hey Diamond.” Chips crunched in my ear. “How’s Italy?”
“How’d you get this phone number?”
“I called myself from it last night.” A bag crackled in the background.
“When and where was I?”
“When you went to the bathroom. You said make yourself comfortable.”
I wasn’t gone three minutes, not three minutes. “And you took it as an invitation to steal my phone number?”
“You know, for emergencies and stuff.” Either he had shoved another fistful of chips into his mouth or he had wadded up the bag into a ball and was gnawing on it.
“Dix, you put one more chip in your mouth and I’m going to swim across the Atlantic and give you a chip bag colonoscopy.”
He laughed. “That’s something old people get, right? Something like a camera up the butt?”
It’s hard to physically intimidate someone who lived day in, day out with violence. You know. Been there, done that, got the black eye. The one he’d gotten for his birthday still had days until it would fade.
“Yeah, Dix. I hear it comes with good drugs though. So, who is she?”
This time he glugged liquid, finishing it with a sloppy lip slap. “Who is who?”
“You know who.”
“Do who know you?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Dix, you’re making my head spin. You texted me you know ‘who she is.’ Tell me who she is while I’m still young enough to care.”
“Oh. Her. Ilsa Dumanovskaya. I’m not making it up either. Musta sucked to spell her name in kindergarten. Least her parents gave her a short first name.”
I leaned against an ice-cold plaster wall, prepared to commence head pounding. “Why should I care?”
“Because of Doc.” Doc. That was the nickname the kids at the YPF gave Gavriil. He liked the stories I brought home and showed up one afternoon. It wasn’t even “take your husband to work day.” I found him arguing with the science teacher over a chemical equation. They got past their chalkboard differences, created a bouncy-ball polymer, then had contests to see which formula bounced higher. The kids loved it. Gavriil came in once a week for lecture and the occasional spontaneous laboratory experiment.
“She’s the woman he met in Rome.”
My chin snapped up. My heart beat in double time. I had her face, now I had her name. I signaled Carlo for pencil and paper. “Give it to me.”
“She owns a bookstore. I have the address for her store and her apartment. Do they call them flats?”
“No idea. Give me the address.” My mouth watered with the taste of deep-fried quarry.
“Three-twenty-one valle Didochachiata.”
My pencil stayed still. “That can’t be right.”
“Maybe I’m not saying it right. Three-twenty-one Vya Deedoshakiata. Better?”
“No. Carlo? Can you figure out this address?” I handed over the phone and recommenced pacing.
Carlo alternated between speaking and listening. Then he laughed. Of course, he and Dix would understand each other. Gibberish was an international language.


About the Author

TG Wolff writes thrillers and mysteries that play within the gray area between good and bad, right and wrong. Cause and effect drive the stories, drawing from 20+ years’ experience in Civil Engineering, where “cause” is more often a symptom of a bigger, more challenging problem. Diverse characters mirror the complexities of real life and real people, balanced with a healthy dose of entertainment. TG Wolff holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering and is a member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime.

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Book Blast: The Lunchtime Club Detective Agency and the Mystery of Strangway Tower


Inside the Book:

Title: The Lunchtime Club Detective Agency and the Mystery of the Strangway Tower
Author: Michael A. Gilby
Publisher: AuthorHouse UK
Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Mystery
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Everyone in Austrey, Kansas, believes their high school is just like any other good high school around the country. Its staff inspires good grades, its sports teams are enthusiastic and its student body is comprised of all round nice kids. But just how normal is it? To everyone who knows Professor Weiss, he is a normal, well-liked, and knowledgeable teacher who has been heading the Lunchtime Club for several years. Everyone believes the club is a group of students who meet every lunchtime recess to chat and complete homework, assignments, and class projects. Although some are a little ‘geeky’, they seem like normal students. But what no one knows is that there is nothing ‘normal’ about Professor Weiss or his Lunchtime Club. As the shadowy and powerful Strangway is about to discover, they’re actually a detective agency - the best. They are the only ones who can stop a ruthless man and his empire from carrying out an evil mission. In this adventure, this group of high school sleuths and their teacher must solve a shadowy mystery before a powerful man achieves a dark vision that will change the world.

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Meet the Author:
Michael A Gilby is a former teacher with thirty years of experience in education. He has written and produced several award-winning learning materials as well as educational copy for a range of products across multiple platforms. Michael now works as a technical writer and journalist. He lives in the Channel Islands in Jersey. The Mystery of Strangway Tower is his first novel.


Michael is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins December 23 and ends on January 3.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on January 4.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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Book Trailer Spotlight! Grasshopper Eye and the Lost Vial

Inside the book

Grasshopper Eye and the Lost Vial anim
Title: Grasshopper Eye and the Lost Vial
Author: Michelle Jester
Publisher: Yellow Duckie Press
Pages: 36
Genre: Children (Juvenile>general, Juvenile>social issues> feelings and emotions)

book blurb

When the villagers first noticed that each of them had one item missing from their homes, they set out on a journey that ends with them finding something far more valuable than things. Go with Grasshopper Eye on a journey through friendships, feeling, and fitting in.


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meet the author

Michelle Jester
Michelle Jester is the author of several novels that fall into the Coming of Age, New Adult contemporary romance, Social Issues, Women’s Lit categories. Michelle’s titles, published through RopeSwing Press, include The Funeral Flower, Love, Cutter, and Two Thousand Lines (due out November 21, 2019.) In addition, Michelle is releasing a children’s book, Grasshopper Eye and the Lost Vial, through Yellow Duckie Press on the same day as Two Thousand Lines. It is featured in the contemporary novel, however is a stand-alone publications for a younger audience.
Michelle also writes several professional and personal blogs, contributes articles for independent publications, and is the Editor-in-chief for Modern Grace magazine. In addition, she is a Media and Publishing consultant, photographer, and graphic designer.
In 2007, she received the Louisiana Distinguished Civilian Service Medal for her work with military and their families. She has served as Public Relations manager and volunteer to non-profit organizations geared toward helping Veterans of war and their families. Michelle is a self proclaimed hopeless romantic who lives in Louisiana with her husband, high school sweetheart and a retired Army Master Sergeant. Together they have

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Author Interview: Psychological Thriller Author Simon Dillon #PhantomAudition

The spirit of Simon Dillon took human form in 1975, in accordance with The Prophecy. He kept a low profile during his formative years, living the first twenty or so of them in Oxford, before attending University in Southampton, and shortly afterwards hiding undercover in a television job. In the intervening years, he honed his writing skills and has now been unleashed on the world, deploying various short stories and novels to deliberately and ruthlessly entertain his readers. He presently lives in the South-West of England with his wife and two children, busily brainwashing the latter with the books he loved growing up.

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As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

There were two main sources of inspiration for Phantom Audition. Firstly, the idea of an actor taking advice on roles from a medium comes from the late, great Peter Sellers, who did exactly that in real life. In the novel, protagonist Mia Yardley’s late husband Steven, a famous actor, took a film role playing famous abstract artist Edward Bingley, who like Steven committed suicide in mysterious circumstances. When Mia discovers Steven took this role on the advice of a medium, she comes to suspect her husband may have buried himself in the role a little too much, to the point where supernatural forces were involved.

The second source of inspiration for Phantom Audition is A Fantastic Woman. This Chilean film, which won Best Foreign Film at the 2018 Oscars, might at first appear an odd choice as an influence on Phantom Audition. Nonetheless, it actually provided the initial spark that launched the idea for the novel. The story concerns a transgender woman dealing with the death of her partner, finding herself isolated and ostracised by his family. The film has a dreamlike, magical realist quality to it, and even at times becomes a bit like a thriller (there’s a mysterious key which her partner left, for example). Moreover, there is something of a descent into the underworld/death and rebirth metaphor in the film, a story arc which is very much echoed in my novel. One image particularly leapt out at me – that of a ghostly vision of the dead partner staring out at her from a crowded nightclub dance floor amid strobe lights. It’s an image I actually nicked, sorry, “paid homage” to.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Mia is a woman isolated by grief, surrounded by hostile staff and relatives (including Steven’s sister Jemima). They look down their nose at her, thinking her unworthy of inheriting the Yardley ancestral Jacobean mansion. The house intimidates and unnerves Mia, and she is desperately trying to rediscover who she is, to escape her late husband’s shadow.

In flashbacks, Steven is introduced. He appears charming at first, but did his later behaviour (mirroring that of Edward Bingley) reveal his true character, or was something more sinister responsible for his descent into drug addicted hedonism?

Other key characters include Mia’s loyal best friend Bronwyn, who helps investigate Steven’s suicide, the enigmatic Etta Amble, the medium Steven consulted, and Verity, a member of Mia’s staff who may just have a few dark secrets of her own. Lurking behind the main story is the past relationship between Edward Bingley and his fellow artist Horace Bailey. Were they the best of friends, as everyone thought? Or was Bailey secretly jealous of Bingley’s immense success?

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Stop wasting time going out to night clubs because you’re worried about being thought of as unsociable. Instead, save your money, read more books, watch more films, and learn not to give an airborne fornication about what anyone else thinks.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I suppose despite being promiscuous with genres, thematically there are certain ideas I explore again and again - abuse of power and religious oppression being two prime examples.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Most of the feedback I get from readers is very enthusiastic and encouraging. I’ve had a few bad reviews, but most of these are actually good reviews in disguise - ie people who found my books too disturbing or upsetting. At least they weren’t bored!

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

When I wrote my second novel, a person who beta-read it advised me to “put it through the shredder”. My first three novels will rightly never see the light of day.

What has been your best accomplishment?

In literary terms? Probably getting published by a traditional publisher. Dragon Soul Press have released three of my gothic mysteries - Spectre of Springwell Forest, The Irresistible Summons, and Phantom Audition.

Do you Google yourself?

Of course. Anyone who says they don’t is lying.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Not counting the afore-mentioned first three novels, I have ten unpublished novels sitting in various states of disrepair. Nothing is half-finished, but some are only at first draft stage. I’ve got one dystopian future shock satire, five fantasy tales, one very dark children’s fairy tale, one detective/horror hybrid, one thriller, and one contemporary satire. I’ve also got three other short stories (sci-fi romance, horror, and noir satire), and one novella (horror/sci-fi) lurking in my unreleased archives. Some of these might never be released, but who knows?

Next year I’m writing another gothic mystery, which I’m very excited about. I’ve got a killer ending which I am bursting to tell you, but obviously I’ll restrain myself.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

I’d make using phones in cinemas a criminal offence. Seriously, all those pesky light-polluting screens drive me insane and completely break the spell of the film. Show some proper consideration and turn it off!

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Thank you very much for reading my novels. I hope you enjoy Phantom Audition as much as the other gothic mysteries I’ve written. Also please leave reviews! This isn’t because I’m terribly insecure and require constant affirmation. It’s because reviews make those algorithms on Amazon show my work to more people. Reviews are bread and butter to relative unknowns like yours truly, and they really help. They don’t have to be long or eloquent; a simple “I enjoyed it” is fine. Thank you to everyone who has left reviews. I really appreciate every single one.

Small-time actress Mia Yardley, recently widowed wife of renowned actor Steven Yardley, discovers her late husband’s secret acting diary. The diary details appointments made with a psychic medium, who advised Steven on which roles to take. It also raises questions about his mysterious and inexplicable suicide. Seeking answers, Mia speaks to the medium, but in doing so is drawn into an ever- deepening mystery about what happened to her husband during the final days of his life. Eventually, she is forced to ask the terrible question: was Steven Yardley murdered by a vengeful evil from beyond the grave?


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New Wordless Picture Book you won't want to miss! 'TWAS THE NIGHT by Marin

We are so excited to finally bring you the news that 'Twas The Night has finally been released. This picture book will blow you away!



* Children's Picture Book *

Author: Marin
Publisher: Fontreal
Pages: 32
Genre: Children’s Picture Book


‘TWAS THE NIGHT is a wordless book that “tells” a heartwarming and inspirational Christmas story. The illustrations gift each reader, young and young at heart, the opportunity to reimagine the Season’s wonder, and the freedom “to script” (if they choose to) their own lines to go with the images. Keep dreaming big!




'TWAS THE NIGHT is a wordless book that "tells" a heartwarming
and inspirational Christmas story. The illustrations gift each reader, young and young at heart, the opportunity to reimagine the Season's wonder, and the freedom "to script" (if they choose to) their own lines to go with the images. Keep dreaming big!





My name is Marin and I was a child a very long time ago. My father passed away when I was one year old. My mother remarried and I was raised by my loving (but strict!) grandparents. After losing their son, they were terrified by the thought of losing their grandson. For this reason, they didn’t let me play on the street, swim in the nearby pond or explore the forest with the rest of the kids. This was also the reason I learned to read and write long before I went to school. My grandparents surrounded me with books. Books became my imaginary parents and my fictional friends. Apart from my genetic building blocks, books also came to be the main component in my development as a creative, compassionate and competitive individual.

I studied nuclear physics, art, and literature, but I enjoyed art the most. As a young artist, I was eager to succeed, winning prizes from various countries. I later became a partner in an advertising agency and switched my attention to serving clients. My last award was somewhere in the early nineties – The Best in the West by Corel Draw Corporation.

Oh, a few more boring things about me: I do not drive, I do not drink carbonated beverages, I have never consumed food from McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC or any other fast food restaurant, I do not have a mobile phone, I have never used legal or illegal drugs (except Gravol when I fly), and I have never visited my GP (much to the disapproval of my wife).

I read. I read every day. I am what I am today because of books. This publishing house is my little “thank you” to all of them.

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Get Your Free Kindle Download for Pamela Samuels Young's New Mystery/Legal Thriller EVERY REASONABLE DOUBT




Title: Every Reasonable Doubt
Author: Pamela Samuels Young
Publisher: Goldman House Publishing
File Size: 722 KB
Genre: Mystery/Legal Thriller

When attorneys Vernetta Henderson and Neddy McClain are tapped to take on the biggest case of their careers, they are less than thrilled about working together. Their strained relationship, however, is the least of their problems. Their socialite client—charged with the brutal murder of her husband—is demanding an immediate dismissal of the case. But a ruthless prosecutor is determined to make sure that doesn’t happen. Forced to fight a common enemy, the two women close ranks and, in the process, develop a bond that sees them through the uncertainties of trial, the pain of betrayal and pressures neither could have imagined.


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If Max Montgomery ever had to commit to monogamy to save his wife’s life, she would just have to come back and haunt him from the afterlife.
Max rested his forearm on the registration desk as his eyes anxiously crisscrossed the lobby of the Beverly Hills Ritz-Carlton. He watched as people milled about, dressed in tuxedos and evening gowns. He made eye contact with a short, brown-skinned cutie who sashayed by in a dress so tight he could see the faint outline of her thong. Max smiled. She smiled back. Too bad he was already about to get laid. Otherwise, he definitely would’ve taken the time to follow up on that.
“Here’s your key, Mr. Montgomery,” said a cherub-faced girl with a shrill voice. “You’ll be in room 502. One of our most elegant suites.”
When he reached for the key, his fingertips accidentally brushed her hand and she nervously looked away. She wants me, Max thought. But she was way too young for his taste.
He thanked her and headed for the bank of elevators in the rear of the lobby. Max tapped the elevator button and the car to his left instantly glided open. Some of the tension eased from his body once he was safely inside. He had waited nearly a week for this night and his wait was almost over.
The anonymous invitation to a “private evening of intimacy” had intrigued him and he had immediately decided to accept. No questions asked. A man like Max didn’t make hasty decisions very often. On the rare occasion that he did, it was only because he was banking on a huge payoff.
Max stepped off the elevator, studied the sign directly in front of him, then turned left down a long hallway. He walked with a distinctive, self-assured stride, like a male model taking a slow stroll down the catwalk. He stopped in front of a door near the end of the hallway and fished the plastic card key from his breast pocket.
A huge smile of anticipation spread across his face as he entered the lavish suite. The place was a classy ensemble of muted colors, luxurious fabrics, and calming scents. From the flowing silk curtains to the massive mahogany sleigh bed to the sleek suede comforter, everything in the room spelled class with a capital C. And that pleased him.
Max made his way over to a nightstand near the window, his feet sinking into the plush, caramel-colored carpet with every step. He examined a champagne bottle sitting near an antique lamp. Dom Pérignon, vintage 1995. Definitely his style. He only hoped his host was familiar with some of his more erotic personal preferences.
The sight of a red teddy hanging from the corner of the headboard triggered a twinge of arousal that warmed him inside. He rubbed the soft fabric between his fingers, smiled again, then tossed it onto the bed. On the floor near the nightstand was a large wicker basket with three packages of rose petals, twelve scented candles, two champagne glasses, and a book of matches. He set the basket on the bed and read the fancy gold card inside. It provided additional instructions for the evening.
Max glanced at his watch. He didn’t have much time. He scooped up the basket with one hand, began undoing his tie with the other and proceeded into the bathroom. It was just as dazzling as the rest of the suite. The marble floor, the shiny granite countertop, the extravagant gold fixtures were all symbols of an affluent lifestyle Max knew well.
As the card commanded, Max filled the oversized Jacuzzi tub with water, sprinkled it with the rose petals and positioned the candles about the room. He lit each one, then turned off the lights to admire his handiwork. Yes, yes, yes. He was about to have himself one big ball.
Max ripped up both the invitation and the card and flushed them down the toilet. A married man could never be too careful. Just as he was about to head back into the bedroom, the enormous mirror on the wall directly across from the tub stopped him in his tracks. Max grinned. He would get to watch.
Marching into the bedroom, he stripped off his Hugo Boss suit and draped it over the back of an armchair near the bed, making sure his pants were carefully folded along the crease line. After removing the rest of his clothes, he grabbed the champagne bottle and strutted naked into the bathroom, where he eased into the steaming hot water and waited.
All day long he had tried to figure out who his freaky little hostess might be. He had instantly ruled out Janice. A single parent with three kids didn’t have the time, not to mention the energy, to plan something this elaborate. She could barely escape from her solo law practice for their once-a-week lunchtime romps. That left Paula, a stewardess who had served him on a flight to New York three months earlier, and Natasha, the big-breasted Swede who was temping as a receptionist at his firm’s Newport Beach office. She had straight out boned him with her eyes when he walked up to the reception desk to find out her name. Yeah, both Paula and Natasha were kinky enough to plan something like this.
Max poured himself a glass of champagne and took a slow, satisfying sip. The air jets pelting his back with spurts of water felt great. He closed his eyes and slowly twisted his head to the left as far as it would go, then repeated the move on the opposite side. The muscles along the base of his neck felt like dense, knotted fists. Maybe she would give him a massage afterward.
At the sound of the hotel room door opening, Max bolted forward, causing rose petals to splash onto the floor. He could feel his pulse racing as he waited for his mystery date to appear, and when she did not, he settled back into the tub and tried to calm himself down. She was probably just slipping into that sexy little teddy. He was so hard now he had to fight the urge to jack himself off.
Max reached for the champagne bottle to refill his glass just as a sharp, searing pain attacked his left temple. He hoped it wasn’t another migraine. There was a time when he could almost will them away if he concentrated hard enough. But that wasn’t working anymore. He sat the bottle back down. He would wait and share the rest with her.
Max leaned back, sucked in a long, deep breath, and closed his eyes for several seconds. When he reopened them, he could not focus. A thick curtain of haze had suddenly filled the room. He tried to sit up, but his head felt heavier than a bowling ball and fell backward, slamming hard against the tiled wall. He was now blind, dizzy, and in excruciating pain.
By the time the bathroom door opened, Max could feel the presence of someone else in the room. He could even hear a voice. A voice he was too dazed to place, speaking words he could not quite make out. Max had never had a migraine like this one before. He tried to speak, but his lips spewed nothing but gibberish. Had the champagne been spiked?
Without warning, a powerful jolt of pain pierced the right side of Max’s chest at the same time that his head seemed to explode.
His visitor, hovering over him now, plunged a knife deep into Max’s chest, then repeated the motion. A second time, a third time, a fourth time. The stabbing continued until the rose petals disappeared into a pool of deep, dark red.



Award-winning author and attorney Pamela Samuels Young writes mysteries that matter. Dubbed “John Grisham with a sister’s twist” by one reviewer, Pamela’s fast-paced novels often tackle important social issues.

Her most recent legal thriller, Failure to Protect, takes on the bullying epidemic and its devastating aftermath. Pamela won the prestigious NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Fiction for her thriller Anybody’s Daughter, which provides a realistic look inside the world of child sex trafficking. Her courtroom drama Abuse of Discretion centers around a troubling teen sexting case. #Anybody’s Daughter and #Abuse of Discretion are young adult editions of the two books. A young adult version of Failure to Protect goes on sale in December 2019.

Pamela also writes dangerously sassy romantic suspense under the pen name Sassy Sinclair. Her first foray into the romance genre, Unlawful Desires (2017), was awarded Best Erotic Romance by Romance Slam Jam. Her second book, Unlawful Seduction (2018), was honored as a finalist in Romance Writers of America/Passionate Ink’s Passionate Plume contest in the Best Contemporary Erotica category.

The prolific writer is a frequent speaker on the topics of sex trafficking, bullying, online safety, fiction writing, self-empowerment, and pursuing your passion. To invite Pamela to your book club meeting or to read excerpts of her books, visit and .

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