🏰 Author Interview Featuring Jamie Linn Saloff, author of Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide


I have a very talented lady here today to tell us all about her new book, Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide
Jamie Linn Saloff is passionate about aiding fiercely independent, misfit, square pegs trapped in an unfulfilling life. Author, teacher, story weaver, spiritual counselor, seer of visions, pathfinder, for over thirty years Jamie’s taught how to reignite your heart by listening to your body groan and your soul weep. She is the author of twelve books including Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide and her Marvelous Messages™ series.

Author Links  

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I’d like to know more about you as a person first.  What do you do when you’re not writing?

Do you mean to make money or to have fun? (Which, sometimes, are one in the same!) Over twenty-years ago, I asked an author/mentor friend of mine if I could build him a website. I started doing that for others and quickly found out—I hated it! (I still build my own, though.) However, I also told him about this then-new thing called “print on demand” publishing and thought I knew how to do it. I had all the right software and knowledge. So, I convinced him to stop printing his books at the local copy shop and try it. From there, I formed a long-standing career where I helped authors self-publish by coaching them through the process, designing their books, and, in general, holding their hand as they made their book dream come true. I now tell everyone I am semi-retired from that, only taking on a few clients here and there, while I focus on my own books. Besides that, my husband retired last year and we are in the midst of selling our forty-four-year collection of 20th Century antiques. (This is actually a full-time job in itself!) When I’m not doing those things, I love making jewelry from vintage and found objects, needlecrafts, reading, and working on a photo-genealogy of my family that goes back over one hundred years. 

As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

That’s difficult because there are probably many, but I would say it is likely when I hired a writing mentor and began taking my writing seriously. Over the years, I’ve been very fortunate to know a lot of successful writers who helped me on my way. One of the best ways to meet some of these people is to work as a volunteer behind the scenes of a writer’s conference. I did that for many years and learned a tremendous amount, while also making some life-long friends. 

If you could go anywhere in the world to start writing your next book, where would that be and why?

I’ve been to almost every state in the US. I’ve been to Europe. I’ve been to tropical islands. A person can learn a lot by being in other cultures. Still, I love more than anything to have a quite space at home where I know nobody is going to bother me, if possible, for several days in a row. I live in a cottage on a lake where people are always walking, biking, fishing, or in a boat. It’s a lovely place to be (even though we get a lot of snow), and I am most happy when I am there. 

If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?

Write. Work on more books. I am driven at the moment to complete some writing projects, and I focus most of my time on those. I am horribly connected to my computer and someone should probably force me to stay off it. . . (No. . .  please don’t!) Otherwise, I might update my website. Play. Add to my journal. Read. Watch a tv show my husband would hate. (If I have extra free time, he’s not home!) Sometimes I like to work a good jigsaw puzzle or make jewelry from vintage and found objects. I always keep busy. There’s always something I want to do.

Why was writing Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide so important to you?

In my books, I write a lot about me. I use me as an example because I’m the best example I’ve known. But Hatch isn’t really about me. It’s about the reader who wants to make the most of their life, who wants to get unstuck from an unsatisfactory situation. It’s about living up to and beyond their potential, and most of all, about hearing their heart and living out the dreams their heart longs to live. I may talk about how and what I did (right and wrong) to achieve all I did in my life, but it’s so they can do it in theirs. That’s the bottom line for me because I feel like the more we help others to be their best, the happier people will be, and the happier people are, the better the world will be. 

What’s next for you?

I am working on a gift book called Hatch-ette (or in other words, the mini version of Hatch), which I intend to give away. It will be a quick jumpstart for those who want to “hatch a life worth loving.” When that is done, I am working on my Marvelous Messages series of books. The next one to be launched is Marvelous Messages from Your Ancestry. I have a deck of cards that goes with that one. After that, I want to create a video course, a community where I can interact with others, and an incubator program where I can privately mentor others. 


About Hatch: A Change Your Life Guide

If you could, how would you change your life?

While bravely facing the motherlode of difficult life challenges, you never dreamt the result would be a soul-sucking, heart-crushing existence.    

Although you try to ignore the emptiness, detachment, and feeling that you don’t belong, you rarely make changes. It just seems too impossible for so many reasons. Instead, you silenced your heart’s nagging with self-sacrifice, food stuffing, or by becoming a workaholic.  

Contemplating ending her life, Jamie Saloff chose instead to hatch a new one. She knows how self-doubt and unworthiness can cloud our ability to move forward after the darkness of illness, grief, trauma, or tragedy – because she’s faced it too.    

In Hatch – A Change Your Life Guide, Saloff walks readers through her step-by-step method to:  

• Awaken your soul’s purpose by listening to your heart’s voice   

• Find confidence in your next forward step by hearing your body speak

•See messages of guidance everywhere by learning where to look    

• Uncover your future in your past by examining your ancestral heritage      

• And much, much more…  

“It’s a simple question “Do you wish you could change your life for the better” while the answer is an easy one – do you have any idea of how to accomplish the task? “Hatch – A Change Your Life Guide” gives you a systematic process that will take you on a journey of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing…I highly recommend this wonderful and enlightening book” – Yolanda Renee

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🏰 Author Interview Featuring John Andrew Fredrick, Author THE KING OF GOOD INTENTIONS III


We have a very talented author here today to tell us all about his new book, The King of Good Intentions III. John Andrew Fredrick is the author of five novels and one book on the early films of Wes Anderson. He is the principal songwriter/singer of an indie rock band called The Black Watch that has released twenty-two albums to considerable acclaim. As Popmatters.com has observed, he is an accomplished painter. His poems have appeared in The Los Angeles Press, Santa Barbara Magazine, and Artillery, among others. He lives in Los Angeles and London. Visit him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/john.a.fredrick and Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/177676792-the-king-of-good-intentions-part-three.

As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors get the ideas for their books.  How did you come up with the idea for your The King of Good Intentions series?

I moved from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles in 1988; I had started my band in 1987 but came to LA without them, looking for like-minded indie rock musicians.  The trilogy is quasi-autobiographical, the story of how manic and thrilling it was to be a jangle-pop band in a hair band era.  I thought it was time that time--and the characters, in both senses of the word--was satirized.  I called my narrator "John" in order to play a sort of game with the reader.  He's not at all "me," but he could be my shadow self!

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

I tried to make the principal ones "round" (as E.M. Forster defines them), and the peripheral ones "rounded"--to, admittedly, variable degrees of success.  They're all young and ambitious and pretentious and endearing--as only artistes in their late twenties can be.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Know that no matter how hard it is to write a novel, getting it published is far more difficult.  I wrote 500 pages of a novel longhand before I realized it had no plot other than starring two recent Californian college grads who summered in England.  I threw it out.  I think I did the right thing.  That's advice I'd give to anybody who writes fiction:  just because you throw out a lot of material it isn't a failure but a prompt, as it were, for you to do something better.  Perhaps. 

As a published author, what has been your greatest moment? 

There have been many of them but the best ones have to do with readers telling me how many times they laughed out loud at my stuff.  That's my sole goal, really.  Other than making something beautiful and memorable and whimsically poetic.

Do you hear from your readers? What do they say?

See above.  It's very flattering at times.  Sometimes they object to the main character's garrulous nature, and to his morals or moral quandaries.  But satire, for me, is THE most moral genre.  The bad in my books always get their minor comeuppance. 

Is there anything you'd like to say to your readers and fans? Upcoming plans for more books?

I have a Hitchcockian thriller that I would LOVE to find a publisher for. We shall see. I am not fundamentally a very prideful person--I am too much aware of the greats who've gone before me to get to be too chuffed with myself--but I am super best pleased that strangers have found my novels and told me they didn't want the story to end.

About The King of Good Intentions III

As The Weird Sisters return from their first What-Could-Go-Wrong (spoiler alert – everything) National Tour, bandmates/lovers John and Jenny face their iffy futures together (or apart) as the brilliant and mysterious Katie upends the romantic/artistic balance that’s been precarious-at-best. The unmitigated vanity, the mythopoeic beauty, the megalomania and heartbreak, the exquisite talent and ludicrous hubris – it’s all here in Fredrick’s wonderful, tart-sweet, final installment.   

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🏰 Author Interview Featuring Negrita Smart, Author GRACE AND THE GOLDEN RULE


I have a very talented lady here today to tell us all about her new book, Grace and The Golden Rule. Negrita Smart is a small-town girl from Dadeville, Alabama. She is a wife, sister, believer, and teacher at heart.

The first of her family to graduate from college, Negrita holds a Masters in Business Administration and the insurance designation of Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriters and holds insurance licenses in Property and Casualty and Life and Health. She credits and shares her accomplishments with her supportive family.     

Negrita loves spending time with her family and has happily taken on the official role of Event Planner bringing family members together through fun and love. 

In her professional life, Negrita utilizes her talent for sharing knowledge and information as a new-hire trainer creating user-friendly webinars, courses, tests, and gauge learning within business areas such as auto, property, and agriculture.    

As an author, Negrita is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators always looking to connect, share and grow with fellow writers.    

An active supporter of her local church ministry, Negrita is driven to share life lessons with children through story-telling and relatable characters.  

Follow her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/negritasmart/.


Welcome to Book Bloggin’ Princess, Negrita. I’d like to know more about you as a person first. When did you start writing? What was your first published piece? 

I began writing in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. Grace And The Golden Rule is my first published piece. 

As a published author, what has been the most pivotal point of your career?

The most pivotal point has been becoming an Amazon Best Selling Author. When I reflect on this accomplishment, I become emotional especially because it happened so quickly. 

If you could go anywhere to write your next book, where would that be and why? 

I would love to sail on an Alaskan cruise and write another book. I have always wanted to visit Alaska. This would be combining what I love to do and a place I would love to visit. 

If you had 4 extra hours of extra time today, what would you do?  

I would read more books, of course! I like to read inspirational books. Right now, I am reading Created To Dream by Rick Warren. I would also shop at Hobby Lobby. I could spend hours walking up and down every aisle in the store. The music is so calming. It's a great shopping experience. 

Why was writing Grace And The Golden Rule so important to you?

I wanted to write a book that would teach children how to treat others, how to be kind, how to share, and how to love. 

Any final words? 

I am working on book #2 in the series. It should be available at the beginning of 2024. Please follow Grace to find out what she does next.


About Grace And The Golden Rule


Grace loves the Winter season. It is her favorite of all seasons because she loves to play in the snow with her friends. Winter is also Grace’s favorite season because she can wear her favorite purple scarf. Grace wears it every day until she meets Ruth. After meeting Ruth as school, Grace feels differently about playing in the snow and wearing her favorite purple scarf. This is because Grace learns a valuable lesson about how to treat other people.

Purchase at Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/3zh4de8f



🏰New Science Fiction! Home Rule: Book III of The Tribal Wars by Stella Atrium



A compelling planet story of adventure and life lessons in the struggle for tribal home rule where Brianna Miller gains a needed public voice…


Title: Home Rule: Book 3 of The Tribal Wars
Author: Stella Atrium
Publisher: Stella Atrium Writes LLC
Pages: 458
Genre: Science Fiction

Sarafina di Ramonicc In book 3 of the award-winning series, photojournalist Hershel Henry witnesses the loss by self-torching of tribal women. The Madquii and Gora tribes have laid siege to the city of Urbyd, and Brianna Miller must seek a peace treaty.   

Kelly Osborn travels to Stargate Junction to set the wedding of ambassador Otieno. Hershel Henry opens a gazette to report on pending elections for home rule, but then shocking events upset their plans.  

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C44QT91N



Book Excerpt  

Dkar was my landlord in Cylay. A Putuki man with bulging eyes that judged everything, he owned a converted warehouse eight blocks from the governor’s house, if you can call them blocks. I paid rent for two rooms above the storefront where Cylahi-constructed furniture was sold to the newly rich residents of the Putuki city section. People on the street did not bother me much, sometimes to beg alms. My rooms were tossed and robbed, however, whenever I left to pursue a news story. 

Aging and maimed warriors lingered in Cylay; desperate women with toddlers, free-roaming fowl and pigs. Electricity came on for two hours a day and the faucets never worked. Rabbenu Ely and the Putuki bazaari still held authority in Cylay, but rabbenu provided few services to the people. Unblessed ones, as poor residents were called, understood little of where the city funds originated and why foreign aid arrived at the governor’s mansion. 

I was in Dkar’s office to lodge a complaint about being robbed again. Dkar sat in a squeaky chair behind a desk scrounged from an abandoned hotel. “The thefts are friendliness, Hershel Henry,” he said. “Their way of saying that you are useful to them.”

“Look, if you refuse to take my complaint seriously—” 

“I like you, Softcheeks,” he interrupted. “You can feel safe here. Safe as long as you allow the activity. If you should bother Putuki police about the theft, well . . . that’s different, huh?”

“Is that a threat? Are you making a threat?”

“I want to help you, Henry. I’m helping here. Tomorrow we go to the bazaar, and there we find your solution.” Dkar leaned forward with a grin, showing the absence of two teeth on the left side. “Trust me.” 

I had washed the insect repellent from my hair and beard, now a silvery blond against tan skin. I wore the dungarees and shirt of the clutch of Kenru, provided to me when I first visited Uburu land. I had a field vest with notepad and light meter. And I constantly wore the sheathed beltknife that was a gift, more for show against the hungry eyes of local beggars than for soldiering. 

I was forced to keep my cameras and everything but a change of clothes at the hotel Press Club. John Milan and other journalists jeered at me for preferring to live among the people, and I was beginning to get the message. 

“You got a woman, Henry?” Doug Endicott guessed when I was sharing drinks with John Milan and Regan Villines at the Press Club. Endicott was the network dog who parceled out paychecks.

I squinted at his smirk. “Just closer to events.”

“You stink of that slum,” Endicott complained. “You bring their diseases in here.”

“I’ll try not to infect the tribes with your attitude.” 

“Why did you even come to Westend?” Endicott demanded. “What was it, Henry? The lure of exotic locales, or running away from a broken heart?”

“Where I come from, everything is broken. The savannah tribes have a purpose.”

Endicott shook his head slightly. “So . . . it’s the romance thing. Your tour will end six months early. Mark my words. You’ll shake with malaria chills for a decade.”

“Maybe not. Australian pioneer stock.”

“An urban pioneer?” Endicott realized his drink was empty and stepped to the bar for a refill. 

The comtech over the bar had the volume turned down, but the news clip replayed Rabbenu Ely announcing a new business in Cylay for an upstart stock exchange. The rotund rabbenu wore a dark suit and blue silk sash to designate his office. Ely made a stately stroll down a gilded hallway to step up to the podium and face reporters. Three suited Putuki men and General Sector in a starched uniform, head of Consortium peace-keeping troops in Cylay, crowded behind Ely. 

“Ely has gained weight,” Regan said derisively. “And he chose blue for that sash.”

“Why blue?” I asked.

 “Blue is forbidden on the savannah,” Regan said, seated shoulder-to-shoulder with me. “In honor of the blue macaw, the god-agent of Rularim.”

“What’s a god-agent?” I asked. 

“You have much to learn about the tribes, Henry.” John Milan said. “It’s like a witch has a black cat, but some animals can share dream images with favorites.”

“With you?” I asked him. 

John made a snorting noise and looked around for the waiter. He sighed and went to the bar to order, lingering with Endicott. 

“Why does General Sector lend himself to this charade?” Regan asked as she watched the comtech news. “That’s the real question.” 

We saw Ely encourage a shorter man in a blue suit to step up to the podium, further crowding the ministers. 

“Manenowski! Can you believe it?” Regan said. Her weathered face and khaki clothes tagged her as a veteran reporter. “He was promoted to captain under General Sector,” she added. “He resigned his commission for this new position as a stock trader. And Sector just stands there, like that turncoat act was nothing at all. Man, this job will make you cynical.”

John returned with drinks for him and Regan but not for me. I took the hint. I headed out from the Press Club, just catching Regan’s comment as she speculated to John Milan, “How much different from Henry’s station in Australia is that slum alleyway?”


About the Author

Stella Atrium is writing The Tribal Wars series. The first trilogy is available as ebooks and in print. BookLife has awarded the Editor’s Pick designation for each book upon its release.    

Home Rule rounds out the first trilogy and received first place in the 2023 Artisan Book Review Awards for Science Fiction and Fantasy.     

Book 4 titled Tribal Logic is scheduled for release in early 2024. Also be certain to pick up Atrium’s standalone novel Seven Beyond that won a 2014 Reader’s Favorites award in science fiction.   

Website: https://stellaatrium.com   

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/SAtriumWrites 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SAtriumWrites


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🏰 Author Interview Featuring Avery Sterling, Author of Precious Burdens

I have a very talented lady here today to tell us all about her new book, Precious Burdens. Avery Sterling’s love for the romance genre began in her teen years when she picked up her first novel. She was captivated by the sweeping scale of emotions brought about by the words. The experience catapulted her towards learning the art of wielding a breathtaking adventure, with a love that felt authentic. Wanting to inspire people with her own thoughts and words, she finished her first novel at sixteen. It was a step towards understanding the essence of what she wished to create. Most of her youth was spent traveling, searching out the romance and beauty in her everchanging world. From the waves that crashed against the rocky shores of Downeast, Maine, to the warm breezes of the Caribbean, she discovered that love was universal, apparent in its grandest and simplest of forms. Her goal is to write novels an audience can relate to, one that conveys the truth and nature of love…with all the steamy romance. 

Website: http://www.avery-sterling.com  

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/averysterling17  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avery.sterling.125?eav=AfaEN0SdTOOmVInfsysAoPRLYUanLZ1olr4QWTIjYzwm85tfJ7Ij6rQhS1Qf5oXnK7k&paipv=0&_rdr   

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Avery.Sterling17

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19674760.Avery_Sterling   

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/avery-sterling



I’d like to know more about you as a person first.  What do you do when you’re not writing?


I stay busy, so balancing out my family, work, and passions are crucial. When I’m not writing, I love to hang out with my kids. I do that as much as I can. I also enjoy making things like soap, candles, etc. I try to catch up on reading material in my spare time. I’m also interested in astrology and spiritualism, so I make the time to research those subjects.  

When did you start writing?


I started writing when I was sixteen. 

As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?


I’d say the most pivotal point in my writing life was when I decided to publish. It was an emotionally toilsome decision because I was torn between pursuing my dreams and protecting the most vulnerable parts of myself. My stories and characters come from the deepest part of me, an extension of my heart and mind. Revealing that to the rest of the world was terrifying, thus pushing the boundaries of my own character. Working through this, allowing myself to take this journey, has helped me grow as a person, and as a writer.   

If you could go anywhere in the world to start writing your next book, where would that be and why?


Ireland. My current WIP is based there, and the more I research the country and its history—particularly druidism/paganism—the more fascinating it becomes. I’d love to experience it all firsthand. 

If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?


I’d probably prep meals for the week, and maybe go to the gym. 



Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?


I find Basque an incredibly interesting place, and I’ve considered setting a novel there.



Why was writing Precious Burdens so important to you?


The storyline itself is dramatic, love initiated by revenge. Precious Burdens was important to me because the more I delved into Sarafina and Nye’s story, the more connected I became. Peeling back the layers as their story unfolded, raised a lot of questions within me about self-love, self-worth, duty, and redemption. The love and anguish involved in these characters, and the obstacles they faced, gripped me. In a sense, it left me vulnerable. For me, Precious Burdens was an emotional journey.    

What’s next for you?


Precious Burdens has a companion novel, which will be announced soon. I'll be working on that release, and wrapping up a couple of projects.



About Precious Burdens


Sarafina di Ramonicci sets sail for America as the promised bride in an arranged political marriage.       

Taken prisoner at sea, she clashes with her captor and demands freedom, only to discover he is planning her future husband’s demise, with her as a pawn in their deadly feud. The challenge of escape tests her loyalty to family, human decency, and love.  

Captain Nye Tarquin is a dangerous man. Left to die on the streets of New Orleans, he swears retribution on the man responsible. When he makes Sarafina part of his plan, he isn’t prepared for the fiery vixen aboard his ship, nor his desire to claim her as his own. When passion overtakes honor, he’s torn between his heart and his need for justice.  

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Precious-Burdens-Avery-Sterling-ebook/dp/B0C8VHNH3V  

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/precious-burdens-avery-sterling/1143685468?ean=2940160809335