Author Interview: Alice Kay Hill Author of UNDER A FULL MOON: THE LAST LYNCHING IN KANSAS

Alice Kay Hill is passionate about her Kansas heritage. She has published in Hobby Farms magazine and written an instruction manual title GROW TOPLESS: A Modified High Tunnel Design for Headache Free Extended-Season Gardening which is available on Amazon. UNDER A FULL MOON: The Last Lynching in Kansas is her first narrative non-fiction work.






As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

The seed for UNDER A FULL MOON The Last Lynching in Kansas was planted by my grandmother as she warned me about ‘bad men’ when I was a child. Her story of a local kidnapping and murder of an eight-year-old girl from a nearby farming town and the subsequent hanging of the man on property owned by our relative stayed with me as I grew into adulthood. While doing research for the 1907 Shirley Opera House’s application to the Kansas Historical Society for placement on the register of historic places, which our family had purchased and was restoring, I found that this same man and the little girl were seen by the public in the Owl Café, a business in the Opera House in 1932, just before her brutal rape and death. The seed my grandmother had planted long ago sprouted into the idea of ‘unraveling the why’ behind the story.

Can you give us an excerpt?

CHAPTER 6: RICHARD READ - 1881 Prairie Dog Creek “One afternoon Mother is standing over the washing kettle, stirring our clothes with a heavy wooden paddle as the water steams above the fire. I can see she is busy and tired. Her hard belly juts out before her like a heavy stone. Sarah is crying hard, so I take her inside and lay her on the floor to clean her.
Father comes through the door just as I am lifting Sarah Lou’s warm, pale bottom with my hand to look at the places she and I are different. My finger had poked a little at her. His backhanded blow throws me into Mother’s square trunk and I feel something pop above my eye. Blood flies in an arc. I see red drops dot the bed quilt. Wet runs down my face; tears and blood and snot. My ears whistle and little sparks dance in the air. Father’s roar brings Mother running, one hand holding her skirts, one hand under her belly.
“You dirty little monster! You filthy little monster!” He rises as tall and hot as a wildfire over me. “If I ever see you touch your sister again, I’ll beat you senseless! God in Heaven, you’re already senseless! What kind of son do I have?!”

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

This book took nearly sixteen years to complete as I fit the research and writing into our busy lives. Even though I used a filing system I wish I had told myself to keep better records of my references to minimize duplication of effort.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

The ‘story room’ in my brain has its door always open. I store snippets of thought, moments of observation, and sensations of life in that room, ready to be retrieved when needed.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

I was concerned that readers who live in the area written about and who know the story of the Richard Read lynching would be critical of UNDER A FULL MOON. I was concerned that my interpretation of the story would offend some. I am pleased to say that there have only been positive responses at this time. Others, who are not from the area, appreciate learning about this time of history and the difficulties pioneer families faced. My greatest hope is that readers will view their world with a more sensitive eye and be ready to act if they see a child in danger or a person being ostracized.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

My own.

What has been your best accomplishment?

The restoration of the 1907 Shirley Opera House, Atwood, KS with its placement on the Kansas and National Registers of Historic Places. This is a lasting accomplishment that I am honored to have experienced.

Do you Google yourself?

I check for new reviews of my two published books periodically. My other book is called GROW TOPLESS A Modified High Tunnel Design for Headache Free Extended-Season Gardening.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Nothing at present, but I do have some ideas simmering in my ‘story room’.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

I would restore the small towns (1000 people or less) to be self-sustaining through a foundation of responsibly grown and processed local foods to eliminate the reliance on corporate ag and to stop the hemorrhage of money from the heartland of America.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

I felt compelled to tell Pleasant Richardson Read’s story, a story of abuse and ostracism. I hope that after reading this book readers will act to protect and never intentionally do harm.


UNDER A FULL MOON: The Last Lynching in Kansas tells of the tragic abduction and death of an eight-year-old girl at the hands of a repeat offender in 1932. This crime stands apart as the last mob lynching in Kansas. Based on true events, this account takes a deep dive into the psycho-social complexities of pioneer times and their impact on this particular crime and the justice meted out to the perpetrator.

Beginning in the year 1881, and written in a chronological narrative non-fiction format, author Alice Kay Hill vividly weaves the stories of the victims and the families involved. She reveals how mental and physical abuse, social isolation, privations of homesteading, strong dreams and even stronger personalities all factored into the criminal and his crimes.

Spanning the years of settlement to the beginnings of the Dust Bowl, historic events are lived as daily news by the seven families whose lives become intertwined. Historically accurate and written with an intimate knowledge of the area, UNDER A FULL MOON is as personal as a family diary, as vivid as a photo album found in an attic trunk, and will remain with the reader long after the book is closed.


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Author Interview: Anthony Drago & Douglas Wellman Authors of SURVIVING HIROSHIMA

Anthony Drago

Anthony “Tony” Drago was born in Camden, New Jersey and spent much of his early childhood at his paternal grandparents Italian grocery store. From a young age, his mother, Kaleria Palchikoff Drago, would tell him the captivating story of her journey from Russia to Japan and then to the United States. It created Tony’s foundation for his love of history—especially his family’s history—bringing him to write this book.

After retiring in 2006, Tony doubled down on his passions—flying his airplane, restoring his classic car, and traveling the world with his wife, Kathy. Tony and Kathy have been married for forty-five years. They have three adult children and enjoy spending their days on the beach in their hometown of Carmel, California with their eight grandchildren and dogs, Tug and Maggie. For more information about Kaleria and the book, visit

Douglas Wellman

Douglas Wellman was a television producer-director for 35 years, as well as dean of the film school at the University of Southern California. He currently lives in Southern Utah with his wife, Deborah, where he works as a chaplain at a local hospital when he isn’t busy writing books.

For more information on Doug and the books he has written, visit his website at


As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

ANTHONY DRAGO: This is the story of my family, which had a long history as members of the aristocracy in czarist Russia. During the Russian Civil War, those loyal to the czar were attacked by the Bolsheviks. My grandfather, Sergei Palchikoff, was an officer in the White Russian Army, but he and his troops were slowly pushed across Russia to the port of Vladivostok, where my grandfather and his colleagues hijacked a ship to take them to Japan. They lived peacefully there until the end of World War II, when the atomic bomb was dropped on their new home city of Hiroshima. My mother told me stories of my family from the time I was very young, and I have dreamed of writing this book for decades.

Can you give us an excerpt?

Although she couldn’t see, her hearing hadn’t been affected. The first sound she remembered hearing was David-half calling out, half crying-“Mom, mom, where are you? It’s so dark; I can’t see!” The dust was beginning to settle, and mom became conscious of movement across the room. It was David under a pile of rubble. She was suddenly aware that their house had fallen on them. The bomb obviously must have landed in their yard. It was lucky that David had just stepped into the house before the explosion; he would have been killed had he been outside. She heard another voice. “David, David, are you all right? God save my boy!” It was grandmother. At least three of them were still alive.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

DOUGLAS WELLMAN: Be brave! When I was young, I was too concerned with trying to write everything really well from the moment I put my first thought on paper. I put a lot of undo pressure on myself. I would tell my younger self to charge ahead and not worry if you don’t like the results. I know I’m going to rewrite anyway, so why worry at this point? The pressure stymies creativity. Just get started and keep going. You’re gonna fix it later anyway.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I can’t have a desk that faces a wall. When I was in college, I had a really unpleasant job with a desk that faced a wall. I decided then that I would never again stare at a wall. My writing chair is up against wall and I look across my desk at the expanse of my office. I have some awards from my days as a television producer, and they are on a shelf in front of me. If I ever have a moment of self-doubt, I look at them.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

ANTHONY DRAGO: I have heard from some readers who received advance reading copies. All have told me that they really enjoyed the book and were impressed with the research that went into telling this remarkable story.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

DOUGLAS WELLMAN: The most difficult criticism for me to handle is when an editor, or someone else who has seen the pre-publication manuscript, suggests I cut something. I try to put a lot of context in the work, so the reader understands events outside the specific story, but there is a point where you can put in too much information and actually get in the way of the story. In this book, at my editor’s suggestion, I made cuts in the contextual information on the Pacific War. There reader will still see the story in light of world events without being burdened by too many details. Although I don’t particularly like cutting, I understand that it frequently makes for a more readable book.

What has been your best accomplishment?

ANTHONY DRAGO: The story of my family is very important to me. For over thirty years I have wanted to write this book and there is a huge sense of accomplishment with finally getting it done. My co-author, Douglas Wellman, was able to guide me and put everything in place.

Do you Google yourself?

ANTHONY DRAGO: Yes, and it’s fascinating to see how interest is growing in this book.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

DOUGLAS WELLMAN: I wrote an autobiography for a celebrity many years ago, and when I had it set up with a publisher, the celebrity’s son popped up and said he had power of attorney for his father, stepped in and made a lot of ridiculous demands. The publisher called me and told me the deal was off. I have just completed the first draft of a book about a Christian missionary in Thailand. I will finish that in the fall. As I work on that, I will be starting research on the story of a Polish Jewish woman who survived Nazi concentration camps. That story just came to me, so I have not started it.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

DOUGLAS WELLMAN: I’d hire someone to follow me around and keep an eye on me so I would stop losing things.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

ANTHONY DRAGO: I would like to tell the readers that my mother wanted to tell her story in a positive, insightful way, without pulling any punches. She would want to impress upon the readers that people need to reach deep into themselves to find ways to survive the tragedies in their lives. They prevail by family, faith and the sheer will to overcome. Do not give up…believe in yourself.


From Russian nobility, the Palchikoffs barely escaped death at the hands of Bolshevik revolutionaries until Kaleria’s father, a White Russian officer, hijacked a ship to take them to safety in Hiroshima. Safety was short lived. Her father, a talented musician, established a new life for the family, but the outbreak of World War II created a cloud of suspicion that led to his imprisonment and years of deprivation for his family.

Then, on August 6, 1945, 22-year-old Kaleria was doing pre-breakfast chores when a blinding flash lit the sky over Hiroshima, Japan. A moment later, everything went black as the house collapsed on her and her family. Their world, and everyone else’s changed as the first atomic bomb was detonated over a city.

After the bombing, trapped in the center of previously unimagined devastation, Kaleria summoned her strength to come to the aid of bomb victims, treating the never-before seen effects of radiation. Fluent in English, Kaleria was soon recruited to work with General Douglas MacArthur’s occupation forces.


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New release: 'Somebody Else’s Troubles,' by J.A. English

Somebody Else’s Troubles
 by J.A. English 

Published by Zimbell House

An inventive, intriguing, and extraordinarily thought-provoking tale, Somebody Else’s Troubles centers on a titillating question: who among us hasn’t dreamed of walking to the corner store and simply disappearing?

About Somebody Else’s Troubles:  Ohio businessman Travers Landeman has plenty of troubles. Between a marriage that is loveless at best, a hateful, greedy, self-consumed wife, and a family business changing in unexpected and unwelcome ways, Travers copes in the best way he knows how: by making a conscious effort not to think.  But when his teenage nephew, Matthew Calkins, reaches out to him for help, Travers turns away. When his inaction causes unspeakable guilt, Travers fakes his death on the Caribbean Island of Mabuhay, an act that sets into motion a most unusual series of events—events that will bond together a most unusual cadre of people.

Years pass and it appears that Travers, now settled in to a new life with a new family and a new name, has gotten away with it.  Or has he?

The Atlantis Fidelity Insurance Company hires Albert Sydney McNab to bring Travers back to Ohio. But McNab, a bumbling, sore-footed, ne’er-do-well with a litany of failed careers—waiter, bus driver, door-to-door salesman—is surprisingly somehow hot on Travers’ trail.

Chicago bookseller Joe Rogers leads a group of amateur archaeologists to Mabuhay. Dealt a fistful of trouble when he acquired Chicago’s oldest bookstore, The Yellow Harp, Joe Rogers has a penchant for vodka, an abject ineptitude for following orders, and an abundance of useless knowledge. But at a dig site in Mabuhay, Rogers discovers an ancient treasure—a jeweled mask. Will Joe, who has his own axe to grind with Atlantis Fidelity Insurance, step off the sidelines and get back in the game?

Esmerelda McNab, United Nations Ambassador of the UN’s newest member nation, the Commonwealth of Mabuhay, has her own set of troubles—protestors who denounce her part in the sale of the mask that Joe Rogers discovered as “cultural genocide.”

Do love, peace, and redemption even exist on Mabuhay?  Or are somebody else’s troubles just that?

A brilliantly-rendered tale, Somebody Else’s Troubles takes readers on an unforgettable journey spanning from the streets of Chicago’s gritty Austin neighborhood to the remote island paradise of Mabuhay.  Resplendent with richly-drawn characters that spring to life in the novel’s pages, Somebody Else’s Troubles is peppered with wit and subtle humor. Novelist J.A. English delivers a clever, captivating, smart, seamless story replete with fascinating historical detail and literary allusion.   A beautifully written literary novel about escape and inertia, action and inaction, faith and doubt, and finding home—and hope—in the unlikeliest of places, Somebody Else’s Troubles is destined to stay with readers long after the final page is turned.

About the author:

A proud native of Paterson, New Jersey, J.A. English came of age in Mexico City, Mexico. He received his B. A. cum laude from Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and an M. A. from Rice University in Houston, Texas. English is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. He has lived for a half century in the Austin neighborhood on Chicago’s west side, where he still maintains a residence, but now spends much of his time in Sosua, Dominican Republic. English is a widely-published writer whose works have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Reader and Co-Existence, the literary journal which featured the works of Henry Miller.  Visit J.A. English online at:

Find out more on Amazon

New Regency Romance! RECKLESS IN RED by Rachael Miles

Rachael Miles
Regency Romance

Lena Frost is a force to be reckoned with. A woman who has made her way in society without family or fortune, she’s about to realize her first big success as an artist. . . . Until her business partner makes off with her money, leaving her with little more than her hopes—and a dead body in her studio. Now Lena is at the mercy of a strikingly handsome stranger demanding answers she dare not reveal . . .
Is it her seductive eyes, or his suspicion that she’s up to no good that have Clive Somerville shadowing Lena’s every move? Either way, his secret investigation for the Home Office has him determined to uncover Lena’s hidden agenda.  But the closer he gets to her, the more he longs to be her protector. Is she a victim of circumstance? Or a dark force in a conspiracy that could destroy everything Clive holds dear?  Discovering the truth could have dire consequences, not only for Lena, but for his heart . . .

Reckless in Red was a 2019 finalist for the Holt Medallion in Historical Fiction and a first-place winner in the 2020 National Federation of Press Women’s communications contests in the category Fiction for Adult Readers: Novels.

Praise for Reckless in Red

An artist preparing a huge exhibition is disheartened when her business partner absconds with her money, but the event introduces her to an aristocrat who ultimately becomes her greatest ally against a shadowy enemy.

Artist Lena Frost is a survivor. She’s survived a weak father and a difficult stepmother. She survived in France during Napoleon’s war. She’s even rebounded from her lost career when she finally had to flee France after having been betrayed. Now she’s spent three years preparing a huge exhibition, which is the talk of London. So when her trusted business partner disappears with all her funds just two weeks before the gala opening, she’s nearly defeated. Especially when he leaves her an enigmatic message implying she’s in danger. But she can’t give up: “She would have to reinvent herself again. The very thought of it made her almost weak with despair.” Fearing she’s being followed, she winds up at The African’s Daughter, a bookshop owned by her Anglo African friend Constance Equiano, who introduces her to the Muses, a group of aristocratic ladies who meet monthly at the shop. Through them, she meets Lord Clive Somerville, brother of the Duke of Forster and the Regency equivalent of a forensic pathologist. When it becomes clear that someone is trying to kill Lena and more than one of her exhibition artists has disappeared mysteriously, Clive vows to keep her safe, help her open the exhibition, and discover who’s behind the threats. Author Miles continues her smart, intriguing Muses Salon series (Jilting the Duke, 2016, etc.) with another bright, accomplished heroine who fights for her happiness with an unexpected perfect match.

A unique storyline, a dose of suspense, and a circle of intelligent female friends enhance a successful romance.
Kirkus Reviews
The suspenseful fourth in Miles’s Muses’ Salon series (after Tempting the Earl) captivates with clever prose and an unconventional heroine. In 1820 London, painter Lena Frost drifts on the fringes of society due to her checkered past, but she hopes that her upcoming exhibition will catapult her into artistic fame. Her hopes are dashed when her business partner disappears with all of their money. Then several people, all with some connection to Lena, are murdered. Enter Clive Somerville, who is the younger brother of a duke and is a surgeon who serves among the Home Office’s investigative ranks. His inquiries into the rash of killings lead him straight to Lena’s doorstep. His fascination with Lena blurs the lines between suspicion and desire, and his urge to question her quickly transforms into a need to protect her. The only flaw in this intricately crafted historical romance is the unbelievable speed at which the connection between the protagonists develops. Readers looking for a change from Regencies will find this witty Victorian tale refreshing.

Publishers Weekly


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Winter 1820
“That damned swindler.”
From the office door of Calder and Company, Lena Frost could see the key, left precisely in the middle of the empty desktop. Everything else was gone: Horatio’s inkwell, his penknife, his little toys, even the carved bird he’d been toying with for the last several weeks. She knew what it meant: Horatio had left. For good.
But did he take the money? She snatched up the key as she rounded the desk. Perhaps he’d left it—or at least enough to pay the remaining craftsmen and open the ex- hibition. Perhaps: the word felt hollow.
Five of the six desk drawers stuck out several inches. Horatio had left in haste. She looked through the drawers, now a jumble. Unused correspondence paper in a variety of sizes. An assortment of bills, paid—because she had paid them—to the end of the quarter. A handful of artist’s crayons, almost used up. She picked up the sanguine pencil, its tip a ruddy red against her hand, then tossed it back into the drawer. Horatio was a talented artist, but his real skill was with words, most of them lies.
Nothing in the drawers was of any importance.
Only the drawer where she kept the money box was still shut. If the money was gone, her only hope would be to keep it quiet until she could open the exhibition. Subscribers had paid in advance to see what everyone was calling the most important art exhibition of the year. If she didn’t open, she’d have to refund their money. If she could make it two more weeks . . .
She hesitated before turning the key, torn between needing to know and dreading the knowledge.
No. Whatever is here—or isn’t—I will face it, as I always have. She turned the key. The drawer opened about four inches, then stuck. Hope bloomed for a moment. Perhaps the money box was still there, wedging the drawer in place, its banknotes and coin all still neatly arranged in di- vided trays. She pushed the drawer in, then tugged it out. But nothing would make it open wider.
She slid her hand in flat; there wasn’t room to make a fist. Then she inched her fingers forward. She felt nothing but the wooden bottom of the drawer. When she reached the halfway point, her stomach turned sour. The box was gone. But she kept reaching, needing to know the drawer was empty before she let herself sink into the despair already pooling inside her.
At the very back of the drawer, almost past her reach, her fingertips felt the edge of a thick piece of paper. A banknote? Perhaps he had left her enough to open the exhibition? Or at least to pay her rent? Pressing the tips of her fingers against the paper, she dragged it forward and out. The note was folded over twice, and she hesitated a moment, afraid of what it might tell her.
The paper was fine, well made, one of the sheets she used to correspond with wealthy patrons and subscribers. That in itself was strange: Horatio normally wrote on paper with a large watermark of Britannia in the middle of the page. He’d play a game with the ghost image, positioning his salutation so that Britannia would look at the name of the addressee or so that her spear would intersect with his period to make an invisible exclamation at the end of his sentences. Lena had shaken her head at his games, finding it hard to remain angry or frustrated with him. But if he’d endangered the exhibition, she might remain angry with him forever.
Tightening her jaw, she unfolded the page. In the center, Horatio had lettered a single word: “RUN.”
The despair in her stomach turned instantly to an unreasoning fear. Every creak, every groan of the old building sounded like a warning. Run.
She pushed the drawer closed, locked it, and replaced the key in the center of the desktop.
Surveying the room, she tried to imagine where Hora- tio might have hidden the money box. But, other than the desk, two chairs, and the old engravings stuck with pins to the walls, the room was almost empty. Everything was just as it had been for the last two years, except the money was gone, and Horatio with it.
All he’d left her was the note. She held it out, examin- ing the way Horatio’s R curved oddly beneath the bottom of the U, and the final stroke of the N trailed upward. An extra blotch of ink widened the line slightly before the tip, like the hand of a clock. She held the page up to the light. No watermark, no secret design that played with the letters.
She stood, her arms wrapped around her chest, the note limp in one hand. She’d never expected him to betray her, to leave her with no way out but to run. All her energy, her passion, drained out onto the wooden floor and seeped away between the boards. The exhibition would fail. She would fail. And this time she had nowhere to . . . run.
She traced the malformed letters of the note once more, then she crushed it against her palm and shoved it in her pocket.
From the outer office, the hallway door creaked open. When Horatio’d said run, she had no idea he meant so soon. Suddenly afraid, she scanned the room. The inner office door was partly open. The drop from the window to the street was three stories. She had nowhere to hide, and only seconds to make a decision.
Heavy footfalls approached. Though the crew and the ticket seller had left soon after she’d returned, the office door remained open to prospective subscribers until she or Horatio left for the evening. But should the intruder be dangerous, she would have no help. She looked down at her clothes, her best dress and coat worn to meet a pub- lisher who’d agreed to sell engraved prints of the panorama. With only a moment to imagine a plan, she flung herself into a chair before the desk. Her only hope was to pretend to be someone else.
A tall man, strongly built, pushed the door open. Stand- ing in the doorway, he seemed like one of the statues from the Loggia dei Lanzi come to life. And he was beautiful. His clothes caressed his form, revealing powerful shoul- ders, narrow waist, and firmly muscled thighs. His black hair curled in thick waves like Benvenuto Cellini’s Perseus. In Florence, she’d marveled at the sculptures of the classical gods, their muscles detailed in marble or bronze. But she’d never realized how breathtaking it would be for those ancient heroes to come to life.
He examined the room slowly before he turned his attention to her. And when his eyes met hers, it was both exhilarating—and terrifying.
“Are you Mr. Calder? I wanted to subscribe to the ex- hibition in your Rotunda.” She kept her tone breathless and a little naive. “I saw a panorama once when I was a child—the Temples of Greece—and I’ve never forgotten it, how you could stand in the middle and feel as if you had been transported to a different place and time.” She spoke quickly, letting her words jumble together in a rush of enthusiasm. “I’m looking forward to seeing your painting. I’ve read all the clues you’ve advertised for de- ciphering the topic. I think it must be Waterloo. What else could be painted in such a grand scale? How hard must it be to paint all those figures—the horses, the flags, our men marching valiantly into battle? It must be such a glorious scene!”
“Don’t forget the carrion birds and the jackals ripping apart the bodies of the dead.” His voice was stern, but the sound of it resonated down the line of her spine. “Or the bodies broken apart by the cannon or the bayonet.”
“Well, sir!” She rose, feigning offense. “If you treat a prospective subscriber so rudely, I will spend my sixpence elsewhere.” She walked briskly toward the door. When he didn’t move out of her way, she stopped just out of his reach.
He was considering her carefully, examining her clothes and her figure beneath them. Under the focused attention, Lena felt exposed, like a rabbit who’d encountered a hungry hawk.
Refusing to be intimidated, she examined him in turn. His eyes were a cold green, his chin firm. His cravat, tied loosely around his neck, made her wish it was tied even more loosely. Her fingers itched for her sketchbook and pencil. Oh, that he would be just another would-be subscriber! Then—perhaps—she could convince him to sit for her. She pushed the thoughts away. He might be handsome, even devastatingly so, but if he were Horatio’s enemy, he would likely be hers as well.
He remained in the doorway, and his stare intensified. She felt the heat of it along her neck and cheeks. Her stomach twisted, but whether in attraction or fear, she couldn’t be certain. The silence between them grew, and Horatio’s message echoed in her ears: Run.
“Will you at least be a gentleman and remove yourself from the doorway?” She pulled her shoulders back, as she did with suppliers who wished to take their fee from Horatio instead of from her.
For a moment, he looked abashed, as if he hadn’t considered that his behavior was ungentlemanly.
“It appears we both have business with Calder, and we are both disappointed.” He stepped away from the door- way, giving her ample room to escape.
Then, as she passed, he offered her a low bow, as if she were a princess or queen. She felt his stare on her back as she walked purposefully, but not too quickly, to the outer office door. She refused to look back at him, afraid to reveal her fear—or her interest.
When she reached the outer door, she allowed herself one last look at her Greek-god-come-to-life, but he had already moved into the office and out of sight. She stepped into the hall, listening. A subscriber likely wouldn’t wait too long for Horatio to return.
She heard the desk drawers open and close, and papers rustle. Not a subscriber then, and her disappointment felt like a rock in the pit of her belly. She waited another minute, but when she heard him wrestling with the stuck drawer, she finally took Horatio’s advice. 
She ran.




Rachael Miles writes ‘cozily scrumptious’ historical romances set in the British Regency. Her books have been positively reviewed by Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, and Booklist, which praised her ‘impeccably researched and beautifully crafted’ novels, comparing her works to those of Jo Beverly and Mary Jo Putney. Her novel, Reckless in Red, won first place in adult fiction: novels in the National Federation of Press Women’s writing contest. A native Texan, Miles is a former professor of book history and nineteenth-century literature. She lives in upstate New York with her indulgent husband, three rescued dogs, and all the squirrels, chipmunks, and deer who eat at her bird feeders.

Author Interview: Historical Romance Author Eileen Putman

Eileen Putman is the author of a dozen British historical and Regency romances. Her love of England’s Regency period (1811-1820) has inspired her research trips to England, Ireland, Wales, France and other countries — there being no substitute for stepping on the soil that Beau Brummell and his champagne-polished Hessians once trod.


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Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

The setting came first. Anglesey is a picturesque island off North Wales with ancient Neolithic tombs and mysterious stone circles, their meanings lost to unrecorded history. I stood on a cliff jutting out into the sea, mesmerized by the fluffy white clouds reflecting off sun-dappled waves as far as I could see. (The photo I took that day became the background of the Lord Shallow cover.) That seascape resonated for me. It’s like staring out into infinity, where time goes on forever and love transcends all. I wanted to write a book that captured that.

Lord Shallow is set in 1816, but my heroine grew up surrounded by those relics, and she possesses a deep and abiding connection to her culture and history.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

To all of London, Sebastian Traherne is a pretentious fop who prizes his tailor over his dukedom. In reality, he’s an obsessively rational fellow protecting a secret marriage—his. That may be a dealbreaker for some romance fans, but it’s key to Sebastian’s character. He’s complicated—but honorable—which makes a romance between him and my heroine, Gwynna, seemingly impossible.

Descended from Wales’ most legendary war hero, Gwynna arrives at Sebastian’s crumbling castle one gloomy night, determined to ferret out the secret of her paternity. She has long been marginalized by the man who raised her. As she and Sebastian find their way to one another, she finds her voice and claims her legacy—and in the process challenges every principle he holds dear.  

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Take chances. Be brave in your writing, and honest above all. Genuine emotion must come through on the page, and it can’t be faked. What I probably wouldn’t tell my younger self is how much work it is to find a character’s emotional truth. There are no shortcuts.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I often combine humor and angst. Comedy and  tragedy are two sides of  the same coin—laughter can turn dark, and vice versa. When my characters grow too serious, I give them something light. And if, in lighter moments, they forget the stakes, I twist the knife. 

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

Many like the emotional depth of my stories and the humor. But I take those comments with a grain of salt, since people are more likely to post praise than criticism.    

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

How about this: “I felt like I was plodding through thick, wet mud.” That, from one reader, made me laugh because honestly, it was a good metaphor! I don’t take criticism too seriously because if someone doesn’t like my work, it just means we’re not a good fit. They need to move on, and all I can do is write the book of my heart.

What has been your best accomplishment?

My kids, no question.  But I won’t take credit for that. It’s their doing.

Do you Google yourself?

Goodness, no! That way lies disaster.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Oh, three or four. Will I get back to them? Not sure. There must have been a reason why I decided not to finish them. Perhaps they will speak to me at a place down the road.  

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

That I’m constantly evolving as a writer. And thanks for staying with me!



To all of London, Sebastian Traherne is a pretentious fop who prizes his tailor over his dukedom. In truth, he’s an obsessively rational fellow protecting a secret marriage. When a prickly Welsh miss arrives at his crumbling castle one gloomy night, she upends his world—and every principle he holds dear. Worse, she believes in a silly fairy tale known as True Love.

Gwynna Owen might be the last true Princess of Wales, but she needs this very English duke to claim her legacy and vanquish a tyrant. When Sebastian quickly sees through her boy’s disguise, she must plead her case with only a rusty dagger—and sapphire eyes that conjure what he most wishes to avoid.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: One early surprise may be a deal breaker for some romance fans. If you’re looking for classic Regency historical that fits a formula, Lord Shallow may not be your cup of tea. Yet character will out. Here you’ll find a man who is so much more than he seems and a woman who’s finding her voice after years of having it suppressed. Their struggle as they make their way to one another is this story’s truth.

About Maitland’s Rogues: Andrew Maitland’s group of daring English rogues risk all for their country. Hardened and deadly, they have no use for love—until it ensnares them…







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Tenisha Collins
Christian Nonfiction

Sex is great and feels real, real good! Societal trends advocate doing whatever feels good, including having sexual intercourse with someone you are not married to. The limelight shining on sex isn't a good one. It's almost impossible to find positive models of sex while married, in any medium, today. Television sitcoms, movies, magazines, romance novels, gossip radio, and talk shows all highlight marriages consumed with infidelity, trust issues, dehumanizing sex or a lack of sexual intimacy. Most mediums imply that singles are the ones having the best sex of their lives and, if they do marry, great sex ends after the honeymoon. But the truth is, God has reserved great sex for a husband and his own wife -- period! This guide removes all the defective propaganda surrounding sex so that a husband and wife BOTH enjoy sex without any issues. In just 21 days, married couples could be having the best, bed-breaking, intoxicatingly addictive sex with one another. Go ahead and read it...I dare you!


Amazon →  




Tenisha N. Collins is an author, accountant, editor & proofreader, speaker, entrepreneur and marriage coach. She recently published two devotionals, focusing on parenting & marriage, which can be found on Amazon, Apple Books, Kindle, Thriftbooks, Walmart, Kobo and other online platforms.
A graduate of the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business, she holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting.

When Tenisha’s not preparing corporate and individual income taxes at the firm where she works part-time, she is balancing her mom life with her wife and entrepreneur life.
Founder of Strong Marriage, a Facebook Christian support group designed to give its members the tools necessary to obtain & maintain a strong marriage, Tenisha is passionate about families functioning as God purposed. Tenisha lives in Thousand Oaks, California (USA) with her husband of 27 years, their four children and grandson.

Visit her website, TenishaCollins.Com, to learn more or to join her community.


Mavis McKnight, M.S.
Christian Nonfiction

The Mis-Education of the church Girl is a Personal Journal of Self-Discovery that sheds light on damaging messages about sex, sexuality, and self-love.

This journal will help you:
  • Unpack negative beliefs about sex,
  • Uncover obstacles to sexual joy
  • Unleash your potential for sizzling and fulfilling sexual intimacy
It is loaded with journal activities, action steps, heart-opening exercises, amazing health benefits, and a few surprises to help move you toward a transformed mind and a new relationship with your sexual self.

Discover and embrace your right to pleasure!

Amazon →




Mavis McKnight is a candid, caring, and passionate Certified Sex Coach and Marriage Advocate. She is on a mission to educate, empower, and inspire Christian wives to enrich their sexual relationship. She encourages women to embrace their sexuality, learn to be creative, and bring more fun and excitement to their intimate lives. Her goal is to teach women to add flavor and spice to their sex life, blend sex positive messages with actions, and create tantalizing sexual experiences that burst with sweetness.

Some of the areas she coaches are:
  • Little or no interest in sex
  • Problems getting or holding an erection
  • Problems ejaculating too soon
  • Never experienced an orgasm
  • Can’t orgasm with a partner
  • Body Image Issues
  • Sexual inhibitions
  • Uneven desire
  • Little or no sex skills
  • Desire for enhanced pleasure
Additionally, she explores the areas of:
  • More fun and fulfilling sex
  • Planning romantic and erotic dates
  • Taking the stress, distress, and worry out of sex
  • Kicking sexual frustration to the curb
  • Speaking up boldly for your sexual needs
  • Deep soulful connections
  • Intimacy inside and outside of the bedroom
She has conducted numerous workshops, seminars, marriage classes, and bible studies for over eleven years; provided counseling and coaching in marriage and relationships for over 10 years; Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology; a Master’s Degree in Human Services; She is a Certified Sex Coach and Clinical Sexologist, a Certified Life Coach, Published author, and Co-Founder and CEO of Intimate Connections.
When Mavis is not bubbling over with passion to teach about sex, she enjoys dancing, traveling, reading, laughing, music, spending time with her handsome, adorable, loving husband and family, and having her grandkids over for a sleep-over…sometimes. 😊