Author: Rev. Terry Allan Christian
Publisher: Divine Publication
Genre: Christian Gospel


Imagine you’re walking down the beach, and you come across a crowd waiting for Jesus to appear and teach them. What would he say? Would he talk about current religious and political conflicts, or would he speak about Love, Light, and Truth? Join us as we go for a walk with Jesus, and listen to his words as he shares with us the Seven Messages from the Master. Each spiritual message reveals His teachings that will strengthen and guide you to a most peaceful life in Christ.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/404q0fA 

Audible: https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Terry+Allan+Christian 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/13827563 

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3KseiWj

What Did Jesus Say is available at:


About Rev. Terry Allan Christian

Since dedicating his life to Jesus at the age of 23, Terry Allan Christian has been reading the red lettered version of the 4 Gospels as recorded in the KJV Bible. Even though Terry reads the whole Bible, his primary focus is on the words of Jesus and the example of His actions.

Terry grew up in a violent dysfunctional family where he quit school at 16 and left home. He stuttered so bad he could only say 3-5 words in a row. His family and friends mocked him and that caused much stress in his early life.

At the age of 23, he had a near death experience and in which he had a dream. In this dream, he was told that one day he would be a teacher for Jesus. Needless to say, he was scared at first because of his stuttering and lack of structured education however, he always had a child-like faith and trust in Jesus as Lord.

After the dream, he was soon hired by the Dale Carnegie Organization and trained in sales and public speaking, where he met a man who taught him how to visually read. During the next few years Terry read several hundred books on the subject of personal growth.

At the age of 30, Terry became a professional Motivational Speaker and Executive Trainer and over the next 20 years he would deliver more than 2,500 presentations to private and public audiences across America and Canada.

Several years ago, Terry retired as a public speaker after feeling the Holy Spirit redirecting his life. He was led to do what Jesus told him many years earlier. After researching the 4 Gospels he composed the book What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master, using only the Words spoken by Jesus as recorded in the 4 Gospels, without adding any personal comments or opinions.

As in all God called missions it took longer, cost more and challenged him to the edge of his faith. He would later say, he had to read the Book of Job just to understand why this was happening to him and was he being tested or penalized. In the end, he was being tested and by the grace of God, he prevailed.

Now after 12 years of study, obedience, difficulty and struggle, this book is now available in Paperback, eBook, Audio Book and Kindle.

Today, Author, Teacher and Counselor, Rev. Terry Christian is founder of Foundations for Life ‘Online’ Ministries and he presently lives Negril Jamaica where he does local missionary work in schools and churches while counseling Christians worldwide online thru his program Christian Helping Christians.

Negril, Jamaica is where Rev. Christian went to fast & pray while seeking divine healing for Bladder Cancer. His doctors gave him 3yrs to live so he created a healing sabbatical and after fasting & praying, and walking the beach for 21 days, he returned to his Doctors and they released him ‘cancer free’.

Terry calls this program: The Life Walk –aka- The Miracle Walk and now offers this ‘restoration’ program online or in Negril, for Christians seeking Life, Health or Marriage Restoration.

Rev. Christian believes: WITH GOD, all things are possible, all the time, wherever we live and at every given moment, when we pray, believing.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/RevTChristian

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revchristian

Book Website: www.whatdidjesussay.world

All That Glitters Cover Reveal


We invite you to Mike Martin's ALL THAT GLITTERS Cover Reveal! Please leave a comment to let Mike know you stopped by and don't forget to order your copy!

Author: Mike Martin
Publisher: Ottawa Press and Publishing
Pages: 282
Genre: Mystery 

Sergeant Winston Windflower is moving on to a new chapter of his life, no longer an RCMP officer but now a Community Safety Officer in his home of Grand Bank, Newfoundland.

But when a body is found in the bed and breakfast he co-owns, diamonds are found in the body’s digestive system, and then Windflower’s friend Dr. Sanjay, who was given the diamonds for safekeeping, is kidnapped, it’s clear that crime has returned once more to Grand Bank.

Windflower finds himself back in the thick of it, helping his newly promoted friend, RCMP Corporal Eddie Tizzard, track down a ruthless diamond smuggler who will stop at nothing — kidnapping, even murder — to pull off his dirty business.

This is another finely spun Windflower mystery that contrasts suspense and tension with the joys of friendship, family, and gratitude.

Ottawa Press and Publishing | Amazon U.S. | Amazon CAN



Mike Martin was born in St. John’s, NL on the east coast of Canada and now lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario. He is a long-time freelance writer and his articles and essays have appeared in newspapers, magazines and online across Canada as well as in the United States and New Zealand.

He is the award-winning and best-selling author of the award-winning Sgt. Windflower Mystery series set in beautiful Grand Bank. There are now 13 books in this light mystery series with the publication of All That Glitters

A Tangled Web was shortlisted in 2017 for the best light mystery of the year, and Darkest Before the Dawn won the 2019 Bony Blithe Light Mystery Award. 

Some Sgt. Windflower Mysteries are now available as audiobooks and the latest A Tangled Web was released as an audiobook in 2023. All audiobooks are available from Audible in Canada and around the world.

Mike is Past Chair of the Board of Crime Writers of Canada, a national organization promoting Canadian crime and mystery writers and a member of the Newfoundland Writers’ Guild and Capital Crime Writers.

Website: https://sgtwindflowermysteries.com/

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mike54martin

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWalkerOnTheCapeReviewsAndMore

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🏰Read the First Chapter of Fateful Connections by Karen Charles #FirstChapter

Title: Fateful Connections
Author: Karen Charles
Publisher: Bookbaby
Pages: 91
Genre: Thriller

Fateful Connections tells the story of four people brought together by the tragic events of 9/11 in the United States. These four individuals were attending a conference in Seattle, Washington, and found it nearly impossible to make it back to their homes, which were scattered across the country. They decide to rent a car and drive together, as they cannot get any flights home. As rental cars are also impossible to come upon, they find a friend who has access to a repossessed car, which he is willing to rent out. Unbeknownst to the friends, the rightful owner of the car wants his car back, and as they find out, hidden inside the car are drugs and guns. What ensues is a dangerous journey which impacts the four friends’ lives forever. The story follows them on their harrowing journey home, then one and two years later as they meet up for an annual reunion. 

The strengths of this story are the easy-to-read narrative and compelling plot. The author introduces four intriguing main characters, as well as a number of antagonists, who hunt down the friends and engage in dangerous and illegal plans to not only recapture their guns and drugs, but also kill the friends so there are no witnesses to their illegal activities. The reader is instantly drawn into the storyline, and moves along with the characters as they experience fear, joy, love, and relief. The plot is compelling, and the reader cannot help but become invested in the lives of these four main characters.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/41WDECT

Everyone was stunned. The conference room was hushed except for a gasp here and there. The gigantic screen above the stage had lit up with the news that the North Tower of the New York World Trade Center had been impaled by a massive jet liner. Fire was pouring from the eightieth-story windows. Was this a terrible accident? Eyes were glued to the report as first responders rushed to the horrific scene. 

A round-table group of four looked at each other in disbelief. They watched, mesmerized by the enormity of the implications. Only eighteen minutes had gone by when a second Boeing 767 appeared, turning sharply toward the World Trade Center, and slicing into the seventy-fifth through the eighty-fifth floors of the South Tower. The massive explosion rained down burning debris. These were not accidents! America was under attack. 

Planned closing conference speeches were immediately canceled. Speakers and participants were all dismissed. Henry, the group’s leader, suggested they all meet in the hotel bar. In quick agreement, they found a table where they could continue to watch the news. No one wanted to hang out in his room alone. They somberly ordered drinks as they listened to President Bush call the events a terrorist attack on our country. Six minutes later, Flight 77 crashed into the western façade of the Pentagon. At 9:37 in the morning, the building would be full of military and civilian personnel. 

The traumatized conference group sipped their drinks in shock. The sudden collapse of the South Tower was too much to take in for Harper. Her big, brown eyes filled with tears as she tightly hugged herself. Another hour went by before they heard of another plane crashing into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 

Ethan, sensing how upset everyone was feeling, suggested they head up to his suite. The Bell Harbor International Conference Center on the waterfront in Seattle offered spacious suites where they could continue to watch the news. Rain ran in rivulets down his expansive windows, obscuring his waterfront view. No one was interested in the view anyway. Without asking anyone what they wanted, he ordered lunch and drinks for all. 

Owen plopped down in the closest easy chair to the TV. President Bush was announcing that U.S. Navy destroyers had been dispatched to New York and Washington, DC. 

“Owen, you have a brother living in New York, don’t you?” asked Henry. 

“I do,” Owen answered, with a little catch in his voice. “He shouldn’t have any reason to be near the Trade Center. I’ll give him a call.” 

Owen called, leaving a message to return his call as soon as possible. 

The foursome munched their way through the afternoon, rarely taking their eyes off the dreadful news. Owen had just stepped out onto the covered balcony for a breath of fresh air when he heard a scream. He rushed back into the sitting room. Harper had her hand over her mouth, sobbing softly. Henry had his strong arm around her shoulders trying to comfort her. The second tower had collapsed after burning for hours. The lower floors had been evacuated. The unspeakable terror seemed nonstop. 

President Bush was making another announcement. The Federal Aviation Administration had issued the first national ground stop in US history, prohibiting departures for all civilian aircraft. After the third hijacked plane struck the Pentagon, all aircraft were ordered to land at the nearest airport. Three and a half hours after the first plane hit, all US airspace was clear. 

Suddenly, Ethan, who had been unusually quiet, jumped to his feet. “Our flights!” he yelled. “We don’t have any way to get home!” 

The room was silent. “Maybe we could rent a car,” Harper suggested. 

Henry sprang into action, calling every car rental agency in Seattle. Nothing was available. Dismayed, he sank into his chair. “What are we going to do now?” 

After thoughtful silence, Owen spoke up. “I have a friend over on Yesler Way who repossesses cars. Maybe he might have an idea what we could do.” 

Everyone agreed, hoping for a solution to their transportation dilemma. Ethan had to get home to San Jose, California; Owen to Santa Clarita, California; Harper to Phoenix, Arizona; and Henry to Austin, Texas. All of them, industry-leading CEOs of No. 1 ranked companies, had flown in to attend this elite executive conference. 

Owen interrupted a conversation about the ramifications of air travel being halted. “My friend Jimmy says he has a car we can use. They don’t usually rent them, but in these unusual circumstances, he doesn’t see any problem. It was repossessed a while ago, so the guy has had lots of time to make up his payments. Jimmy said we can pick it up anytime.” 

“Wait a minute,” objected Ethan. “Are you sure it’s legal?” 

“We don’t have any other options,” confirmed Owen. 

“Let’s pack, get some sleep, and leave in the morning,” instructed Henry, always the leader. 

Jimmy had the car ready for them early the next day. 

“What happens if that guy gets the money and comes back for his car?” asked Ethan, still worried about this being a smart idea. 

“He’s probably got another set of wheels by now,” answered Jimmy. “Don’t think we’ll ever see his ugly face again!”

About Karen Charles

Karen Charles is a children’s book author and educator. She lives with her husband on a beautiful bay in Washington State. Her latest book is the thriller, Fateful Connections.

Website: https://karenrabe18.wixsite.com/my-site-2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/karenra24229683

The Page 69 Test: *Crossing a Fine Line* by W.L. Brooks #page69


They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like it, it's definitely worth reading. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of W.L. Brooks' new romantic suspense, Crossing a Fine Line: The McKay Series Book 5.


Fletcher J. McKay has been shot, driven insane, and tortured by a madman, so what’s one more psycho coming after her? But this foe’s disturbing attempts to extinguish Fletch’s light leave her shaken. Running out of options, she must consort with the enemy.

Fletcher is undoubtedly Sheriff Noah Reed’s nemesis. Their discord began with an irrevocable outcome of an unforeseeable trauma, but duty demands he keeps her safe. The closer he gets, the more his loathing turns to lust.

Devastated by loss, Fletcher agrees to go into Noah’s protective custody. Passion takes them across the boundaries of their animosity, but is their tentative bond enough? Or is the line between love and hate, as with life and death, fixed.

Pre-order eBook on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3TD6x4a 

Amazon (paperback): https://amzn.to/3FJd33G

“Found the timer,” the fire chief called out.
“I’ve got to check that out,” he told Emmit. Noah
went over to where Todd Mae was standing.
“Nah, it’s the kind of thing anyone can find
online,” Todd said.
“Did the job, though.” Noah examined the burnt
piece of plastic, then glanced at Todd; the older man
looked pained. The fire chief was in his fifties with saltand-pepper hair and hard, dark eyes. He was one of the
good guys in and outside of the job.
“We’re looking for a way to get in the bunker.” He
rocked back on his heels and shook his head. “Nothing
normal about that girl. Heard about Jasper. How’s he
holding up?”
“He’s in a coma. It’s wait and pray right now.”
“You make sure you get the son of a bitch.” Todd
spoke into his headset and looked at Noah. “We found
it. You want to get her? We’ve got extra gear.”
Noah grinned. “Love to.”

Fletcher held the wet towel to her face and tapped
the foot that was going numb. What was taking so
damn long? There was a lot of commotion going on
above her, and she had to pee. A shaft of light broke
through the darkness. She dropped the towel. “It’s
about time!”
“Reed?” What in the actual—
“Come on, McKay, where are you?” Noah asked,
the beam of his flashlight bouncing off the wreckage.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?

🏰New Mystery Suspense! The K-Frost Caper by James Blakley


Daring insurance investigator Luna Nightcrow and cosmopolitan cop Tiago Toussaint match wits and wiles, in an attempt to find out when anyone has last seen Frost, Kelvin Frost (one of perhaps 3 cold-blooded criminals), in Miami…

Title: The K-Frost Caper
Author: James Blakley
Publisher: The Powers That Be Publishing
Pages: 206
Genre: Mystery/Suspense/Romantic Tension 

A cold case heats up when Kelvin Frost, believed to have drowned in Alabama, returns from the dead to apply for more life insurance. Or has he? When a body-a dead body-identified as Kelvin Frost, turns up in Miami, murder complicates matters. Enter Luna Nightcrow, the insurance fraud investigator whose “smartphone never sleeps.” After recovering a valuable Cherokee relic, Nightcrow accepts Charmed Life Mutual Insurance’s offer of $50,000 to sniff out and close down the K-Frost Caper. But it won’t be easy with so few leads or clues. Paired with cosmopolitan cop Tiago Toussaint, the two match wits and wiles, in attempt to find out when is the last time anyone saw Frost … in Miami?

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3zru92q 

B&N: https://bit.ly/3KrkJdx 

Books-a-Million: https://bit.ly/3MssXnl 

Walmart: https://bit.ly/3MazR0j 

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3nFV8Vp 

BookBub: https://bit.ly/3GePsIf


Book Excerpt  

Excerpt from The K-Frost Caper

Southern Comfort Flight 213 landed smoothly at Miami International Airport around 6 pm. Luna left the plane and walked to the baggage area. While she waited for her luggage to arrive, her first thought was to call Hector Luz’s cell. But, if he was corrupt, Luna’s call—even if she tried to hide her number with a star 67 code—might tip him off that Charmed Life increased its search for him. So she didn’t call.

     When Luna’s luggage finally arrived, it wasn’t hard to find. Nor, it appeared, was she.

     A dark-skinned man in a tan cotton suit and black tie spotted her. He folded the newspaper he’d watch Luna from behind and rubbed his goatee thoughtfully.  Then he began to move. 

     Luna gathered her laptop, slung her purse, and extended the handle of her rolling duffel bag. Just as she was about to start up, the man with the goatee slowed her down. 

     “Luna Nightcrow?” the man asked.

     “Yes,” she answered.


About the Author

James Blakley was educated at Missouri Western State College and Washburn University. While at MWSC, he was a local and national award-winning columnist and section editor of “The Griffon-News.” Blakley worked 10 1/2 years as a page and as an Assistant Librarian for the River Bluffs Regional Libraries of St. Joseph, MO. He currently lives in Topeka, KS where he worked for The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library and several years in clerical and customer support capacities for international computer companies, such as EDS and HP. Additionally, Blakley has worked in information gathering and analysis for various government agencies and programs.


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