🏰 The Page 69 Test: *Capturing the Earl* by A.S. Fenichel @asfenichel #page69 #blogtour

They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like it, it's definitely worth reading. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of A.S. Fenichel's new regency romance, Capturing the Earl

Chapter 7 

Parvus Castle Geb Arafa’s Country Home 

Mercy arrived with all the Wallflowers a few days earlier than Aurora’s mother and Aunt Phyllis. It was nice to be without the judgment or Mercy’s need to impress for a while. The salon’s fire burned low as the rain had finally stopped and left them with a cool summer day. 

Like a mother hen, Mercy kept an eye on Faith and Nick to make certain neither one appeared to be suffering any ill effects of being back in the castle where they were tortured by a group of French spies bent on revenge against Nick. 

Tall and elegant, Nick bent low to kiss Faith’s hand. The two stood by the window, smiling at each other as if they hadn’t a care in the world. 

Perhaps Mercy was looking for problems where there were none in order to avoid her own thoughts that seemed always to come back to a certain earl whom she had no business thinking about. 

“Miss Heath, when is your aunt arriving?” Geb Arafa sat in a large overstuffed chair with gold and light blue upholstery. His dark jacket was in the English style and suited him nearly as well as the Egyptian clothes he often wore. 

Mercy tugged her mind back to the people in the room. “She should be here any time. She is very much looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Arafa.” 

Geb was a friend of Nick’s first. He sold information as well as artifacts from the east. He might have many secrets, but he smiled as if he hadn’t anything to hide. “Ah, yes. I am a curiosity to the English gentry.” 

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


🏰 CRUISING THE MISSISSIPPI by Al & Sunny Lockwood #BlogTour #BookSpotlight #PUYB


In crossing another travel adventure off their bucket list, two retirees take a fascinating river cruise and find the heart and soul of the American South…

By Al & Sunny Lockwood

If you love travel, beauty, history, fabulous food, and genuine old-fashioned fun, you’ll love this amazing paddle wheel adventure along the mighty Mississippi River.

From a vibrant New Orleans’ Jazz concert at famous Preservation Hall, to the largest plantation mansion on the Mississippi (Nottoway Plantation), to eye-opening Civil War battlegrounds, this lively travel memoir brings American history and Southern culture to life.

The paddlewheeler itself is an enchanting antebellum masterpiece. Period furnishings. Tiffany lamps. An authentic steam calliope. And a huge front porch with comfy rocking chairs where you can relax and enjoy the natural wonder of America’s greatest waterway.

Riverside cities offer their own unique attractions, steeped in history and plantation grandeur.

In this warm and personal travel memoir you’ll learn things about America you never knew before.

If you’ve ever been bitten by the travel bug, you know how the idea of a trip (short or long, near or far) can set your heart a-pumping and your head a-dreaming. Just the thought of walking on ground, or pavement, or cobblestones you’ve never stepped on before can make you pull out the suitcases and start packing.

Sweetheart Al and I were bitten when we were kids. He was in California, eighteen, and about to board an airplane (along with many other young men in uniform) headed for Vietnam. I was twelve, growing up in
Michigan in a family that enjoyed camping in Yellowstone, or the Great Smoky Mountains, or along the shores of Lake Superior.

Decades later, when Al and I met, we were delighted to find we’d both been to Prague, Czechoslovakia back in the 1990s, well before it became a hot tourist destination. He was there with a group of photographers. I went with my reporter’s notebook. And we both found the city, its bridges, buildings, and people life-enriching.

From the start, Sweetheart and I shared the pleasures and challenges of travel: day trips to photograph wildflowers in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, weekend trips to explore little leftover Gold Rush towns along California State Highway 49, and longer journeys to Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Utah.

Then, on a peaceful summer evening in 2012, a car crash changed our lives. We were waiting at a red traffic light, just outside of Napa, California, when a texting driver slammed into us at full highway speed, totaling both our cars in a painful explosion of glass and metal.

Although we suffered no broken bones, we were bruised and banged up and spent most of the rest of the summer at the doctor’s office or the pharmacy trying to get back to normal.

That wreck convinced us that life is fragile. And temporary. You can be doing nothing more dangerous than sitting at a red light and the next moment, you can be in the hospital, or worse, in the morgue.

That recognition changed us. We stopped putting off things we’d dreamed about. We
stopped saying, “We’ll do that someday” and decided to make “someday” today.

“Cruising the Mississippi gives the reader a genuine sense that they are also on board the American Queen, exploring the small towns that line the river and luxuriating in an atmosphere that exudes the glories of a bygone era.”

— 5-stars Readers’ Favorite Book Review

“If it’s a ‘you are there’ experiential survey of the paddlewheeler environment that is desired, along with . . . Mississippi history and culture . . . then there could be no better virtual tour than Cruising the Mississippi.”

–D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, MidwestBook Review 

“Without ever boring the reader, the authors present . . . many absorbing facts and events that simply jump off the page. From the luxury . . .of travelling on a paddlewheeler to the history of the river and many of the exciting spots they travel to . . . . I was thoroughly engaged to the last page.”

–Wishing Shelf Book Review 

Amazon → https://amzn.to/38UATK0

Al and Sunny Lockwood have traveled by foot, car, rail, air and cruise ship.  They’ve camped in national parks, hiked mountain trails, photographed springtime flowers in Death Valley and wintry surf along the rugged beaches of Northern California.

They’ve watched July 4th fireworks over Lake Tahoe, explored New Mexico’s Taos Pueblo and ridden the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad through forests ablaze with autumn colors.

They’ve ridden the amazing Falkirk Wheel in Scotland, the Flam Railway in Norway and Ushuaia’s train at the end of the world.

They’ve photographed Gibraltare’s Barbary apes and Gentoo Penguins frolicking in the surf on Falkland Island beaches.

From North Carolina’s Outer Banks to New Orleans’ Bourbon Street and Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry, Al and Sunny love to wander and wonder and enjoy.

Everywhere they go, they capture unforgettable moments with their cameras and notebooks, moments to share with their readers. Their work has been published in magazines and newspapers.  It has been recognized with awards from the National Federation of Press Women, the California Newspaper Publishers Association, the Wishing Shelf Book Awards, Seven Sisters Book Awards, and The Independent Author Network Book Awards.

“We write to encourage others to travel, to take a break from their ordinary routine and discover the many rewards of traveling with your eyes wide open,” Sunny said. “Go somewhere new, even if it’s only in the next county. And have fun exploring the sites, the sounds and flavors of the place. You’ll be amazed at how much fun you’ll have.”

Al added, “We also write to share the wonder of our own travels. To help you feel what it’s like to be on a cruise ship, or wandering the back alleys of Venice, Italy. We hope our books give readers a real sense of our travel adventures.”

🏰 Book Tour & Interview Featuring *A FALLACIOUS SEDUCTION* by Virginia Barlow @virgini35142126 @wildrosepress #puyb #interview #blogtour


Virginia Barlow has a zest for life. She has accomplished many goals including raising a large family. She has been a bookkeeper, a hostess, an EMT-I, a lieutenant in the local fire department, a manager and an author. She likes to knit, crochet, quilt and sew. She is funny, talented and very creative. Virginia looks at life through rose colored glasses and owns it. She is happiest when is at her computer immersed in her current novel. She loves to sip coffee or wine while she contemplates whether to kill off characters in her book or not. Virginia is a good friend and has an endless supply of love for friends and family.


Website: https://www.virginia-barlow.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Virgini3514212

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3046288755596817

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

Shanna Johnston a feisty young woman who yearns for a normal family life. Her mother sent to Rock Creek, Wyoming to live with her aunt and uncle for protection from her past. She visits her mother once a year and stays for a week. On her return, the train explodes. Shanna is one of two survivors. The problem is, the other survivor is U. S Marshal Reese Calhan. He calls her by another woman’s name. Shanna tries to shrug it off, but Reese knows things about her few do. Reese’s heated looks and passionate kisses awaken a fire in Shanna she cannot ignore.

U. S. Marshal Reese Calhan thought Jenna was dead. She betrayed him years ago and left him to face the music alone. He cannot believe Jenna is alive and on the same train. He is determined to bring her to justice for the wrongs she committed. Being close to her again reminds him of how it used to be between them. Just when he thinks he’s getting Jenna figured out, she does something out of character and he’s right back where he started.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be? 

Persistence is the key to success. Keep writing, keep believing. It will happen.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks? 

I eat red licorice nibs to work out kinks in my plot.

Do you hear from your readers? 


What do they say? 

They love my stories, and they can’t put them down. It’s very rewarding to hear from my readers.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author? 

I’ve had several editors comment on my manuscripts for different reasons. I don’t dwell on the negative. I  use it to see where I can better my writing.

What has been your best accomplishment? 

My best accomplishment was publishing my first book. I received a lot of rejections at first. When I finally got an approval, I nearly dropped my phone.

Do you Google yourself? 

I have googled myself. It is very enlightening.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? 


Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place? 

I would provide free education. There’s no reason for there to be illiteracy in this moment of time.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers? 

I appreciate each new day and each new person who shares my life. Thank you for allowing me to share yours.

Author: Virginia Barlow
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Pages: 282
Genre: Historical Western Romance

When the train US Marshal Reese Calhan is riding on explodes, he is one of two survivors. Trouble is, the other survivor is the woman who betrayed him years ago. A woman he thought was dead. This time he will not fall prey to her wiles. He’ll see the vixen jailed for her crimes if it kills him.

Recovering from a recent jilting and now a train explosion, Shanna Johnston has no idea why the handsome stranger insists he knows her and calls her by another woman’s name. His heated looks and knowing kisses spark a fire in her she cannot ignore–even as her own mysterious past is closing in.

“A Fallacious Seduction is a fantastic historical western romance I couldn’t put down…Virginia Barlow writes with honesty and shares what life was life for many women on the frontier. The descriptive narration paints a raw picture of the wild west which swept me away. The plot moves at a good pace with plenty of conflicts, misunderstandings and colorful characters. There’s a lot going on in this story but at the heart of it is Shanna and Reese. The romance between these two is classic enemies-to-lovers but with a fun western twist. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the ending. If you’re looking for a feisty heroine in the wild west frontier, pick up A Fallacious Seduction. Fans of Cynthia Wright will love this tale. Highly recommend! “-N.N. Light’s Book Heaven


Amazon → https://amzn.to/37enrOC

Barnes & Noble → https://bit.ly/2HEjNoF

Walmart → https://bit.ly/3fAhiAh

🏰 Book Tour & Interview Featuring *NEW YORKERS: A FEISTY PEOPLE WHO WILL UNSETTLE, MADDEN, AUMUSE AND ASTONISH YOU* by Clifford Browder #puyb #interview #blogtour


Clifford Browder is a writer and retired freelance editor living in New York City, which he celebrates in his blog, “
No Place for Normal: New York.”  His published works include two biographies; three New York City memoirs; a critical study of the French Surrealist poet André Breton; and four historical novels set in nineteenth-century New York.  His poetry has appeared both online and in print.  He has never owned a car, a television, or a cell phone, barely tolerates his computer, and eats garlic to fend off vampires.  (So far, it seems to be working.)

I would love to find out more about your new book, New Yorkers: A Feisty People Who Will Unsettle, Madden, Amuse and Astonish You! But first, are you a diehard New Yorker? Have you lived anywhere else?

Clifford:  Born and raised in Illinois, went to college in Southern California.  Only after two years in Europe did I come to New York to do graduate work in French.  And only gradually did I become a diehard New Yorker, but that I certainly am.  I love this city, for all its many faults.

Inside your book, you talk about how the Statue of Liberty almost didn’t happen. Can you tell us more about this? Sounds interesting!

Clifford:  Some republicans in France wanted to give it to us, asking only that we find a spot and provide a massive base for it.  We found the spot, but a depression in the mid-1870s made it hard for people to contribute.  Other cities didn't want to promote a statue in New York, and politicians squabbled.  Meanwhile the Statue -- yet to be assembled -- languished in warehouses in France.  Then the newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer vowed to raise the money from ordinary people, and money flowed in in quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.  And the Statue came to New York and was assembled and installed.

Who is your most remarkable New Yorker?

Clifford:  Our most remarkable mayor was Fiorello LaGuardia (the "Little Flower"), a fireball of energetic, totally honest, but demanding, and a tough guy to work for.  Beyond that, I'd have to give you a long list of candidates.

Who has been the craziest New Yorker you ever saw in your life?

Clifford:  I've seen him only on TV: Donald Trump.

What is it about New York and its people that gave you the idea to write a book about them?

Clifford:  I honestly believe that New York is the most exciting city in the world.  It has a special quality, unique.  Its people are doers, they want to get somewhere, accomplish something, and I respect that.  It's a wild, crazy, supremely creative place, and so are its people.  But we also know how to relax, though not during rush hour.  And now, of course, the city is in lockdown -- anything but typical.

Will you be having more books released about New York?

Clifford:  I have published two other nonfiction titles about New York: No Place for Normal: New York /Stories from the Most Exciting City in the World, and Fascinating New Yorkers: Power Freaks, Mobsters, Liberated Women, Creators, Queers, and Crazies.  Forthcoming in January is Forbidden Brownstones, the fifth title in my Metropolis series of historical novels set in nineteenth-century New York.  I do both fiction and nonfiction, always related New York.  Likewise my blog.

A quirky memoir by a longtime resident, with glances at his city’s history and bits of travel lore all rolled into one.

Readers will learn how the Statue of Liberty almost didn’t happen; how the author found the sacred in the city, and learned the Charleston on You Tube; how  mobsters shared the corridors of the legendary Waldorf Astoria hotel with the Duke and Dutchess of Windsor and an ex-president; and how the author had an affair with a Broadway chorus boy (if the Cardinal Archbishop of New York could do it, so could he).

Plus Mohawks, hustlers, scams and cons, wigmakers and crematory managers, racoons in Central Park, Trump Tower, cholera, and the Beatles.  A fun book, but with some serious moments.

New York is the most exciting city in the world.  The author wants to share it with everyone.


Amazon → https://amzn.to/2JmBfP1

 Barnes & Noble → https://bit.ly/35MTpB5

🏰 Book Tour & Interview Featuring *THE THANKFUL UNICORN* by Hayley Rose @fifothebear #puyb #interview #blogtour


Hayley has been entertaining and educating children across the country since 2002.

Her range of educational, interactive concept books have earned over 50 national and international book awards and cover subjects ranging from manners and kindness, to math and geography, to music and emotions. School presentations include curriculum for teachers grades K-4th. Over the years Hayley has been invited to speak at book stores including Barnes and Noble, Borders and Bookmans, and for the last few years Hayley has been a featured author at the Children’s Learning and Play Festival which garners crowds of 10,000 and up.

Hayley was recently interviewed on the Author Learning Center alongside authors Stan Lee and R.L. Stine, and she had the honor of presenting keynote presentations for the Readers Favorite International Book Awards and the Desert Nights, Rising Stars Conference among others.

Hayley is an active member The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, the Scottsdale Society of Women Writers and the Florida Authors and Publishers Association.


Website: www.HayleyRose.com or www.TheThankfulSeries.com

Twitter:  https://www.twitter.com/fifothebear

Facebook:  https://facebook.com/booksbyhayleyrose

As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

The Thankful Series came about after the loss of my parents. I not only had to cope with the grave loss, but I also had to deal with the anxiety and depression.  Not one for self-medicating, I turned to a more effective measure to deal with my sadness – gratitude.

What I learned about gratitude, gratitude journaling and coloring was remarkable.  I came to understand that being grateful was victimless because it isn’t self serving. Scientifically proven to rewire the brain to make you happier, I wanted young children to feel the same positive emotions I was feeling by just expressing gratitude.

The Thankful Unicorn: Dream is an award-winning, groundbreaking coloring journal designed to promote positivity, improve self-esteem, calm anxiety and inspire creativity.

Can you give us an excerpt? 

The Thankful Unicorn: Dream is a coloring gratitude journal.  What you’ll find inside is:

Daily Gratitude Prompts: Giving thanks is scientifically proven to reduce stress, improving physical and mental health. Gratitude also promotes positive self-esteem and opens up conversations between peers and adults. 

My Dreams and Goals: Charting out your dreams and goals keeps you focused and motivated. 

What I Love About Myself:  Writing down what you love about yourself leads to better self-esteem and builds confidence.

Daily Affirmations: Stating a daily affirmation can reduce stress and helps to keep you motivated while staying positive. 

Coloring: Whimsical unicorn and pegacorn scenes to color.  Coloring is proven to reduce stress, promote creativity, and helps with decision making.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be? 

Read as much as you can in the genre you write in.  Have a great support team of other writers to bounce ideas off of.  Take classes on everything from writing to marketing.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any writing quirks.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say? 

I get a lot mail after a school visit.  Most of the letters are kids wanting to be authors or illustrators when they grow up, and thanking you for the visit.  The pictures they draw are the best though.  Really warms the heart.

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

I haven’t really had any, but it’s all in the eye of the beholder.  Unless it’s constructive and makes the book better than I pay no mind to it.

What has been your best accomplishment?

Every book seems to be my best accomplishment.  It’s like a new birth. 

I was invited to present at the International Readers Favorite Book Awards and The Rising Stars Conference at ASU.  Those were two pretty big events and I was honored to be invited.

Do you Google yourself? 


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Maybe two or three.  I don’t really count.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

Actually, I would require everyone journal and practice gratitude.  Gratitude is scientifically proven to rewire the brain to make you happier.  Can you imagine what a wonderful kingdom that would be…if everyone was happy all the time…

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this interview.  I would love to connect on social media and all my books are available on Amazon.





The Thankful Unicorn is a groundbreaking and uplifting coloring journal designed to build confidence, improve self-esteem, calm anxiety and inspire creativity!

You and your kids will love this 132 page, glittered, hard-bound book filled with whimsical unicorn scenes, positive actions and motivational quotes that will be sure to delight even the young at heart, leading to a more confident, kind and creative human.

A great activity to unwind before bed and awake refreshed with a positive attitude. Perfect for ages 5 to adult.

The Thankful Unicorn is a Moms Choice Awards® Gold Recipient and has been named among the best in family-friendly media, products and services by the Moms Choice Awards® –Moms Choice Awards®


Amazon → https://www.amazon.com/dp/1950842118