The Page 69 Test: *Blood & Water* by Linda Armstrong-Miller #page69


They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like it, it's definitely worth reading. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of Linda Armstrong-Miller's new Christian thriller, Blood & Water.


Lisa Rivers is a genius with a photographic memory. She is the youngest, highest paid computer designer for the Department of Defense. Her program promises no more POWs and can be used domestically. No more missing children. So, how is it that Lisa is kidnapped? How was her identity discovered? Is she still alive and if so, can she be found before it is too late?


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The ride to Atlanta was a daytime nightmare. Sam lost control of his Explorer twice. He had hoped to use the two and a half hours to think.
While he did many things en route to Atlanta, thinking wasn’t one of them. Zach was beyond hyper. He couldn’t be still nor could he shut up, and as usual, he had a problem keeping his hands to himself. That turned out to be not only a problem but also dangerous.
For some reason, Zach couldn’t keep his feet on the floor. After fifty, Sam lost count of how many times he tied and untied his shoes. A few times his foot hit the gearshift. For the most part this caused no major damage. Just a rapid heartbeat on Sam’s part.
Twice, however, Zach kicked the gearshift, knocking the car out of drive. The car just slowed to nothing. Without thinking, the first time that happened, Sam shifted the gear back to drive without taking his foot off the gas. The car sped uncontrollably across a lane of oncoming cars and ended up in a ditch.
Had they been hit, they would have never survived the impact. Thank God they were not.
If possible, the second time was worse than the first. They were on I-85.
The traffic was bumper-to-bumper and going fast. Zach kicked the gearshift, causing the car to decelerate. How they managed to be in a lane with no cars immediately behind them was still a mystery to Sam.

 Okay, opinion? Both Zach and Sam seem to be very fidgety about something. It sounds like an accident in the making. Give me chapter 1! I've got to find out what is going on here. Are they possibly on a lead to find Lisa???
What do you think? Would you keep reading?


Linda Armstrong-Miller has worked in the medical field for over twenty years. In that time she has worked as a counselor, registered nurse in the emergency room, ICU, Recovery Room, and she has worked with children placed in psychiatric hospitals. She understands when a family is in crisis and she has been with them during their time of distress, depression, anxiety and difficulty. She believes in God and uses her belief as well as her experience when writing. Blood and Water is her second book published. Touched is her first book. Currently she is working on a young adult trilogy.




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