🏰 Interview Featuring *THE TEMPLE OF THE CRYSTAL TIMEKEEPER* by Fiona Ingram @fionarobyn #interview


I have the perfect book for you to curl up with while stuck indoors, called The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper by Fiona Ingram! While yes it is 'technically' a book for preteens, anyone of any age will love this. Read on while Fiona tells us more about it! (I can't help but to think of The Goonies when I read about this)

Fiona Ingram is a children’s author, but up until a few years ago, she was a journalist and editor. Something rather unexpected sparked her new career as an author—a family trip to Egypt with her mother and two young nephews. They had a great time and she thought she’d write them a short story as a different kind of souvenir…. Well, one book and a planned book series later, she had changed careers. She has now published Book 3 (The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper) in her middle grade adventure series Chronicles of the Stone, with many awards for the first book, The Secret of the Sacred Scarab, a few for Book 2, The Search for the Stone of Excalibur, and several for Book 3! She also teaches online novel writing for aspiring authors and she finds that very satisfying. Fiona’s experience with raising an adopted, disadvantaged African child struggling with literacy got her interested in the subject and she has written numerous articles on child literacy. Relaxation time finds her enjoying something creative or artistic, music, books, going to the theater or ballet. She enjoys doing research for her book series. Fiona loves animals and has written two animal rescue stories. She has two adorable (naughty) little rescue dogs called Stanley and Pumpkin, and a beautiful black cat called Bertie.


Website: http://www.FionaIngram.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/FionaRobyn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chroniclesofthestone

Book Series Website: www.chroniclesofthestone.com

Blog: http://fionaingramauthor.blogspot.com

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2868182.Fiona_Ingram

As a book bloggin’ and book luvin’ Princess, I’m always curious to find out how authors got the ideas for their books.  Can you tell us how you got the idea to write your book?

I went to Egypt with my mother and two young nephews. On our return, I decided to write them a short story as a different kind of souvenir. That was The Secret of the Sacred Scarab. The adventure escalated so dramatically that it turned into a book which turned into a book series! The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper is book 3 in this amazing rollicking adventure. I am now on Book 5. My young heroes have not saved the world yet, but we are working on it.

Can you tell us a little about the main characters of your book?

The main characters are two young cousins, Adam and Justin, aged 12 and 13. They are typical youngsters, full of curiosity and energy, seeking out adventure at every turn without really thinking about where it will lead them. Since I went on the Egypt trip with my own nephews of those ages, I based the young heroes loosely on my real-life nephews. Over the course of the books, the characters have developed and grown.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would that be?

Don’t make the mistakes I did. Don’t waste the money I did. But all my dead-ends and wrong turns did teach me everything I know now so, looking back, everything had to happen the way it did. I learned from the experts in the publishing and marketing fields, people who are generous with their knowledge and advice. So, the three vital tips are: 1. Never give up. 2. Make sure your books meet the high standards of the industry in all aspects. 3. Tell someone every day about your book. Word of mouth is free, and it is the best form of advertising.

What would you say is one of your interesting writing quirks?

I have a mixture of plotting and pantsing. I make copious notes in a big notebook that by now is falling apart and had to be fixed with sticky tape. I make notes all the time and then I go back and put them in where they belong. My notebook is like my security blanket.

Do you hear from your readers?  What do they say?

I love hearing from readers, and I do. Adults say they felt like kids again when reading my adventures. Kids say they felt they were actually in the adventure. It is the best thing in the world when someone says, “I loved your book!”

What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

After my first book (The Secret of the Sacred Scarab) was published, a top children’s book site reviewed it and the person said to me she felt my two heroes sounded the same. That was a shock to me because I had felt they were so different. But I heeded her advice and all for the better. When a reader/reviewer points something out, I advise authors to take stock of the comment and work to improve their story.

What has been your best accomplishment?

Staying the course, continuing to write, developing the series, winning many book awards… Actually, just hanging in there. Writing is a tough business, and many people have dreams that never see fruition because they are put off by criticism, by closed doors, by derision. You have to grow a thick skin to survive in publishing.

Do you Google yourself?

I did once or twice but I don’t bother now.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

I have finished book 4 (The Treasure of the Knights Templar) and am busy on book 5, which only has a working title right now.

Fun question – if you were princess or prince, what’s one thing you would do to make your kingdom a better place?

I’d institute laws to protect the vulnerable; children, women, the elderly, and animals. And I would make sure these laws were enforced.

Do you have anything specific that you would like to say to your readers?

If you are a beginner author, stick it out. The road is hard and long but worth it ultimately. If you are a parent, read with or to your child every day to help them develop a love of reading. It is the greatest gift any parent can give their child.

Author: Fiona Ingram
Publisher: Bublish Inc.
Pages: 318
Genre: Juvenile (preteen) / Action / Adventure


A plane crash! Lost in the jungle! Hunted by their old enemy, will Adam, Justin, and Kim survive long enough to find the Third Stone of Power? With only a young boy, Tukum, as their guide, the kids make their way through the dense and dangerous jungle to find the lost city of stone gods, where the Stone of Power might be located. River rafting on a crocodile-infested river and evading predators are just part of this hazardous task. Of course, their old adversary Dr. Khalid is close behind as the kids press on. But he is not the worst of their problems. This time Adam will clash with a terrible enemy who adopts the persona of an evil Aztec god, Tezcatlipoca, and is keen to revive the ancient tradition of human sacrifice. Adam, Justin, and Tukum must play a dreadful ball game of life and death and maybe survive. Will they emerge alive from the jungle? Will Dr. Khalid find the third Stone of Power before they do?


“Action, danger, and excitement are the key words for the riveting adventure novel, The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper … Its spellbinding storyline explores the history of the Aztec and Maya gods and their cities with exceptional accuracy; this is one of those books you can’t put down. With authentic historical facts expertly woven into this spectacular action-packed fiction series, no one of any age can resist its magnetism. This is a fascinating and exciting fiction story created with expertise and finesse, which educates while entertaining the reader.”

— Susan Williams, for Readers Favorite

USA Book Awards:

  • Winner Pre-teen Readers’ Favorite Book Awards 2017
  • Winner Book Excellence Awards 2018
  • NYC Big Book Awards Distinguished Favorite 2018

Read the first chapter and receive a free download of The Young Explorer’s Companion Guide, a nonfiction guide to the journey and cover history, geography, mythology and subject kids will love to learn more about. In this guide, your child will discover the story behind The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper and experience the history of the Maya and Aztecs as well as who was the ancient priest-king Topiltzin and why he is important.

Click here to read the first chapter and download your free copy of The Young Explorer’s Companion Guide!


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