The Page 69 Test: *THE MYSTERY AT TURKELTON MANOR* by Kraig Dafoe #page69

They say if you want to really find a good book, go to page 69 (the middle and meat of the book) and you like it, it's definitely worth reading. For today's feature, I'm zooming in on page 69 of Kraig Dafoe's new MG lit, THE MYSTERY AT TURKELTON MANOR. 

woods all night and it was starting to get cold, even with a jacket on. 


Nate went back to the main trail and hid in the woods across from the opening to the shack. The boy heard a twig snap behind him, making him jump a little. Though the sound scared him, he didn’t turn on the light to see what it was, figuring it to be a small animal for he was inside a walled property and was sure it was nothing big enough to do great harm, like a black bear or moose.

 The time ticked slowly by as thoughts ran through Nate’s mind. He couldn’t tell exactly how much time passed for he didn’t have his watch, though it seemed like hours as he sat there in the dark, barely able to see his hand in front of his face. 

 “This is stupid,” he whispered aloud, and in the silence of the night, it seemed almost like a shout. The wing started to pick up and rustle the leaves in the trees. The cold air along with the steel of the flashlight made his hands cold so he hunkered down, shoving the light and his hands in the pocket of his jacket. 

 After what seemed like hours but was probably closer to forty-five minutes, with shivering shoulders and slightly chattering teeth, Nate could see a light coming toward him from the area of the shack. The boy made sure to position himself so the light wouldn’t land on him as the individual appeared on the main trail.

 When the person emerged from the woods, Nate couldn’t make out who it was because they wore all black and it was just too dark to see any facial characteristics. Nate did notice the individual had a cylinder slung over his shoulder. The case appeared to be leather, but Nate couldn’t be sure. 

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


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